Lone Wanderer
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“Anyway is that all you can do? conjure furniture?
“Anyway yeah I’m a bounty hunter, and I just finished this mission, I guess it was harder than I though” as he ignore the little pup talking to him.
” Just call me Andrew” he said nicely
” Why are we here again?”
He said thanks to the kid, and told him ” better not watch this” as he sew the deep cuts close in order not to bleed more, rip one of his cloth, and wrap his arm with it.
” Thanks again dude, what’s your name?”
“No its alright” he said to the boy who’s sitting on a bean bag chair
“But do you happen to have a needle, and a tread?” he ask the kid
He awaken up 15 minutes later, and though still cut up, and bleeding, he was getting better. So he stand up from his spot on the tree, and guess go to the gym for that announcement.
Arriving from the gym he saw, many student all together still waiting for the announcement ” What’s happening here?” he though to himself as he go to one of the empty seat near the boy with a blonde hair. But as he was going to the empty see he notice a man sitting on the basketball hoop staring at him, angrily, and though to himself ” Huh it looks like a little puppy is angry at me for something I did, Oh well” , and just smirk at the kid back, and sit on the empty chair.
Is this you Tyler sry about the unfocus picture : ) -
As soon as he is ready he went inside the room. When inside he saw a carnival theme room but more darker, with creepy clowns, and a carnival music slows down to complete the room of its creepiness, and standing in the middle are the Harlequin sisters. Both sister have similar harlequin clothing except the mask is in half, and wearing in opposite from each other. As soon as the Harlequin Sister saw Andrew, they laugh, and they said to him together in sync ” Why if it isn’t the demon hunter, are you ready to die?” but Andrew said nothing for its because he doesn’t talk to his prey before he kill them, and plus the music in his headphones are too loud to hear anything they are saying, which made the harlequin sisters very angry, and attacked first. With great speed both sisters thrown a handful of knives at Andrew, and though try as he might to dodge it , he still got cut all over, and some knife where stuck in his arm, and body but he did not care for the pain, and shoot them with his revolver. though he didn’t get a direct hit from them, they still got hit by the bullets. After the hit the Harlequin Sisters, attack him with there knife close hand, but blocked by his blade, and moved back. After moving back he charge them with his blade, and they retaliate by throwing sharp cards at him again trying to stop his attack with no success, for even the pain of many knives, and sharp cards stuck from his arms, cannot stop him from killing the demons, and with great skill he successfully stab one of the Harlequin sister in the chest, aim his gun in her head, and pulled the trigger, there he blown up one of the sisters head into million pieces, and as she was falling down he pulled his blade out of her chest.
As one of the harlequin sisters brain been blasted off, the other one was filled in rage, and shown her true power. without taking a single beat the other sister attacked with full fury with her claws, as Andrew tries to block all of her attack with some hit him. After the fully fury claw attack, the sister then thrown both knives, and sharp cards into the air, and targeted him. Andrew then picked up the dead sisters body, and use it as a shield to deflect the sharp object. After deflecting both knives, and sharp cards that was targeted from him, he then kick the body forward, expelling it toward the now dangerous demon, and as the dead body go towards her, he then aim at the hole where his blade was pulled out, and pulled the trigger, which then the bullet went pass into the hole, and into the angered demon in which she got knock backed. As she lay there trying to get the knife, Andrew walk to her, and aim his gun in her head. She laugh at him, and told him ” Wait till my boss finds out about this, then you’ll be dead“. He smiled at the almost dead demon and told her ” Let the Devil know that I’m coming from him“, and shot her in the head which burst like a balloon.
After he pulled all off the knives, and the cards in his arms and body, he then limping, got out of the warehouse, and went back to school not noticing that the sun has risen up. As he arrived to school he then heard a guy in the intercom about students going to gym, but he was so beat up by the fight he just had a few minutes ago that he decided to skip the event, and return back to his dorm to get some rest. But this was not so for he does not have enough energy to go back to his dorm room, so instead he just found a tree ( not noticing the house on top of the tree ), and sit down under a shade, as he sang his favorite song till fallen asleep:
“I’m a member of the Midnight Crew. I’m a night owl, and a wise bird too. Home with the milk in the morning. Singing the same old song! Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.Early to bed, and you’ll miss all the fun. Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you.Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!…. Make heeer the memberrr ooooof the Miiidniiight Crrrreeeeewwwww”
As he went inside the warehouse 5 deadlings opened fire, at him but he quickly took cover. He then equipped one of his holy water grenade, and throw it at them, which killed all of them, who was trying to kill him. After getting away from the cover he then proceeded to the first door on his right. There he saw something, a normal person will be stuck in there head forever, but commonly seen by demon hunters when attacking the base( by the way never barge into a demon ” mating” room without knocking first). Anyway he shot the demons inside, and moved on. Room after room he killed all the demons that beside it. After a long kill of minions he arrived at the leaders room, he get ready both his revolver, which he reload with silver holy ammo, and his machete in close up battle, and enter the room
After positioning his spot, he put in his headphones, played the nutcracker, aim his sight at the guard who’s in the front door, and pull the trigger. A aloud gunshot was heard from the warehouse, and in no time flat many gang members, arrived from the scene only to be taken down one, by one. Some try, and run away but Andrew wouldn’t allow that, and does who tries to run away got shot down. Does who did not run however, shown the true color, and took off there disguise revealing a deadlings, demons, that once were humans when they were alive, who sold their soul to the Devil, or his subordinates, for money, power, and etc., and in their deaths they are force to be the Devil’s minion for the rest of eternity. But changing to there form was no use for even though they try, and fight they could not kill what they cannot see, and by the end of the song, Andrew killed them all while some who survived retreat into the warehouse. Guess he just have to go in the warehouse to kill them. He wonder if his stalker just watch him killed all of these demons, for he knows he was still being followed, and after a few pause to equip his revolver, and his machete, he played another music, and went inside.
He quickly get into his senses, and return back to his job at hand. The warehouse here the leaders of the gang suppose to be in, has a ton of bodyguards. There is two gunman guarding the front door while three other gunman are circling around the compound. Each have a AK-47 at hand, and a radio to send for back up. Inside however there are many gang members hold up inside, each arm to the teeth with guns, with demonic symbol in the stock for enchantment damage, and on the top is where he can find the Harlequin sisters.
As he position his shot, he remembered how he got this rifle in his hand, and begin to flashback:
It was 8 years ago, and he just arrived at a island in the middle of the pacific ocean. He was just 13 years old when he started hunting a level 1 star monster that his master suggested. It was a water dragon though not knowing the name, the face however represent a Capricorn, and though many human tries, non seceded in hunting down this monster for bullets only make this monster angrier. As he arrived in the island he saw other monsters, roaming around the island, it was breath taken. Anyway after examining the fauna, and flora he went to the near lake where he a ruin, in the middle. As he tried to explore the ruins he was stop by the monster who he was hunting. With great anger the monster swiftly attacked him with his sharp fang only to be dodge by Andrew ( though he did was damage by the attack), and quickly went inside the ruin.
He needed a plan, shooting the monster will only anger him more, he will need more grenades in order to kill the monster. As he tries to think there he found a rifle. It was a bolt action rifle with a 20x scope, with a weird symbol on the stock resembling a house in it, maybe its a magic symbol? Neither way he needs to kill the monster fast or the ruin will collapse, so with great hope, he reload the rifle he found, aim at the monster, and pull the trigger. In that moment Andrew have found his main gun for as soon as the trigger was pulled, the monster suffered a major damage, as though not hit in the head, the place that was hit was bleeding continually, in which the monster ran away.
Andrew never did notice that the monster have run away for he was still shock about the power of the rifle have dealt over that big monster. Though on that day he did not killed the monster, and receive his payment as a result, he did however found a gun that he will use in his bounty hunting career.
As he walked to the city he felt as if he was being followed, no not felt he knew someone is following him. Before approaching his stalker, his phone ran, and when check his phone, a new level 2 star bounty have appeared. It was a wanted poster to kill the Harlequin Sisters, the leaders of the gang know as the Carnivals, who has been terrorizing the city, with illegal drug trade, gang warfare, and terrorist attacks. If this was a regular gang, Andrew wouldn’t care less but this was different, for level 2 star bounty always shows demon wanted poster which he will love nothing more than to kill demons, and get his one step closer of killing the Devil himself. So he accepted the bounty, and head home at once, he needs to get ready.
After arriving home he packed all the things he needs to hunt the demons. This includes silver bullets soaked in holy water, 4 holy water bomb, a machete that has a angelic carving, and as well as his .44 magnum revolver, and his favorite rifle, he may hate angels but there weapon is the only way to kill these demons. As soon as he was ready he went out to the gangs base which located in the old abandon shipping dock, and place his position.
<i>” Son run!!! Get out off here”</i>
<i>” No mom I want to stay were to fight them.”</i>
<i>” No son its to late for us.”</i>
<i>”How about the angels, they could help us right?</i>
<i>” No the heavens army have forgotten about us, and now we must fight from ourselves. Now go !!!!”</i>
Andrew woke up sacredly, another bad dream. He doesn’t remember the last time he had a good dream. He always gets the same dream everytime, him seeing his mother and father for the last time as demons arriving, him going to an angel camp, trying to get help, which he never got, and going back to the village, only to find his mom and dad, and the rest of the villagers decapitated,and shown in the middle of the village as the demons departed. Anyway since awaken by the horrible dream, Andrew dicided to go the town to relax, and go to the local arcade. As he goes to the town with his rifle in his back, he notice a german man entering the school, and wonder to himself if that was a new student. Noneless he just ignored the german, and head to town, with a tune in his head
” I hate a moral coward, one who lacks a manly spark. I just detest a man afraid to go home in the dark. I always spend my evening where there’s women, wine, and song! But like a man, I always bring my little wife along! I’m a member of the Midnight Crew. I’m a night owl, and a wise bird too. Home with the milk in the morning, Singing the same old song! ….”
Andrew arrived at the desk board to show him the proof of the kill, the person behind the counter wanted him to know if he like it to be gold base or paper base ( 1 small bag of gold = $500,000), which he chose gold base, in which he received 3 small bags of gold, and the monster head as the reward. Think at first about how the heck the school have this money, he just shrug it off , and accept the reward. After receiving the reward, Andrew went to the town ( though not noticing a man with a big sword in his back yelling about something as he exit the school building ), and put some of his reward gold into his saving accounts, while the money he kept, he used it to taxidermy the monster head, as a decoration, and as soon as he went back to his dorm room, he hanged the stuff Terphos head, in his wall commemorating the first monster he killed in this school, and went to bed to go to sleep.