cass coltheart
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You’re coming with us, whether you like it or not. You there, take a message to Rodolf! everyone else Keep youre eyes open for more spies! And keep this thing chained up till assistance arrives !” She walked a short distance, picking up her sword from where it had fallen then sat in front of the hellhound, but we’ll out of its reach.
While a few of the soldiers backed off, the red headed woman calmly stared the best down as those outside of its field of vision held it tight*” then we have no use for you” she said. “You will live out your life in misery, unless you co operate”
Tiffy appeared confused by her commander’s vagueness ” that’s all? .huh…..”
*the harpy shook its head and left*
“What did it say commander?” Tiffy enquired
*a thick metal collar was clamped around the hellhounds neck. The red haired woman, her wounds healed by the phoenix, stood shakily*
You have two options. Come with us, and you live. Refuse….and you…might…live…but it would not be a good life”
(Dont worry, you aren’t going to jail) the messenger gave azul a letter, describing what had happened at the excavation site*
*the soldiers forced the hellhound to the grouñd, chaining its legs*
While one man screamed and fled, another quickly replaced him. A steel muzzle was forced over the hellhounds jaws and locked in place*
(Some stuff . XD Oh jazz)
*the soldiers listened quietly , calmy. Partway through Azuls speech, a harpy messenger arrived*
*half a dozen soldiers piled on to the beast, dragging it backwards and pinning it down*
*the woman staggered upright* I’m sorry…but…we…can’t let you leave…..youve seen too much.”
*screaming, the woman simply lay there in agony, defenceless*
“The hell do you want anyway? Why are you even here?!” She asked, her breathing heavy.
* yelling in pain, the woman kneed the hellhound in the stomach*
East Dravania. Why in hell does it matter?! Get off me!”
The woman glared fiercely , refusing to back down.
*the woman staggered sideways and fell, hitting her head on some masonry. Cursing , she attempted to right herself*
*she cursed and staggered back,barely avoiding melted boots. Angry, she slashed at the beast*
*glaring viciously, the woman lifted her sword arm, which was glowing, she began muttering something*