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Jaya looked at the two with a smirk, “Aw, you two are bonding over nothing. How sweet, but you know what would have been sweeter, some bloodshed.” Jaya licked his lips at the thought, the rabbit having activated his hunger. Throughout the two’s discussion Jaya had been looking around some for a meal. After all he’s not allowed to eat them.
“Yeah, I was looking forward to an angel with manners, but they’ll get here when they get here,” Jaya shrugged it off as he began approaching the rabbit, wondering how it tastes as he usually stays in the South America continent, they don’t have much rabbits where he was so he was curious.
Jaya had watched the two’s interaction amused and interested, there was something about this demon that was odd but this angel was odd as well though this information of transformation would be useful in the future.
Somewhat delayed Jaya responded, sounding like he was not entirely focused as he looked around, “We can leave and check the surroundings, there may be others who were like you and a bit away from the group as well. I don’t know our exact limitations but as long as we abide by the spoken and unspoken rules we are fine I’m sure.” Jaya was watching an oddly large fluffy rabbit devour a large quantity of food quickly.
Jaya looked at the surprisingly normal demon with a grin, “Not really a minority in that set, most keep the victims alive.” Jaya revealed a nasty truth that honestly people should have expected, killing them is an easy way out, well…. depending on how you kill them but whatever. “Though you are right about the changing part, long lives mean you don’t need to change at all so it takes forever if one does change.” Jaya shrugged at that point, what the human like demon said was correct after all.
Noticing the odd habits Jaya kept the minor actions filed away in his head, “Got a little headache or something?”
Jaya rolled his eyes at the angel, “Of course you wouldn’t sweetie, you’re part of an “endangered” species.” Jaya teased lightly not really meaning the words, “And most demons are actually not even violent for your info, too busy atoning for sins and all that jazz. And I do not kill for no reason,” Jaya says in mock offense, “I kill to sate myself.”
Jaya smirks at the liar, thankfully this aura reading ability a rather well hidden secret from the demon community, for survival and all. The pink eyes glance up and down at the demon, analyzing him more openly, “I suppose we all have our reasons,” Jaya started off lazily, “Though I do wonder how you deal with the aggressive demons, I’d love to get some tips because I keep killing the useless ones. Help a fellow demon out sometime?”
Jaya sensed a faint lie in the words but couldn’t detect where it came from really, just knowing it was harmless maybe, this damned “collar” as he was beginning to call the limiter. Jaya took the hand anyone, a bit curious on why the other demon lied, “A higher-up recommending a desky? Interesting… What do you do?” Jaya backed up, something about this man familiar but Jaya put it off for later.
“We need more than peace and tolerance but to establish an actual bond or community, so in a way Marlette here was right in trying to make friends. Because if all we do is tolerate each other than we’ll just constantly be at ends with each other and looking for another way to start the war in secret as we gain strength once more.” Jaya smiled at Marlette before turning the smile to Celest, “I thank you for seeing reason.” At least he can still sense some sort of vague feeling of other’s emotions at the very least.
Jaya whistled at the comment to Caligula, narrowing his eyes a bit on the angel, for one who likes privacy himself he does not like nosy people or rather rude people like Celest is portraying himself as.
Leaning back against a tree nonchalantly Jaya smiled at the angel a bit mocking as he retorted, “Maybe not big but it’s a start, you should know how those little things can influence those huger ones so well.” It seemed like Jaya switched his position on the peace idea but he didn’t, rather he just likes having a balance and keeping potential enemies at their ground level position, not letting them think they can walk over everyone.
“You should be a bit more optimistic angel, after all you volunteered for the job and it is a job right? Weren’t you supposed to make peace with the group instead of fighting?” Jaya grinned mockingly at the seemingly upset angel.
(Apologies for being a terrible host, I’ve just been busy lately)
Jaya rolled his eyes at Marlette’s rant, agreeing with the others a bit before speaking to the demon himself as the other two speak, a bit surprised but not too much at the new demon’s appearance, Jaya could sense him after all, however he was a bit confused as to where the others were, maybe they were late, it didn’t really matter to him.
Focusing once more Jaya spoke to the only female demon, “Nothing is truly simple as the others have said. I think however that your mind may be the exception with how easy you perceived this to be, all those who attend this gathering have something to bring, a skill that makes them exceptional and useful in a way, of course manipulating them wouldn’t work so easily. Or at least it shouldn’t.” Jaya mumbled the last part to himself.
Paying attention to the other two Jaya studied the man, deeming him rather harmless though a bit intriguing with his observation skills, was the angel actually a female? Not that it mattered but now Jaya was curious as he listened in before jumping in. “He’s right you know, keeping such a close minded view causes issues for all, be a bit more…open.” Jaya smirked at the angel, obviously holding back another joke as he waited for the angel’s response to both him and the rather plain demon who smelled of coffee.
Jaya looked at the direction where the emotional demon went, he finally stood up and stretched before heading in the same direction, “I’m gonna go check on our new acquaintance for a bit, make sure she doesn’t run into any danger. Be a good little angel and wait here,” Jaya teased as he hurried in the direction, after all this was just another mission to him, no way was he letting a dumbass ruin it by getting emotional and getting themselves killed during this “peaceful” approach to end the war.
It wasn’t long before he caught up, the demon wasn’t really run after all. “Hey Marlette, you okay over here? Surprised at the lack of powers?”
Jaya looked at the angel amused, sure he was stuck with a weirdo and a stickler but it seems as though things could get interesting. Jaya laughed at the introduction,
“You sure don’t look like you gained any pleasure from meeting us, more like disdain.” The demon pointed out easily, smirking at the angel as he started carving into the ground for fun, still very much aware just in case, after all there should be more on the way and you can never be 100% safe anywhere.
“I’d love to set your heart aflame for real but you angels don’t have a very tasty one, I know I’ve tried.” Jaya laughed at the memory turning to the newcomer with an odd look on his face trying to study the new, weird demon, “No, we haven’t bonded yet, the only bonds I form are well, not for little kids like you.” Jaya was honestly tempted to rip an arm off or two for just for the hug but decided against it, the limiters made Jaya weaker and he also had no idea how he would be punished if he failed to be buddies with the others.
Hearing the odd command and seeing it in affect Jaya laughed a bit, “You’re such an odd demon, wanting to be friends with an angel so easily.”
“Oh and for the record the name is Jaya, please to meet you Marlette the cursed demon.” Jaya could already tell he wasn’t going to like this newcomer that much, she practically wreaked of deceit.
Jaya turned to the feel of a faint aura, shocked that Helexia was so close and he couldn’t see their aura. Narrowing his eyes a bad feeling settled in his stomach, making him ever more alert, he officially hated limiters if it reduced even the basic aura sensing, he didn’t want to test the others if this was reduced to nothing.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts he smiled at the new comer, “Hello there, did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you sure look like an angel to me.” Jaya smirked, reusing the cheesy human flirt.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by