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“Pleasssure to meet you, i am sssspark” the snake hisses “it would ssssseem you have no familier yet?”
“yea, you don’t need to rub it in though”
Spark slithers out of Bones’ pocket, he flicks his tounge out, its sparks (lol) with electricity
Bones hears a sizzle sound, he looks down to find a black and blue snake, he coughs in surprise “hey there” he say, picking it up
Bones wakes up and finds out that the classes have changed “shit” he says jumping up, he runs to the next class and makes it to his seat as the bell rings. he doesnt notice the snake in his pocket
Spark slithers into the classroom, he looks for anyone not bonded yet, he sees a bow in the back corner, asleep, he looks sad, He slithers up the desk leg, flicking his tongue out,, he slithers into the boys sweatshirt pocket
– Familiar –
Name: Spark
Age: 341
Gender: male
Creature: garter snake
Appearance: http://s171.photobucket.com/user/kahrmuh/media/Thamnophissirtalissimilis14.jpg.html (nova halp me)
Abilities: able to electrocute people, able to go into to storm clouds and ‘fly’ using the clouds/lightning
Bones falls asleep in class, dreaming of a familiar of his own
Bones hears a whining sound, he turns to look at it it was a fox, playing with some ice, ‘probably bonded already’ he thinks as he smiles at it sadly
Bones doesn’t usually pay attention in class, he just longs for a familiar
Bones sits at the back of the class, staring out a window
Bones turns around on the bench, watching them
Bones sits next to liv, his tray almost empty, a few apple slices is all
“sure” he says shrugging “i don’t usually eat it but might as well”
“i was just wondering if classes were going on today” he doesn’t acknowledge a ghost
“hmm… well, classes still going on today?”