cass coltheart
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*Cass begins to do a lot of jotting, scribbling, crossing out and thinking*
*putting away my shopping, I grab a pen and paper* …so… She plays flute….think melodic….
*i wave back as I walk away, heading to my room* huh….wonder if I’ll get a roomie..
Yeah. Today was fun. Thanks. I’ll do my best to think up some song words.
*i thank the driver and get out*
Able to see her face for the first time, he studied her features. She was pretty and he guessed she was young.*
Oh. We’re back. Heh…I didn’t notice.
Yeah. They’re in the other caravans. So don’t worry. *as he speaks a knock is heard from outside* all ready sir. *ancalagon replies* yep. Ready to go.
(Could’ve sworn i replied earlier) *Ancalagon slipped the book into a pocket* hey…you made it. Now…we need to stay hidden until we’re sure the caravans are under attack, OK?
Ancalagon arrives at the caravan and hops in. While waiting, he pulls out a small book*
Alright. See ya there. *he strode off at a brisk pace , eager to get to work*
North gate. We’ll be in the middle caravan. *he stands and dusts himself down* glad to have you aboard.
If you need to bring anything I suggest you go get it now. The group leaves in half an hour.
…*he thinks for a moment* it would help. I’d certainly be grateful for it.