Candy Floss Dreams
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Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJuly 5, 2015 at 4:10 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne rushed out her door, mentally reprimanding herself for spacing off and missing breakfast. “Jesus, Lili, you’ve fucked up again.” She hisses, shaking her head in annoyance and running down her her classes in a hurry. Brown curls bouncing across her back, she takes a sharp turn, dodging people and familiars alike.
Ignis finally watched the letter fall to the ground, exhausted in it loud spiels about his classes. Doing a quick once over to preen his feathers, he flitted out of his room to find his classes.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJuly 1, 2015 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne rolled over, opening her eyes to find a letter poking her face repeatedly. Giving a short shriek, she rolls completely off the bed, curls a static shock around her face. “What the fuck kind of alarm clock is this?” She hisses, grabbing the letter and ripping it open. Scanning the text quickly, she pulls the key and card off and shoves both in her pocket. Grabbing clothes and changing as fast as she could, she finishes her morning routine and flops on her bed, tying the key to her bracelet and staring at the card. <i>Weird,</i> she decided. Most thoughts were vacant of her head, a few voices tickling at the back of her mind. Picking up her phone, she notices one text from her mom. <i>Screw that.</i> She throws her phone away from her, staring at the bracelet on her wrist. The voices disappeared.
Ignis squawked loudly and took off of the perch he’d slept on with a flurry of feathers as a letter starting screeching things at him. Classes, keys, points… He twittered nervously, daring to dart forward and nip at the letter when it came close.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 6:56 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne’s eyelids slowly started closing. The day had taken a lot out of her, no less. The lights were still shining, her phone was still in hand, and her shoes were still on, but she succumbed to the shadowy depth of slumber, quiet and dreamless.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Ignis tweeted loudly, turning to Aurora. “Oh!” He chirped, beak snapping open and shut with excitement. “You must be my roommate! I’m Ignis.” He babbles, the lights in the room dimming and brightening slightly behind him.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 5:24 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne set down her guitar, sighing softly. She grabs the classes paper, checking classes off. Charms, Illusionary, Ritual magic, Transfiguration. “There.” She sets it back down, strapping her guitar in her case and pulling her phone from her suitcase. No calls. She scrolls through her photos, stopping on one of her and her mother, right before she was ten. Sighing loudly, she turns off her phone and lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Okay!” Ignis chirps, hopping into his room. “Anyone there? Hello-?”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 4:14 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“Yeah, I guess so.” She had intentions of playing her guitar again, really. “Thanks. I- I’ll go.” She turns, walking back to her dorm and throwing the sheet on the small table, picking up her guitar. She begins to strum softly, the sound loud enough to travel outside the hallway. Her fingers moves up and down the fingerboard, a sweet, quiet noise.
Ignis tried to understand the barks, only half hearing things. “Thanks.” He twittered, moving to hop in the room. “Any last things?”
Tessa sees the hand appear, and rather than startle, she merely disappears, the shadows of her form curling around his hand in a cold embrace.
The shadows in which Tessa resided swirled in a mass and formed her, the colour of her bodyreturning in split seconds. “I know this lake wasn’t frozen over… Damn.” She hisses, winded from being a shadow for that long.
Tessa sighed heavily, making sure no one was watching before she disappeared in a swirl of black, following Markie’s rapidly disappearing form through the snow.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 2:31 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne knitted her eyebrows together at Ms. Claude’s statement, tugging her sleeve down to hide the bracelet. “Lived with them my whole damn life,” She mutters, turning towards the door. “Thanks… again. Wait, wait, shit. I don’t have a schedule yet. Damn it, only I could screw up this badly.” She smacks a hand to her head, rolling her eyes at herself.
“Aah!” Ignis squeaked/tweeted, digging his claws into Delilah’s fur in an desperate effort to stay on her back. When she came to a stop he tumbled forward, blinking in a daze. “That was… interesting.” He tweets weakly, hopping back up on his stubby legs.
“I can’t decide whether to take my leave or to follow you.” Tessa replies simply, turning. “I have nothing to go home to, considering I do not have a home, but it’s my obligation to protect… younger members of the Wanted society. I’d like to accompany you for a bit.”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 30, 2015 at 1:27 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne stared for a few moments in total relief. For once in over 15 years, her head was her own. And then the manners that her mother had given up on teaching her kicked in. “T-Thank you. A lot.” She stammered, feeling a bit awkward but thankful at the same time.
(I’ll just continue from that last line ouo)
Ignis uses his wing to trace down the paper, not the greatest at reading but good enough to recognize his name. “Um… Ignis, room [aurora’s room number]. Where is that?”
Tessa disappeared for a moment, her form flickering black before returning in less than the blink of an eye. “You startled me.” She says simply, not bothering to turn around. “Tessa.”
“Damn it.” Tessa swears softly, composing herself. She takes a moment to pull down her sleeves, staring at the ‘X XVII” and the “XXV XXVIII” on each respective wrist. “Wait!” She calls, not hopeful that he would hear her. “I never learned your name.”
“You really believe I follow this goverment? You believe I’m weak?” She asks quietly, seeming uneffected by his outburst. Her figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by the flickering shadows taking her form before she appeared again. “I smuggle illegal items to survive, and I’m a Wanted, just like you.”