Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
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Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 17, 2018 at 8:14 am in reply to: Rants!// If you need to let off some failbook steam. This would be the spot.
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 7, 2018 at 10:27 pm in reply to: Christmas Cakes and Treats 2018Arigato auntie Noloty and Helena mom! Such beautiful arrangement of Yuletide treats! Who can resist? *smiles and has some*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 7, 2018 at 10:25 pm in reply to: Winter Party!! Happy Birthday to those born in December!*He smiles and puts his arms around his wife.* Domo arigato my beloved Ren! Happy Birthday to all my family members and friends born in the same month as me 😉 Arigato for the birthday wishes!
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberOctober 11, 2018 at 2:15 pm in reply to: Research Lab*It was a strange combination. A lab to research medical inquiries and an area in the back to develop weapons to keep the clan safe and well armed. Leo had picked up his long silver hair in a pony tail. He wore goggles and a lab coat over his usual business attire. There he worked hard on the weapons necessary for the family to get through their next missions. Earlier he had been finishing strong antibiotics for the TB strain that was killing some humans and as soon as he finished he was back in the weapons lab.* I know they want to go in on foot so let’s make sure the swords can cut through tough demonic flesh and those strange trees in the demonic Gehenna region. *He sighs* I need more holy water for the bullets. I’ll have to go to the cathedral. I thought I had all the supplies. Well, in my rush I suppose I forgot that. *he removed his goggles and lab coat and headed to the air compression area. Afterwards, he headed back to the empire.*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberAugust 20, 2018 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Kitsune Shrine*Washes himself in a nearby lake and then heads closer to the shrine. He takes a deep breath and sits down with his legs crossed to engage in deep meditation to renew his body and mind and focus on enhancing his abilities reducing any limitations he may have in his mental capacity.*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 20, 2018 at 4:31 am in reply to: Father’s Day Celebration 2018To all the lovely young ladies who brought me gifts for father’s day and always help my daughters. *bows* Domo arigato! I don’t know what to say. *he looks at them appreciating all they’ve done.*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 20, 2018 at 3:45 am in reply to: Father’s Day Celebration 2018*Walks over to his father with and gives him a strong hug.* You are my inspiration and I appreciate all you’ve done for us. *he gives him a special gift and then smiles* Happy Father’s Day Gin dad!
*He then turns to the family, friends and customers and takes a bow.* Happy Father’s Day to you all!
And happy father’s day to my son Tomoe and my grandson Xerxes! *he goes over and hugs them as well.*
Arigato to all those celebrating! I am honored for this celebration and for all the love my own family, sons, daughters and descendants have given me! I love it!
*he sits down with is wife and family to enjoy his own jumbo parfait.* Can’t have father’s day without these huge parfaits. *chuckles*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 6, 2018 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Library of TCA Blue Flames*He gets up and opens the door to his office.* Agreed! Let’s do what we can to help Helena mom through this. It might be very important to her and to us as a whole. Gin dad might be aware of it. I’ll speak to him about it. He knows Helena mom more than most of us so he is probably aware of this and yet, his work keeps him so busy he sometimes finds out through us. So, I’ll make sure he’s aware. I’ll also inform Hikari and Chief Rika to be on the look out regarding mom’s movements. You do your part and I’ll do mine. Best of luck brother!
@snipersugarspirit*Steps out of the library and heads off on his task.*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 6, 2018 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Library of TCA Blue Flames*He leans back on his chair and crosses his legs.* I’m inclined to think that he has something to do with it or that he has found someone to manipulate into working on this but at the same time, it is possible there’s a higher power at work here. Remember that Helena mom has also captured the attention of the gods. She’s so in tune with the Universe that it speaks to her and this frightens some of those ancient gods who have had the run of the universe for so many eons. This reminds me, perhaps I should pay a visit to Thoth sama. He may have more information on those portals. I believe Hikari said he comforted her saying those dungeons weren’t exactly malevolent.
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 6, 2018 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Library of TCA Blue Flames*He walks in, closes the door behind him and takes a seat.* It’s about our mother, Helena. I’ve gotten intel from our fairy warrior and guardian. It seems there are more portals at Satou Arcanum, but from what I understood mom doesn’t want to worry us so she has asked for assistance from Noelle, Yuno and Asta. I believe they are capable and therefore, she would be in good hands. Helena mom sent them to your academy to do research. I thought, that perhaps it would be wise if you gave them free pass to our selective library area and even give them some information for their research. *He hands him a note* This is the first symbol of the portal which has been conquered. These gateways seem to have a lure for Helena mom. The pull so strong she can’t seem to resist.
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberJune 6, 2018 at 3:27 pm in reply to: Former S-Clan non-rp topicsArigato Gin dad! My immediate family has a unit called “Whispered Okabe“
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberMay 24, 2018 at 11:30 pm in reply to: Non-Family members in the Garden/Mini Intro** minna here is Kaga’s info as she had mentioned it in S-Clan** For those who missed it..
Kuzuha Lilith Mikihara Testarossa(VanillaSugarfangFox) posted an update in the group Group logo of S-Clan Special Operations Squad IIS-Clan Special Operations Squad II1 week, 4 days ago
“I have to give you all a heads up, I have another character that acted as a cloned twin of Kuzuha that took place in Facebook i have had it brought here, It is named Kaga Ishikawa. Just letting everyone know that is my alt being rp by a trusted friend whom you all may remember as Silver Mist back on facebook. I met her in real life so i hope you all get along with her, arigato.” -
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberApril 1, 2018 at 11:57 pm in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Leo stood respectfully as Thoth sama left. * I will be waiting. *he responded and took a seat again. He looks at Erin and Naruto. He actually told us more than I had expected. I wonder if Erin understands what has been said here. *he looks at Erin.* It seems mommy Helena has gifted you with angelic essence. So although you weren’t born an angel, you have inherited a gift from my mother. Just so you know, as I have studied my mother’s ever evolving powers. Neither you, nor any of us are able to inherit her destructive powers. Which is a good thing. I don’t think we would be able to handle such massive amounts of destructive energy. Also, it is fortunate you are were not born an angel / vampire, from what Thoth sama told us, that would have been destructive for both your mother and a quick and painful death for you as well. I believe you don’t need more information right now, what you need to do is to accept what you have now and train. As I am sure vampires and werewolves also develop individual abilities as they age. Some are telepathic, some can easily transport themselves, etc and so forth. *he smiles* This was a successful trip. Naruto, it seems Thoth-sama admires your ability to possess the nine-tails. He may not say it but it was visible in the way he looked at you. *chuckles* I believe you can both make it back home on your own. I have further business with Thoth sama. Just be alert and careful on your way back home. *he gets up to hug them both.* I hope I have been able to help you with your quest Erin.
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberApril 1, 2018 at 5:22 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Leo waited for Erin and Naruto to bow and greet the god. As soon as they were done, Leo went to the table and took out the book which Erin had been looking through. He handed it to Thoth. Before he sat, he pulled back a chair for Erin to sit first and then he pushed her closer to the table. He looked over to Naruto, he nodded to him and then he took a seat.*
Leonardo Gintora TestarossaOkumuraSakata (ArgentoFlameSugarDemon)
MemberApril 1, 2018 at 5:05 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway