cass coltheart
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“Going to be difficult are we? I don’t think so” as he said this, etchings began glowing on his gauntlets and causing ice to form on the chain ” you can walk, or I can turn you into a lump of ice and drag you behind my horse!”
*the man simply laughed. Walking to the beasts side he affixed a chain to its collar*
“Come along puppy, we have so much to do”
*Tiffy nodded in acknowledgement*
*the white haired man knelt in front of the beast and smirked*
“Now then you’re going to be a good little puppy and come with me”
*tiffy, who had kept pace with azul, looked up as he sighed*
“Something …..huff….wrong…..huff…..commander?”
The man smiled at the hellhound, petting its muzzle
“Well, what happened here? Last I heard, hellhounds weren’t known for stealth, so how did it get past the perimeter guard?”
“Fell out of the sky, sir”
” oh? And how, eexactly did it manage this feat of magic?”
“I don’t know. It has refused to say anything helpful”
“I see”
“Oh it would be that smug son of a……” The woman glared furiously as a white haired man approached, clad in red armour so dark it was almost black
*the red haired woman stood at the sound of approaching hoofbeats. *
“Looks like someone’s here to deal with you”
We’ll see….”
the lizard men and feline quickened their pace*
*growl all you want , it won’t change anything ”
*while a few of the soldiers grumbled, none complained openly*
*more soldiers piled onto the hellhound as the woman stood and drove her boot into its face*
“Stop this stupidity. You cannot escape”
“Oh….so…..what now commander? We await your orders” Tiffy beamed
*the soldiers dragged it back down to the ground*
*the soldiers,too concerned about the hellhound, failed to notice the harpy’s departure*
“Tch….typical mindless idiot.”
“Then could you possibly behave in a manner beffiting one of your age. It going to be at least an hour before that messenger or anyone else gets back, so we have time on our…..hands”
Oh speak up already! You aren’t a child so stop having a temper tantrum you infernal beast!”
“So how did you get here? It looked like you flew”