The Basics

Display Name

Tsukuyomi "Nichts"



Date of Birth

January 29, 1997

My Information




United States


The Nightly Shadows of Illusory Dreams

Interested In

Roleplaying, Gaming


[Greetings, greetings. I go by many names, but you can call me by my persona, Reina, or whatever nickname you want to associate me with. I’m a passive tomboy, but open to befriend those who wish to.
The following is an excerpt of some of my muse’s headcanon, and I’m not sorry.]
An enigmatic character, coded through the alias of “Nichts”; a young man walking among the depths of the day, and at night befalls to the darkness of a phantom. There are many puzzling theories how this phenomena, this “Gijinka” that the common consensus puts it, this “Phantasmagoria” that he loves to call it, occurred and for what reason, but he was never the straight forward type. He often wandered, seemingly aimless, spelling awe and fear wherever he went no matter what he did. He was usually passive, reserved, and made little contact, and any unavoidable contact was short-lived and was over and done and forgotten within the next heartbeat. He could blend into the crowd or sneak into the edges of one’s vision, melting and fading without a single trace.
Unless, however, if he thinks and decides of the contrary.
He has grown accustomed to the Dark… a Heart of Darkness.
And from Shadows… he descends upon the World.
The truth, however? He was still but a Phantom through and through- THE Phantom, as it were. Darkrai. The King of Darkness. The Lord of the Shadows. Reaper of the Night’s Sight, Eclipses, the New Moon, and the scars of one’s dreams- Nightmares. Reading the signs of the shade from his perch of the Moon’s very shadow; a God even, referred as Tsukuyomi.
He was tasked by the Original One, His Transcendence- Arceus himself- to hold the reins of the Shadow Realm and co-rule the Dream Realm with his… amusing… lunar twin sister; coded by the name of “Nitida.” As such, the two also fall under the command of their progenitors, the Harbinger of Death and the Precursor of Life, and serve as their alternate avatars in their Realm of rule.
An interesting fate of dual destinies, these two share of each other. Alike but not alike to the Phantom, that Seraph; a Mistress of the same but opposite side of the Moon. Cresselia. The Queen of Aurora. The Curator of Light. Catcher of the Night’s Light, the Crescent Moon, the Full and Blue Moons, and blessings of one’s Dreams. A Child born from the Moonlit Sky; a Goddess, referred as Tsukiyoko.

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