cass coltheart
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Cass is slumped against one wall, muttering. Her hair had fallen over her face, which was furrowed into a frown. Hearing the door open she looked up slowly*
Cass, feeling something wrong, halts the music and immediately disperses the shadows. Looking around, she sees nothing abnormal.
“You again? Cant you just stay asleep, you damn abomination?” Cass whispers to herself.
*closing her eyes and focusing hard,Cass makes three figures form from the shadows and dance around the room*
Cass smiles to herself. Music always allowed her to control her capabilities to a fine degree. She enjoyed having fun with an audience
As Cass alters the melody slightly, she darkens and stretches the shadows in the room, quietly humming
Cass, unaware of fallen, ups the tempo as she begins focusing on her powers slightly, taking note of the shadows in the room.
Cass, curious about the boy, decides to have a little fun. She begins playing a peculiar, old sounding melody.
Cass watches the ice bird, fascinated, until it leaves the room. Smiling, she returns to piano, her fingers dancing over the keys.
Cass stops playing abrubtly, whirling around to face a young looking boy “uhhh…..ummmm……..ok….I…..guess”she stutters, fidgeting nervously
Cass hums quietly, finishing the first tune and pausing before deciding which to play next……”hmmm….lets go with… Primavera”
The tune becomes faster and more complex as Cass loses awareness of her surroundings, focusing on the music
Finding what appears to be a band room, Cass enters and seats herself at the piano. After a moments thought, she begins playing
Her lessons also finished, cass headed inside, searching for a music room
Unwilling to get caught in a group, Cass gives a thumbs up to the stranger before turning to walk away
“Why are you blushing? Youre a very confusing individual, Mr . ” Cass smiled lightly. “Are you ok?”