Chris the wise
Forum Replies Created
Morgan makes a show of cleaning his pistols.
Morgan sits on the side and glances down at Theon “I’d watch out, the captain has a thing about your kind.”
Ligo folds her wings and trots after them.
Ligo flicks her wings open, hopping form foot to foot again, “where we going.”
Ligo jumped back slightly “Ligo meant no harm, Ligo was only listening in to find out what’s going on.”
Ligo hops from foot to foot, nervously rubbing her halfwings together “fighting down panic.”
“spoil sport” Morgan mutters under his breath as he finishes mopping.
Morgan chuckles to himself as he mops along the floor ♪”If you’re looking for crewmates you’ll sure find em there, cutthoats an lowlifes and worse I should dare.”♪
♪”The company’s true, and the wenches are pretty, it’s the greats dam place in the whole of the city” he mops across the floor.
“aye captain” he picks up a mop and starts to clean, beggining to sing. ♪”I know of a taven, not far from here, where you can get some mighty fine beer”
Morgan straightens, “just checking for hangers on captain.” Morgan calls, making a show of checking the rigging.
Morgon smiles down at Theon “you should be careful around here, captain not to happy bout mer peoples.”
Placing his instrument down, Morgan stood and peered down “hoy there” he greeted.
“Crew’s ready for ya Captain”, Morgan called, tuneing his mandolin ass he sat on a barrel.
Name: John Morgan
Nicname: Gold Morgan.
Age: 26
Height: 5′ 11″
Race: Human (Pirate)
Weapon: 6 flintlock pistols, Dueling saber and unconquerable charm and a Mandolin.
Apperance: A tanned gent with jet black hair pulled into a pony tail beneath his feathered hat, he wears a frilled shirt and black waistcoat, his trousers held up by a belt where he keeps his collection of pistols.
Personality: Charming and flirtatous to much for his own good, his face usually become coloured with the handprint of an unfortunate maiden. He bares every slap and husband’s death threat with good humor and a smile. Has a tendency to exagirate his exploits for dramatic effect.
Bio: A boy from the Slums of a certain port town, Morgan learned quickly that a smile and a kind word gets you further with a gun at your side. Through honest jobs and smart cons he bought smart clothing to enhance his presense and the potential profit. He taught himself to play music to charm the more noble ladies and earn a little extra money in taverns.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Chris the wise.