*It had ben a long time now since Aoi had arrived here in this new world along with her chef friends Soma, Erina, Kuga, Nikumi and Miyako and they were all resting in the medical center and even two of them had been released already as far as she knew. She did not tell the others why she had come here as she wanted to see if they had any rare berries of plants she could use for materials in her cooking recipes but when she had gotten deeper and deeper into the lands she realized she was lost. Hearing the creatures noises all around her she began to panic and wished she had told them where she was going by leaving at least a note yet she had not. She had managed to find a few wild mushrooms and had picked them placing them in her basket when suddenly she felt a hot breath on the back of her neck and froze. “w..What is that..” Her inner thoughts screamed as she did not dare to turn around so quickly. Moving her head she turned and saw a black figure of a creature looming down on her and drooling on her shirt. She made a disgusted grunt sound then as if boosted by adrenaline alone she bolted out running for her life only to be caught and cut down. Fighting for her life and almost with her last few breaths she called Soma on her phone and could only manage to say “I’m sorry, I failed I can no longer keep my promise to you…goodbye” before she had laid back and closed her eyes.
//Reborn into Erina will be in the hospital but this is how it happens before she gets there//
*The blonde one could tell that something was not right as she rushed out from the path to the hospital as she was supposed to go with the others to make sure they got check ups and make sure everything was fine yet she did not go as she could feel that something was going on yet did not know exactly what it was until she got there. She remembered the way to the border lands and running there as fast as she could by the time she arrived she was almost out of breath. “just what is it that brought me here….” she said as she stopped to catch her breath. She gasped as she caught the smell of blood on the winds and almost as she could swear she heard something she ran and then discovered Aoi’s bloody body laying almost lifeless on the grounds. She moved her to a safe spot and tried to bandage her wound yet the bleeding was fast. “How can i stop this…i don’t know how to save you what can I do…” Just then as if on impulse alone she saw Aoi open her eyes and tell her to look out as the creature had found them following the scent of her blood and she was cut on her arm as well as a gash in her side. Just then she blacked out only to feel a soft warm light that seemed to teleport them to the medical center but by who she did not know.
Ecko Haruki =AndroidesSugarSoul= Elric OkumuraSakata, Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata and Erina Yukihira De'Sakata {CordonBleuSugarFang}-
*Soma had gotten a call from his friend kuga who had notified him that Aoi and Erina were both missing and he began to panic slightly as he had then dropped what he was doing to rush out from the bed get himself dressed and run out his room to rush over to the location of her last cell phone pinpoint of location. “you had better be alright both of you!” he said as he rushed on. After getting there he saw the two girls and slightly winced as he took out a vial then a short knife from his leg pocket cutting his hand only to then plead to the remnant of lisara’s soul to send the girls to the hospital center for emergency treatment where he would follow later and hoped she could be saved*
//end here, next part is in hospital.//