Lone Wanderer
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Andrew Ellingham: The guy who will bring down both heaven, and hell forever.
And so he stand still, and use his incredible hearing to predict were the monster going to attack. It was quite, too quite. When suddenly the monster attack again, but not before equipping his .44 magnum revolver, and shoot the monster in the left arm. Though it was not direct, it was enough to disable its left arm. in retaliation for the hit the monster went back into hiding behind the darkness of the cave, and carefully escape from its cave, but it was no use. For its injury not only disable its left arm but also made a trail of blood on where the monster is going. Andrew notice this trail of blood and follow it outside its cave. there he notice the monster running away, but it was too late for the monster as Andrew equipped his rifle and shot the monster right in the head, the battle was over. As Andrew went to the dead Terphos to cut off his head as a proof of the bounty completed, he notice someone waving at him, smiling, but he just shrug it off, and take cut off the head of the killed monster, put it in his bag, and off he go back to the school to claim the prize.
Running away as a gryphon is chasing him when he noticed a man with a blacked suit running with him and holding the rules of regulation in his face. After reading the rules he replied ” hold on one moment” were he turned around running equipped his rifle, and shot the gryphon between the eyes resulting the gryphon to land near Andrew. He then plucked a feather from the gryphon’s wings , and sign the paper using the gryphon’s blood as ink accepting the rules of the school.
After a few hours he came out of his room with his gun a .44 mag revolver in his right hostler, his shade which he made to have night vision and other apps that he needs for the hunt, a rifle with a 60x zoom scope strap to his back in case of sneak attack, a blade in his left holster in case of close up, and messenger bag within it 3 grenades, ammos for his guns, and food if he ever goes hungry. With his equipment with him for the hunt, he goes out into the woods in the night, ready to kill his target.
Thanks to his tracking skills, and the trail of dead carcass that resembled the attack patterns of a Terphos, Andrew founded the lair where the monster lives. Upon entering the cave he was noticed by the monster, attacked him swiftly, and hid into the darkness within his cave. Though barely dodge the attack that the monster inflict, the only way to kill the Terphos is to inflict direct damage to it, before he attack you again.
Andrew arrived in school for the first time as a student, but it was during the afternoon, so instead of going to his class, he went to the bounty board, near hunting class, and took a bounty that requested to kill a monster call a Terpho, in which many student try to hunt with no result, for its cunning speed, and its stealth defeat the students within seconds. After accepting the bounty he return back to his dorm room getting ready for his hunting tonight.
Name: Andrew Ellingham
Age: 21
Grade: sophomore
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance : 5 foot 21 inches, he is a heterochromia ( which means I have different eye color) having both red eyes in my left, and blue on the right in which he always hid them within a shade, black hair, scar across his left eye, and always wear a black hoodie, and headphone.
Power, or Talent: One of the best marksmen, able to hit a bug within 10 feet across with a pistol never missing a single bullet, thanks to his increase senses. He is also a tech genius, able to create many useful machine that help me with his hunt.
Good, or Evil: Neutral
Bio: He is neither a friend of the angels, nor a colleague of the demons. He most hated both the angels, and demons than most monster he ever fought because its of them, and there bloody war ended both his parents, and the people he ever know within his life. Because of this, his hatred grew, and for there on out he hunted not only the demons who killed them, but also the angels who left the humans in his town to their deaths. His hatred must keep burning, as he enter a new school in order to achieve his ultimate goal.
Goal: To kill both the God who sit within the heavens, and Devil himself that is confined in hell.
Subject: Marksmanship, Sword master, and Hunting class
Lives in school: Yes
Likes: Classical, and techno music
Dislike: Demons, Angels, and broccoli