Candy Floss Dreams
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Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“I’m not beautiful.” Lilianne states bluntly, gesturing to Claude. “Yeah, um, what she said.” Geeze, Daisy had a lot of energy. “Yeah, yeah, sure, let’s.” She nods awkwardly, pushing her brown hair behind her shoulders and striding forward shakily.
(Leeeeeeeeet’s just pretend he said Aurora’s room number.)
“My purpose of living is to find my mother’s killer and to end violent crimes of his sort.” Tessa says almost automatically, her face taking on a blank quality before it wears off. “Do not act condescending with me, child.”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)(Ignis is a pretty tiny animal… wonder who he should share his room with?)
“I’d trust your advice over any of those damn shrinks dear mother used to send me to.” She looks back up, feeling slightly better. “It really sucks when someone’s,” She raises an eyebrow, using quote fingers. ” ‘Private’ thoughts get in your head. Especially when they’re about you.” She shudders, shaking her head in disgust. “Trust me, Claude, I’m loooooooooooong past bonkers.”
“You can’t be any older than eleven.” She hisses quietly, shaking her head. “I’ve been doing this for over 17 years, and I’ve had a number of close calls. You cannot act as if the threat of death isn’t there.” She raises a thin eyebrow, looking down at Markie. “You are very brave, I admit. But acts such as that shall end you up in a grave, boy.”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 9:28 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne looked up, tangled hair hanging in front of her face. “I’ve always heard them. Always. My mom hated me for it. And now, there might be someone here who can help, damn i-” She bites back the swear, continuing. “I can’t control what I hear. Even if someone isn’t talking, their voice is in my head, can even talk to other voices, like I’m some kind of meeting ground.” She snaps bitterly, the sentences coming out in a clipped tone.
“Oh, yes, I forgot.” He scans the scroll, using his wing to brush across the page as a place holder before he found his name. “There. Ignis, room (I’m not sure because I don’t know if they share the room with their bond?).”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne didn’t bother with the greetings or thank you’s. “How do I make the voices stop?” She hisses, stumbling slightly. “They never go away. I can’t ignore them.” She says softly, almost like a child, rubbing at her forehead and trying in vain to shut out the voices.
Ignis flew down to alight upon Delilah’s back once more, still slightly shaken and jittery. “I apologize, I just startle very, very easily.” He tweets quietly, rustling his feathers.
“Stop.” Tessa snaps, letting go of his wrist and kicking roughly at the shadows detaching themselves from corners to pool at her feet. “You’re going to get yourself killed for being a Wanted, and me killed for assisting a Wanted. I’d rather keep the both of us alive.”
“Excuse me a moment.” Tessa narrows her eyes, standing up and dragging Markie with her to a momentarily empty side alley. “You realize what you just did could’ve gotten you killed, Wanted?” She says coolly, face devoid of emotion.
“Thank you.” She says softly, holding the small flower deftly between her pale fingers, letting the bright blue petals lay in her palm. The small shadows were pooling under her boots, creeping around her legs. Unwinding the scarf from her neck, she laid it across his lap gently. “You’re much smaller than me. I don’t need it,” she explains quietly. She didn’t see much children around here anymore. “You shouldn’t be in Sauport all alone.”
“It is.” Tessa answers, not bothering to turn. She had her father’s coat like always, and a scarf she’d gotten from the market. Her curls blew around her face briskly, dotted with white and damp from the snow.
Tessa looks down at her feet, pieces of white, freezing snow tangling themselves in her brown hair. She was moving at a brisk pace, whisps of black smoke seemingly following her. Her hand was slipped inside her coat, clutching onto a package for dear life. It was the last package she had to deliver for the day, probably drugs. It didn’t matter what was in the package; delivering the package was what mattered. The receiver was exactly where he was supposed to be. Trading off the package, she stashed the ration cards she received for the run and collapsed on the bench next to Markie, hoping she’d thrown those feds off her tail. Whether they were after her as a Wanted or as a smuggler, she wasn’t sure.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 7:48 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“I- I- I apologize, Mr. S-Snake.” Ignis stutters, flapping back down to settle back on Delilah’s back. “You just frightened me, for obvious r-reasons.”
Name: Tessa Williams
Age: 16
Personality: Tessa is a very intelligent, calculating girl. She tends to be unemotional and cold, keeping things on a need-to-know basis, so she often doesn’t enjoy talking about herself or her background. Mostly, she’s polite and quick to give an unemotional response rather than her actual feelings, and ignores questions she doesn’t wish to answer, normally of the “what about yourself” kind. Only shows strong bouts of emotion when angry or surprised. Her shielded personality can be broken through if she trusts you a lot, which is hard to achieve and easy to lose. Is actually a very compassionate person behind the shell, but keeps things on a mostly logical basis to avoid emotions clouding her judgement. The only time she can be described as “off-guard” is when playing, rescuing, or even talking with children, in which she is very gentle and understanding. Often doesn’t want people to see her this way, besides said children, either.
Appearance: 5’6, 145 pounds, very slight. Long, brown, usually tangled fly away curls that usually are tied in a ponytail or bun. Small nose, hazel eyes, and bangs that mostly cover her thin eyebrows. Rod-straight posture from her own training to appear taller and stronger. Has two small tattoos on each wrist of numbers, “X XVII” on the left wrist, and “XXV XXVIII” on the right. Unknown as to what the number’s significance are. Normally passive expression. Wears an old coat of her father’s that she took before she left him constantly, even in hot weather.
Skills: Able to conduct the will of shadows, including turning her physical form into a mass of shadows still vaguely resembling her form and stature. Moves extremely quick as a shadow, dashing between corners of darkness nearly silently. Able to use the ability longer if assisted or feeling very strong emotions. Strategic and quick-witted in battle, preferring to direct a team and fight at long range, given her gun is a long range weapon and that’s she can’t sustain much damage in being such a small person.
Backstory: Was born to Amber and Gideon Williams, and lived a relatively uneventful life until her mother died in a robbery-homicide of her mother’s workplace when she was 10. Her father became lethargic and unresponsive in the shock of his wife’s death. Tessa slowly went as cold and unemotional as her father, earning her personality already described. She eventually turned over the care of him to a retired nurse and packed up her things at 15, running away and moving from rag-tag group of people on the streets to the next, never staying anywhere for long in fear of someone coming after her. Received news of her father’s death only recently from drug overdose. Didn’t seem to react much or care, which isn’t much surprising, given her usual demeanour. Became a bit obsessed with finding her mother’s killer, but lost more and more hope as the years went by. Usually shuts herself away on the anniversary of her mother’s death, and probably will do the same on the anniversary of her father’s.
Equipment: An array of small pistols, acquired through illegal means.
Weaknesses: As mentioned, her lack of taking human emotion into account. Can be extremely stubborn and persistent on gathering information, and doesn’t have qualms against breaking into private things to learn more. Not very good at fighting with knives or short-range objects, so she resorts to her pistols or her fists, the latter not as strong. Incredibly unemotional and calculating.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 29, 2015 at 5:21 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne took her left hand off the strings, pressing it to her forehead. Many, many thoughts were leaking into her subconscious. Taking her best effort to keep her hands from shaking, she put her guitar away and dashed down the stairs, keeping one hand on her temples and the other to knock on Ms. Claude’s door. The thoughts were even louder, now that she was closer to the source of them.
Ignis was about to answer Delilah when he turned and saw Monty. As you probably know, most wild snakes eat birds. With a shriek, he took off in the air, fluttering around the ceiling in a fright.</span>
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 26, 2015 at 2:21 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)I never told her my name. Lilianne shakes her head, punching in her room number and taking the tube up to the room. Practically throwing her stuff down and collapsing on the bed, she sighs and stares at the ceiling, trying to block out the faint voices tickling at the back of her mind, as always. New school, new life. All good. Sitting back up, she opens her guitar case, tuning the strings carefully.
“It is.” Ignis agrees, nodding his head slightly. “My legs are pretty short, so yes, please.” He lands her back, tucking in his wings and settling in.