cass coltheart
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*shakes Autumn’s hand firmly* Cass. And really, its fine. *pushes a stray strand of my black hair behind an ear*
*Cass looks at the girl* Its….fine…not your fault. I’m sorry.
It was getting a little late. Cass decided to head to her dorm.
Name: Caldera “avalanche” Kingston
Age 19
Designation no :712
Specialty:position capture/assault/explosives
Mental state: optimistic, casual, trigger happy. Refuses to panic, even in the face of overwhelming odds
Personality: cheerful and relaxed, Caldera is indifferent to most people, talking to them only when she feels the need. She appears ignorant but is a good listener. However her only flaw is that she can’t stand other people getting in her way.
Introvert/extrovert:Caldera is an extrovert, happy in the spotlight and at ease around anyone.
Childhood until training: mostly average, except that Caldera took part in many athletic competitions, not always achieving first but pushing for it with everything she had.
Opinion on the war:Caldera believes that the war is simply a neccesity. Some things just need to happen to maintain peace and order in the long run.
(hey.New Here. mind if i jump in now or do you need me to wait?)
*Cass, her lessons finished for the day, headed towards the roof, taking her notepad with her.*
*Cass turned to look at the girl who waved. Her brow furrowing slightly, she waves back, a little confused by the stranger*
Cass wandered aimlessly through the school. being new, she didn’t know anyone so she avoided the groups of students that were scattered throughout the corridors.
Kritika, having traveled for many days, entered a small town. Weapons strapped on the inside of her coat to hide them, she searched for a place to spend the night.
Name: Kritika Belldonas
age: 21
powers/abilities: high physical strength and speed. Talented weapon maker. Has a demonic side which improves on her already impressive strength and speed as well as allowing her to phase through most solid objects and travel between shadows, but this form is highly weak to magic, especially lightning and she rarely uses it as she has difficulty controlling it and sending it back.
Apperance: 6″3 , long black hair pulled into a ponytail with one red streak, pale Caucasian skin, mid build with clear musculature, bright green eyes. wears a purple trenchcoat, a sleeveless black t-shirt, loose fitting grey jeans and thick knee high boots
bio: Kritika spent most of her childhood learning how to be a blacksmith like her father, planning to carry on the family trade. During the time she wasn’t in her workshop, she often trained with the weapons she made. the day she discovered her demonic side was when a number of a local lord’s men attempted to conscript some of her village’s men into the army. Not wanting to lose her father, Kritika challenged the captain to a duel. Hopelessly outmatched, bruised and bleeding she was unable to do anything as the demon took over her body and killed the captain. Branded a monster she fled from her home. Now she spends most of her time trying to discover the origin of the creature inside her and how to control it.