Lone Wanderer
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Opening his bag he took out 2 homemade mines, especially made by him, and set it up into the door step. the moment 5 bandits came out of there hideout to check the problem, boom the mine active, and exploded right under their feet, killing them with either the explosion, and/or the shrapnel’s piercing their heads. With all of the smoke in the air cause by the explosion, the man entered the camp where he meet a small band of bandit, shooting right in front of him, as he goes for cover. After the man ducked into cover, he took one of the dead bandit’s rifle which was right in front of him, and started shooting, at the bandits, killing some of them, and injuring the other. After a few minutes of gunfire it went silence, for neither the remaining bandits, or the mysterious man were shooting. The remaining 3 bandits who were still alive (expect for their boss) check if the mysterious man, only to find out he died, but as they turned around, to tell there boss that the man was dead, the last thing they heard was a blast of rifle noise, as the mysterious man got up from his fake death and shot one of the bandit in the head, and as they notice what just happen to there comrade, it was to late to stop him as for the man quickly equip his pistol, and pulled the trigger killing both of them in two shot. As the bandit leader saw what just happen to his comrade, he ran, filling himself with great distress, he tries to run away from the mysterious man, yelling ” Help! a mad man is trying to kill me !” only to be stop by a bullet in the head provided by the man, and a rifle.
Deep in the city, a bandit camp is spotted in the middle, and a man with a trench coat, and a gas mask is entering the camp. He soon as he is in the gate, on of the bandit stop him, and ask ” What’s your name ?”, but the man said nothing, so the bandit ask again ” Oh your a tuff guy huh?”, and pointed his rifle on his face. Seconds before pulling the trigger the man equip his pistol, aim it on his head, and pulled the trigger, killing the bandit who try to kill him. The other bandit in the gate notice his comrade got shot in the head, and tries to call for back up, but with no avail, for even before calling for back up, the mysterious man took the dead man’s rifle, and shoot the other bandit in the head. But with all those commotion, the other bandits are bound to notice it, and will try to investigate, but the man has a plan.
Name: Lone Wanderer
Age: 18
Gender: male
Type: Scavenger
Bio: This man is like a ghost of the waste. never seen by the humans eyes, and yet story of his adventures in the waste is still shared by the travels, around the world. Though who are lucky to see him, describe him as a man, who wears a tattered, black trench coat, with a hoodie, gas mask to hide his face, and a black messenger bag. But when they try to sat hi to the mask man, he disappear without any trace, earning the nickname of the ghost of the waste, and the name Lone Wanderer
Goals: One thing, that all survivors trying to achieve, to survive the untamed waste itself.
Few hours late Andrew arrived at the airport, , and paid the man in the cab his fee for his help, and of he go. As he arrived in the airport, one man came straight to him, and told him about not bring a gun in the airport, but changes his mind when Andrew show his bounty hunter I.D in which the man began to be polite, and assist him in getting a plane to go to new New York. As the airport manager began to get him airplane tickets, the man ask him ” So why are you going to new New York?” though Andrew doesn’t like to be question, but answered the man saying ” I’m looking for information about someone in particular” that was the sign to stop questioning him. After a few minutes, he got his ticket, and is now waiting for his plane to arrived. As he wait, with his headphone on his head, a news story came up in the T.V:
” On todays news, a warehouse full of people who are in relation to the notorious gang know as the Carnival who controlled the drug trade in this city was found shot dead, most within the head. Its to believe that no gang member in there hideout was survived, and on the top floor two woman was found, who was to believe the gangs leader was also found dead on there office , there heads completely blown off. As detectives are now searching for evident, but only found .32 caliber ammo, on the body outside the warehouse, and .44 rounds, and blade cuts inside the warehouse, we will now talk to you if anymore finding come out, Jim”
But Andrew again did not catch this for he was still in his headphones listening to some music, as he wait for his plane to arrived.
As he was being drive from the airport he had another flashback but this time it was about his adoptive mother, and father who was also his master:
When he was running way from the village to get away from the horrible happened in there, he was running away trough the woods. For many day this little 8 years old kid survived in the woods, eating anything he finds, until one day as he was scavenging along the woods he encounter, a group of wolves. Though the kid was weak he tried to fight the wolves, and for some reason the wolves decide not to fight him but rather to let him join there pack, and so for many years till the age of 12, when he left his home, but yet still sends meat that he hunted, to the family.
As he was in the wolves packed he learned many things, including using his other senses to find his prey, and as he lives with the wolves he learn other thing. Including how to track his prey, how to hide to it prey, and sneak attack in time, and how to swallow your morals, to finish something, for many wolves will fight each other to, which he used this skill for many of his hunt. In the end, as he leaves his family, he was the most strongest wolf, or I guess human, in there pack, and becomes the alpha wolf which he leads his pack where there is a lot of hunting grounds. Now, and then you still wonder about the wolf pack, and if they missed me.
“Oh well I suppose” as he went back to his headphones, and listen to music.
After delivering his mail, into the mailbox, there was another ring in his phone. When open his phone, it seem as someone just massage him about, a lead on his mission. Apparently the demons he killed the night before wasn’t the boss, but rather they where just generals, of the big main boss, and that his informer found the place were the next boss is but, it will mean that he will need skip classes, in school, and go to new New York city, the principal will be piss that he will skip but this was his only info to find a way to go to hell without dying. So Andrew went to his dorm room, and get ready to go to new New York city.
As he walk to his dorm room he did not notice about the commotion, happening for he was messaging the principal, about his situation, and the reason for skipping the school, and wish that he would send his homework by email in his phone, and also to put a warning about people not entering his room for a few security turrent will attack on sight. Anyway after a few minutes he arrived in his dorm room, and took his rifle, some clothes, revolver, and some ammo, plus his bounty hunter I.D so the airport workers will allow him, to bring his guns into the airport.
As he now exit the dorm room he again did not notice more commotion happening for he was busy listening to his headphones, as he went to get a cab, got in, and went to the airport, ” I guess I don’t have to say goodbye for ill comeback a few weeks later, and I don’t really have, anyone to miss me”, and enter the cab as he went to the airport.
After a hour there was knock on the door, and when he open it no one was there but a box, it must be his order, and took it inside. There he work on his sentry bot, and was finish a few minutes later. After it was done he turn on his sentry bot, and in there the sentry bot was online, and called him SB. Though he wish to test out his new sentry bot there was most important thing to do, and took out some gryphon meat, warped it in a cooling cloth ( cloth that work as a refrigerator to cool down the meat, and prevent it from rotting), equipped his weapons, and went outside to go to the mailbox, to mail these meat to his family, but not before turning off his sentry bot, and activating its disguise mode which was a little ball able to fit in his pocket, and of he goes.
AS the principal was talking, he heard a sudden boom, that distinguish a bazooka, but disregard the noise, and instead decides to sneak out of the gym to go to his dorm room, and finish up healing this wound, and go back to his project, which was a levitating sentry bot with 2 5.56 light machine guns equipped, that can help him with future missions. He is pretty much good, at technology, and hade made a lot of tech that help him on some of his missions. This include the healing stationary bed, in which though it is uncomfortable to sleep in it, heal all your wounds in a matter of minutes, making look like your all new, a cleaning bot to clean all of the mess he made ( which is always), a PDA in which its track the prey on where they are going ( he used it rarely for his tracking skills is top notched), and a portal pad where he can go anywhere he want, but he still working of that because for some reason it always goes to this place with white creatures, and people with horns. Anyway though it will be great if his inventions went public, he instead to keep all of his tech a secret, because if his tech got in the hands of a wrong person, it will mean world domination, and another war, in which many will suffer. As he work on his sentry bot, he realize that, he was missing a component, that the sentry needs to function, so he called his supplier, requesting for that component, and instead pause on the sentry bot, and instead played some of his video games, to pass the time.
” I can pay for the guys rent for the dorm room as well”
“Ok then, so may I go then?” he said to the giant man
“Yeah one thing: Why not hire more teachers?”
“Same here, by the way if your in the dorm building someday maybe you can visit my room” though he hate saying it, he guess that he should make friends in this school.
“Yeah I just register my name before came here, and they told me my room number to stay on, though its not free to stay in this school, and must pay rent but I don’t care about it.”
“So are you going to stay here too?”
“I don’t know kid, but if he does show up in 30 mins then I am getting out of here to cauterize this sewn cuts, and probably go back to my dorm to work on my project.”
“Yeah I hear you, lets just say first day in this school, and I think the principal already hate me” he said, and laugh
” By the smell of you it seems as if your also working on necromancy. Interesting”