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He lopes off to the north, her smell gets fainter, the wind changes and he can’t smell her anymore
He knocks her over and goes in for the kill, but stops “leave, don’t follow me” he skulks away
Minuit keeps lunging, trying to learn her technique. He spots a flaw, after she dodges she is off balance, he fakes a lunge and she doges, he then lunges for real while she is off balance
“all right, thats it” he lunges and goes for one of her wounds
He growls “you’re not worth my time runt, i have better tings to do, so i suggest you run on back to your little den”
he growls at her, baring his teeth “leave now if you value your life, runt”
The wind changes and Minuit smells something, another wolf, he walks back to the kill but doesn’t see anything
Minuit hears a twig snap, he sees a young deer, about a year old, eating some twigs off of a young tree, he runs at hit and the deer breaks into a run. He runs after it, the deer rounds a tree and runs right into Minuit, who went around the other way around, he bites its neck and it die, he eats a little bit then leaves it, not having a place to store the excess meat
Minuit smells a stump, it has been marked by a male, he aslo leaves a marking of territory, then lopes away
Minuit kills another rabbit and eats it, he usually doesn’t go for larger prey, having no pack to help him, rabbits are easy to outsmart though, quick to eat, quick to kill
Name: Minuit(french for midnight)
Rank: Lone wolf/No pack(at least for now)
Desc: He is a pitch black wolf, the only color is in his mouth and on his eyes which are a dark blue. He is not the largest wolf, but he is very intelligent
Dylan has sent the package already, he decides to go to the other side of the island, to his cabin up in the hills. its the only cabin up there for many, many miles Total isolation, no phone service, no internet, no electricity. His only connection was a solar satellite phone which he could call the hospital if need be. he will stay for a few days
Name: James Hayes
Race: Human (UK, Present day)
Sex: Male
Appearance: Shaggy Brown Hair, Grey-blue eyes, Caucasian
DNA:(Here you list the DNA you have bonded with)
b.Resources:(Here is where you put DNA collected as well as RNA collected and found.)
Abilities:(This is where you put your abilities and mutations.)
MISC: (here you can put a history or anything else you wish to list about your character you have no weapons or armor just the cloths you are in and the device in your arm)
Dylan takes a flat bed truck to the port, he had a shipment of gun parts and ammunition coming in. He talks to takes his crates, loading them onto the back of the truck, when he finished, he put a cargo net over the crates. He gets in and drives back to his shop near the outside of town. He parks his truck in the car port, then he and an employee carry the crates into the back room. He sorts all of the ammo and gun parts. His employee, Reed, finishes for the day and heads out, driving his black ’69 Mustang. Dylan goes up to the space below the shop, where he climbs into his queen size bed where .he lives in the shops basement, a loaded shotgun near the bed. The computer that is connected to the security cameras is connected to a pc, which is also where most transactions happened, as the shop was close to the outside of town. Dylan usually goes to bed early and wakes up around 4
Person: Dylan Jones
Profession: Gun Dealer/ Gun smith
Backstory: Uncle was a cop, Dylan always wanted to be one. Grew up shooting guns at his uncle’s farm. One day he got his with a piece of shrapnel hit his eye, and he was blinded in one eye. he never could shoot accurately after that. Went to college for gunsmithing, and set up a gun repair/ gun shop.
Extra: Wheres eye patch over left eye
Extra: Always carries a knife