cass coltheart
Forum Replies Created
Name: Skali-ak kevhe
Race :argonian
Height: 6″ 1
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: mid build, smooth, blue green scales which darken around her extremities, sharpened claws, a slight overbite, two spiked metal rings around her tail, light chainmail armour over her torso and legs, but no boots or gloves.
Fighting type: melee. She mainly uses two handed weapons, preferring the ax over any other.
Bio: unlike most argonians, skali didn’t grow up in black marsh, instead being born into a colony in morrowind. She moved to skyrim with a number of her species due to the belief that the war would allow her to find a job and make money. Throughout her past she has become an adept blacksmith and soldier, and has used this to help a number of people. She is a straight forward person who never hesitates to speak her mind,often leading to arguments, and on one occasion, a full scale bar instead. Despite this she can get along with most people, but distrusts bretons.
Also. Please ask any questions here.
Located in the northeast corner of the world, this nation has few settlements on land, living in either the sea or on board giant ships which function as floating villages. Even so, they have had much contact with other nations for trade purposes. Their species consists of mermaids, frogmen and other water dwelling beings. They are, for the most part, an open and friendly nation, willing to negotiate deals of almost any kind.
Beasts arcane
A highly agrressive, territorial nation consisting of a simple hierarchy based on strength alone, led by a hellhound prince of the underworld, they seek to destroy or dominate all beings in the upper world, their border are clearly marked with the corpses of their enemies and anyone entering without permission can expect a swift death. This nation consists of the evilest , most hellish beings, including demons, hellhounds, dark spirits, basilisks etc..
That’s all 10 nations. Pick from one when creating your character
Liberation army
Again, not exactly a nation but a collection of people that have become displaced by wars, natural disasters and other unfortunate events. Banded together under a leader who seeks to end such suffering , they control a moderate area of the east, having a number of towns and a few small forts.
Elven principality
A reclusive, dying nation who live in scattered groups amongst the many woodlands. While each group has an individual leader the elves also have a single king whose word is final. They seek the lost grounds in hope of reviving their race. Amonsgt their armies they have a number of elemental beings to aid them
Winged cavalry
A nation that mainly exists in mountains and the sky, only one stronghold exists on the ground to act as a forward base if necessary. This highly predujiced race of winged humanoids detest humans, isolating themselves from the world below to avoid contact. Yet with the discovery of the lost grounds, they have returned to prevent the humans from taking whatever lies within. Their rulers consist of a bloodline that has given birth to member of their species that have 4 wings. Any 4 winged child is immediately considered royalty ( for character creation there are to be no more than 2 of these at any time)
Moonlit militia
Not really big enough to be called a nation, but has a sizeable military with advanced armour and weaponry, including flintlock rifles, and as such are often hired by other nations for difficult missions. Again, the population is human, but consists of highly trained warriors and assassins. They can be found in a small enclave consisting of a couple of small towns just north of the Dravanian capital, ruled by a group of clan leaders.
Beastmen united
As the name suggests, this nation includes humanoid animals, mainly lizardmen and cat people, with a few other, smaller groups like harpies. This nations territory consists of a large desert region, ruled by the monarchs of the lizard and cat people (and by cat people I do not just mean ears and tails….we are talking fur, whiskers and paws too…but…slightly hand like paws…for obvious reasons). This is a very protective nation that is not open to alliances and despises most of the world outside its borders.
A nation constantly trying to maintain and expand its borders, the majority of the population is part of the military force, yet life inside of its borders is peaceful and ordered, with limited crime and social issues. this nation is south of zodiac, separated by a large mountain range which is impassable by any and all earthbound being. this nation exists under a monarchs rule. the population consists mainly of undead an unnatural beings, including vampires, werewolves, skeleton, dullahans etc
and now for the nations that are after the lost grounds
background: Dravania has recently came out of a revolution which ended with the killing of its monarchy who have been replaced with a ministry. as such the country is somewhat unstable. However, due to excavation efforts, Dravania is currently in control of the lost grounds. whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. Dravania’s population consists of humans, but does include mages. Dravania can be located in the south east and consists of mainly small and large towns, with nothing that could be considered a military outpost, yet it has the knight corps who remain on standby at all times when not performing other duties.
Zodia is a stable, mostly peaceful nation found in the northeast, mountainous region. however Zodia is in close proximity to other nations and maintains a number of forts and a standing army at all times. it exists under the rule of its monarchy. the population consists of humans with significantly higher powers and capabilities than most
and now for the nations that are after the lost grounds
background: Dravania has recently came out of a revolution which ended with the killing of its monarchy who have been replaced with a ministry. as such the country is somewhat unstable. However, due to excavation efforts, Dravania is currently in control of the lost grounds. whether this is good or bad remains to be seen. Dravania’s population consists of humans, but does include mages. Dravania can be located in the south east and consists of mainly small and large towns, with nothing that could be considered a military outpost, yet it has the knight corps who remain on standby at all times when not performing other duties.
Zodia is a stable, mostly peaceful nation found in the northeast, mountainous region. however Zodia is in close proximity to other nations and maintains a number of forts and a standing army at all times. it exists under the rule of its monarchy. the population consists of humans with significantly higher powers and capabilities than most
ok, so plot first. the world in which this takes place was at one point home to a vast amount of ancient and powerful beings (I know it sounds cliché but this is my first time making an rp group, so bear with me). until recently all traces of this ancient civilisation had been lost. now that its been found, everyone either wants to use it, destroy it, or control whatever may come from it. the area in which it has been discovered is aptly named *the lost grounds*
*Cass sat silently, not wanting to interrupt the song. Slowly she began swaying with the rhythm*
cass coltheart
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 11:21 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPA few hours later, Damien detected a number of firekin….and amongst them, a single cold one. “A prisoner? Hmmm….this warrants investigation, possibly a rescue mission.” He grinned, his grey eyes shining with anticipation
cass coltheart
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 7:44 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPHaving seen the younger looking one use ice and fire…that worried Damien. He decided he’d avoid her. Watching the firekin rant provided little entertainment. Damien left with great haste.
cass coltheart
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 7:15 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPDamien snapped his head around, sensing a large spike of firekin energy “What is this? What drama unfolds over yonder? Mayhap I should investigate….but can’t get too close …” He bounced to his feet and headed towards the source of the energy, practically gliding over the ground.Upon getting near, he climbed a tree on the edge of the village and saw two girls fighting. The one with the blazing sword was clearly the one he’d sensed….but the other.. .the other……
*she blushes darkly and sits next to him* am not. It’s only the second time.