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I finish bringing the wood to the dock and get paid, which i exchange for for some leather
Name: Brian
personality:quiet, nice if you get him out of his shell
abilities: Can breathe underwater, power over disease, excellent hearing/sight
wears: Black polo, Jeans, Pilot shades, Black shoes, dark grey fedora
looks: 5’11”,short dirty-blonde hair, tan skit, athletic build, solid black eyes
Bones comes upon a small farmhouse, with a truck barked by it, he walks closer to the house and hears a dog then a black lab jumps out at him, he side-steps it, then he silences the dog with a few bones, he goes up to the truck, he tries the handle, it is unlocked and the keys are in it ‘why would they need to lock their door all the way out here’ he thinks getting in it, he turns the key, puts it in reverse, and drives off, going away from the city still
I go to the woods and start to chop wood, i fell a large tree, then cut it into smaller, carriable, sections, i carry it them to the ship yard, and get paid for the wood
I pick up the deer and take it to my house, where i skin it and clean it, then i take the fur and sell it for a reasonable price, and return to my house, where i collapse onto the bed