cass coltheart
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*upon nearing the centre of the group, geo halted his advance* “Whirlwind Slash!” *he cried, scattering those he struck*
*somewhat surprised by Filin’s approach, geo raised and eyebrow before charging, wading into the horde with wide, heavy blows*
*geo stood where he knew the pressure plate to be. As soon as he did, the far wall burst open to reveal a horde of mixed undead* “I hope you’re ready, lass” *he grinned, standing next to her, katana ready*
*geo lead Filin deeper into the catacombs, taking the path he always had.* “now…if my memory serves me…..you up for another fight ? It won’t be as easy as last time?”
“A little. You killed most of them. Not too much work for some jewellery now was it? And that piece looks valuable. Ready to go deeper?”
*Catharlane focused on stopping stopping the ghosts from surrounding the girl. Taunting when necessary, but he let her do most of the work. She needed the experience more than him*
*soon, a loud wailing could be heard as half a dozen ghosts came barreling through the walls*
“Found something? Good. The vengeful spirits of the dead will be here any minute now” *geo grinned and took up a fighting stance*
*geo laughed* “soon. Dont worry about that. There are more than enough monsters out here. You’ll see”
“Tell me if you find anything shiny, ill watch your back”
*Upon reaching the bottom geo turned left and looked around. * “coast is clear for now. Feel free to check the sarcophaguses. I found a few good pieces in them in the past.”
*eventually the altar moved far enough to reveal a staircase* “alright , I’ve been down here a couple of times before. It should be fine with both of us working together. But still, be careful. ” with these words , he drew his sword and descended*
*Geo opened the chapel doors slowly, just in case anything was hiding behind them. Finding the coast clear, we walked over to the altar* “get over here and lend me a hand” *he said putting his shoulder against the altar and pushing*
“Then you have no problems with a bit of tomb raiding? ” he asked, turning in the direction of the chapel. “Then follow me”.
*Geo followed beside the girl, keeping pace with her* “if you don’t have anywhere particular in mind, I know a dungeon that’dbe good for you, as long as you aren’t a fraidy cat” he said, grinning.