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  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 30, 2024 at 11:56 pm in reply to: Sugar&Spice Management Offices

    *Jean decided to work at the modeling agency today to catch up on some pending duties that were left on her desk while she was away to the cosmos. As she worked diligently on each task, she can sense the escalating emotions of a few family members and friends and quickly figured out what it was about* I guess a few haven’t figured out what transpired at the bakery today. *giggles*

  • My Lady!! *Jean had returned from the cosmos just a few hours ago and rushed to the bakery* I wouldn’t miss this special occasion! *Gives Helena a tender hug* Happy birthday!! 🥰🥰🥰

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    November 13, 2023 at 12:46 am in reply to: Sacred Timeline

    *Phoenix was flying across the galaxies making sure no threat or anomalies was happening and once the coast seemed clear, Phoenix would return back to Skyrieverse. Once entering the realm of the Sacred Timeline, Phoenix came across a cosmic energy which for some reason felt recognizable but also realized that this energy was much more powerful, almost god-like, and understood why it was not able to detect what it truly was. The energy felt warming and non threatening which had Phoenix feel a bit perplexed but somehow for some apparent reason was trusting it, then suddenly, without any explanation, Phoenix was given a sword. A voice spoke but only saying one word, a name. It was clear to Phoenix what it had to do and left the Sacred Timeline to arrive at Satou Arcanum. Upon arriving, Phoenix call out the only person she can share this experience, the one name the voice mentioned: Helena @sweetsugardemon

  • Yay!! *claps her hands in excitement* Happy Birthday Lord Gin!!!

  • *Having her students sit on top of yoga mats, with legs crossed and eyes closed* Begin by taking three deep breaths, breathing in through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. By the third breath, breathe out letting go of a sigh. While doing your deep breaths, try your best to calm your thoughts, look through them without judgement and focus on your breath. We’re going to work on balancing our chakras. Let’s begin! *plays some meditative music to help ease more the relaxed state of her students*

  • *Jean had set up the classroom into a more meditative setting, with dim lights, yoga mats; each with a pillow and a blanket; and in the front of the class, Jean had a beautiful singing bowl set up on top of a cushion on the classroom floor. Jean invite her students to get comfortable on their mats as she sits in front of the bowl* Ok, students! Today we will do a special meditation which will help enhance your psychic abilities. You may lay down or sit with your legs crossed, whichever is more comfortable for you and once the music begins, close your eyes, take three deep breaths through your belly and focus on your breath. Whatever goes through your mind, just observe without judgment. The more you focus on your breath, the less “loud” your thoughts will be. Let’s begin!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    September 13, 2023 at 10:45 pm in reply to: U.A. High School (True Crossover Academy)

    *Jean bows back at the two young ladies* Such an honor! I hope your parents gave you a heads up as to what my class is about. Welcome! *smiles then notice another young lady entering the class* Hello! *waves* Helly, you say? Welcome to me class! My name is Jean Grey! Pleasure to meet you!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    September 13, 2023 at 10:06 pm in reply to: U.A. High School (True Crossover Academy)

    *Jean pokes towards the two young ladies and tilts her head* Hmm, you are new students to the class! Have we done our proper introductions? *stands before them and smile* Hello, my name is Jean Grey. Such a pleasure to meet you!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    September 13, 2023 at 9:37 pm in reply to: U.A. High School (True Crossover Academy)

    What do you mean that “you didn’t have time to practice!” *Jean gives almost a menacing look at her students then does a subtle smirk* I think I’m being a bit too nice and flexible with my students! *Prepares herself into a fighting stance* Well, who’ll be the first one to come at me!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    September 4, 2023 at 9:32 pm in reply to: Seaside Beach's Pool & Tiki Bar

    *Jean arrives to the pool and enjoy the rest of the afternoon with one of her favorite drinks*

  • *Jean was almost done grading the quizzes she had given to her students and senses them feeling anxious to leave not only her class, but the school in general since this was a long-awaited weekend to come. She couldn’t help but giggle* All right! *stands in front of her desk and smiles* Peace out!! Have a great Labor Day Weekend! Be safe and don’t do anything crazy!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    September 1, 2023 at 9:32 pm in reply to: Pantheon of the Angels

    *Jean was totally mesmerized by the gift and extended her left hand to have Michael place it on her ring finger. She blushed and her eyes sparkled* This is beautiful, Michael! I love it! I love you!

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    April 2, 2023 at 10:17 pm in reply to: Sacred Timeline

    *Jean has been away for some time keeping guard of the galaxies as the threat reaches closer to Skyrieverse. She had stopped by the Sacred Timeline to make sure things were in order but soon realized that it was much to be done and she couldn’t handle it alone. She telepathically asked Noloty if she could assist and was relieved to hear her affirmative reply. As Jean stands by one of the portals, she can sense the presence of three familiar ladies* Good! She bought company! *giggles* I better get going. *Leaves Noloty a note then head back to the galaxies*

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 24, 2023 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Sacred Timeline

    *Jean embraces Helena’s hug and smiles* You are absolutely right, my lady! There’s so much room for improvement and I wholeheartedly trust that you will achieve it. It just takes time and no need to rush either. I’m a bit of a perfectionist so I would make sure that minimal errors be made, although creation has its tricks but I will be here to guide you and ahem! *coughs* Thoth-sama is more than welcome to observe. *giggles* You’re also right about the Gods as well, they will watch…especially one in particular. The oldest one of all…you know…the one related to Noloty and Michael… *this last sentence she tried to turn it into a sarcastic comment as she winks as her*

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