Candy Floss Dreams
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Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 26, 2015 at 1:42 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“I… I didn’t say anything that happened to me.” She grabs the slip of paper, using the excuse of needing a flat surface to break away from her touch and place the paper on the floor, writing her name neatly and throwing it in the fire. The woman was friendly, and definitely maternal, but she reminded Lilianne too much of the mother she’d never really had. Her brown curls flared slightly green in the flickering torch light.
“It’s I-Ignis.” Ignis squeaks (tweets?), a bit intimidated by the dingo’s size compared to him.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 26, 2015 at 12:33 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“Yeah… I am.” Lilianne says simply, not meeting the woman’s eyes. She definitely had an air of superiority, and her thoughts were the same. “I have no idea where I’m supposed to go… My mom didn’t wake me up.”
“Oh!” Ignis tweeted, turning extremely fast and letting himself flap to the ground. “Yes, yes, I am lost, sorry.”
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 25, 2015 at 11:59 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“Yo! Anybody know where the hell I’m supposed to go?” Lilianne calls in a last desperate measure, looking up at the ceiling and seeing a bird flit over her head. Weird.
Ignis zooms through the halls, not really knowing where he was going but not wanting to get locked out. Tweeting softly, he just hangs around the ceiling.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 25, 2015 at 4:05 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)“You know what? Screw it.” Lilianne dumps her stuff in the corner, trudging back outside to the fireworks show and wincing from all the damn happy voices. “Would it kill people to shut up for one minute?” She mutters, not wanting to join the group.
Ignis lands in a tree, watching the fireworks in a fright. Flaming pellets of colour… Why do humans enjoy this? He muses, tweeting softly. He didn’t really know what he was suppose to do.
Candy Floss Dreams
MemberJune 25, 2015 at 3:33 pm in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)Lilianne trudges through the grass up to the school, looking more annoyed than anything else. Leave it to her damn mother to not wake her up for school. Faint thoughts were coming from all directions. Great. Now I get to deal with thoughts all day. She scoffs to herself, letting out a huff and pushing up the doors with a shove. The only thing left was the room numbers and names, no people anywhere, so she just stood for a moment and tried to find her name. “No name for me here… weird.”
Ignis flew desperately through the trees, trying to find the school he was supposed to show up to. Leaves smacked at his face and beak as he flitted about, getting himself totally lost in the woods. “Oh, Ignis, you’ve done it again!” He shakes his head to clear his thoughts, running into the clearing where a couple of students were. They looked friendly, right?
Name: Lillianne Mae Blake
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Abilities: Basic telekinesis, the ability to hear people’s thoughts, mainly when they’re feeling strong emotions. Often tells people to “Simmer down and shut up.” Because of this.
Appearance: http://www.polyvore.com/lilianne_mae_blake/set?id=165760979
Height: 5’8
Background: Grew up with only a mother, her father having left after he found out his 19 year old girl-friend was pregnant. She was a realtively normal child, but as soon as shestarted showing signs of magic, things changed. Her mother didn’t have the money to get her checked out and didn’t have the heart to sell her daughter out to a scientist, so they lived the “Perfect Family” scheme, although it was far from perfect. Her relationship with her mother coldened and went dead at age 11 after she told houseguests to “Stop talking so much.” During a silent period at a dinner, complaining to her mother that, “Their voices are fighting with each other in my head.”
-Due to her poor relationship with her mother and lack of friends, she doesn’t open up very well to others. Not much of a team-worker, either.
-Very vulgar and rude, generally sarcastic because A) Her lack of a maternal figure meant not much discipline, and B) Uses this tactic to keep people from becoming too close to her.
-She doesn’t trust easily considering she doesn’t want to be left all alone without a friend like what happened when she was eleven.
-Enjoys collecting leaves since a branch used to poke through her window as a child and shed leaves into her bedroom.-Bought herself a guitar with saved up change and small job money, taught herself to play and occasionally sings as she plays.
-Can’t control what thoughts she hears and more often than not gets irritated and talks to herself, saying things like “Shut up in there.”
– Familiar –Name: Ignis
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Creature: Swift (a type of bird)
Appearance: Small, brown, large wing bones, angled feathers for flying.
Abilities: Extremely fast flying, uses echolocation, and can control light, hence the name Ignis.
Background: Grew up as a normal bird, breaking away from his group and discovering the ability to manipulate light sources. Gave himself the name “Ignis” for the Latin word for “light”, and is extremely protective of the name.
Extra: Generally happy and playful, but can get very rude and mean when angered, and often recreate what he says when he’s angry after wards. Seams to have the need to apologise for every little thing, and it’s clingy. Very intelligent, but can be naive.
“Oh, um, we’re doing introductions.” A quiet voice says from the group, a tall, fidgety girl stepping forward. “Just like all the others, I’m a student, Emily Jameson. You can call me Em or Emily, I suppose. As Dakota explained, the host is no where to be found, so yeah, it would probably be best just for us to move on by ourselves. However interesting a treasure must be, I’m a little concerned about where the host is. Perhaps we should be looking for them, considering they seem to have a lot of mutual friends.” She finishes, looking down at the floor. Having a strong female leader made her feel a bit calmer, already having a small amount of trust for Beatrix, Dakota, and Fredrick.
“Well then.” James stands around in the empty hallway, the lights dimming and brightening as he messed around for a bit before opening his dorm room door, opening his violin case with a sigh.
“N-no, I’m not.” He stutters, looking up at Mica. “I’m just… quiet, I guess.” Shrugging, the light floating back to his hands as he plays with it non-nonchalantly. Being called out for being shy wasn’t something that bothered him, it just felt… embarrassing. Like something he thought was normal wasn’t. Ugh, emotions are so confusing.
“And I’m just the short, nerdy sidekick.” James grins, blowing on a ball of light gently and watching it float around the room. “This school is… oddly empty.” He notes, standing up straight and messing with his hair in a nervous tick. He felt uncharacteristically brave and calm about talking to new people.
James scrambles to stand, small balls of light flying in his hands nervously. New students… Cool, he guessed. “I’, James Alliana, am the coolest illusionist ever.” He gives a small wave, still elated that his illusions could actually work as a physical object.
“Dude.” The stairs shimmer, disappearing and making James fall onto his knees. “That was… Awesome!”
“I wanna see if something works.” He waves his hand, making stairs appear in the air. “Okay, if I die, post this shit on youtube.” He jumps onto the stairs, walking on them. “It fucking works! Yes!”
“That’s fuckin’ awesome.” James laughs, running down stairs to follow Mica.
“What?” James raises his eyebrows.