cass coltheart
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Name: Alice mardaceus
Abilities:excels at transfiguration, can change own body parts as well as inanimate objects
Background: Alice was born in Greece but her parents sent her to the school as they were magic users themselves and expected the same of her.
Extra:impatient, so not very good at ritual and cirle magic
Name: Geo
Gender: male
Rank: loner
Geo is a coal black wolf, grey at ear tips, muzzle and tail tip. He has sharp, emerald green eyes.He is a large, old wolf, vicious and dominant. He is currently searching for a pack to make his own.
well….either they have a spear, they’re dead, or they aren’t human…..
*having slept well, ancalagon woke early and headed swiftly to the meeting point, a package under his arm*
*having a day of uneventful patrol, Alice remembers the conversation between herself and Elliot, driving back to the station she tells Damien about it*
*Ancalagon heads back to the ship, doing odd little things, picking up info on their target. It was dark by the time he headed home*
*Damien finally arrived, in uniform. He pulled of a smart salute and gave Alice a bright smile* morning sarge. Ready to roll?
Its just routine patrol Damien, I doubt anything interesting will happen.
Awww. Cmon. Lighten up.
Oh I’m sorry, am I ruining your mojo?
Very funny sarge.
*Alice laughed and finished her coffee. Binning the cup she unlocked the patrol car and the pair got in, Alice driving. They set off to do their rounds of the residential area first*
*Cass approaches the tent entrance cautiously*
*Alice waits outside the station, leaning against the patrol car, coffee in hand. She knew Damien would never arrive earlier than five minutes before they were due to go on patrol so she always got in early to enjoy the peace before the noisy guy showed up*
Persons:Alice domina /Damien Rhasphodos
Proffesion : both police.Alice is a sargeant, Damien is a constable. Damien is also a part time artist and guitarist for hire.
Living space :Alice lives in a small, serviceable flat with little more than the necessities of life. Damien, being a bit less practical , lives in his own bungalow, decorated to suit his appreciation of music and art ,The interior design shows his flamboyant side. Both these houses are found within the residential area, some distance from each other.
Backstory: Alice was never anyone special. She did OK throughout education, leaving to find a job after finishing college. She became a policewoman because it seemed an interesting yet not too difficult job. She became sargeant quickly. In her free time she stays active, keeping her mind and body trained.
Damien has always been an extrovert, displaying a marvellous and slightly crazy personality from a young age. Favouring arts, drama and music during his education, he was often laughed at for being too feminine, but remained undeterred. After leaving education, he found out quickly that art and music was an unpredictable career path and joined the police to provide himself with a steady income
Fevers are often a result of illness….shouldn’t we get a doctor?
Apparently, you’re Ill *cass regards the woman curiously*
Should we wait till the girl is better?
oh..hey didn’t hear ya come in. *caldera waves at the newcomer, then shouts up to dipstick* Hey dipstick. we got another person down here!