Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
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Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberMay 30, 2020 at 12:31 am in reply to: Akiba’s Apartment Complex*Relaxing at her apartment*
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberMay 25, 2020 at 7:55 pm in reply to: SweetSugar Ice Cream Stand*Finally, after a whole day of work, they both decided to sit by a cute small cafe right next to the ice cream stand and enjoy some sweets*
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberApril 22, 2020 at 3:13 am in reply to: Understanding the Human Mind (Continuation)*Sitting on her desk, Jean reads one last time the classes she will begin to teach before her students enter the classroom. She wanted to teach different tactical uses of telekinesis and telepathy, especially if facing such dangerous events as the apocalypse. She will use these events as examples but carefully explaining it as if it happened in other planets. She knew that only a select few of her students were aware of the events that took place in Skyrie and wanted to make sure not to raise any concerns for the new students who registered for this class.* OK! I guess this small list can be a good start! *She gets up and starts writing down a chronological list of topics that will be discussed throughout the semester. Still writing on the board, she already senses a few presences in the classroom* Good Morning! *She turns around and smiles* Welcome to the “Understanding the Human Mind” class! My name is Jean Grey! *smiles again* For my new students, I left a booklet with a detailed summary of last semester’s topics. You can take it home and read it at your own pace but don’t slack! I will quiz you! *Chuckles as she hears a few whining about the quiz* Now, now…I promise it will be easy! *Turns back around and finish writing her list* OK! For this semester, we will discuss these topics here! *She points at the blackboard* We will discuss these in order and also practice how to use them at the training facilities. The list is as follows:
Psi Combat
Combat Merging
Psionic Combat
Psychic Beam Emission
Psychic Constructs
Psychic Energy Manipulation
Psychic Infusion
Tactile Telekinesis
Territory Creation*She stands in front of her desk and leans herself against it, as if almost sitting on it* I expect this semester to be quite interesting and hopefully you will too. Now let’s start by introducing ourselves, I do see some new faces and I want them to feel welcomed! No need to give me a summary, just your first and last name and at what level of telekinesis or telepathy or both you believe you find yourself in. I’ll start! Hello, my name is Jean Grey…again! *chuckles* I’m a human mutant born with both telekinetic and telepathic abilities and I’m a master level! *She didn’t want to say that she in fact was a cosmic entity with universal level for she was not quite ready to reveal such information* Who’s next?
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit.
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberApril 1, 2020 at 3:20 am in reply to: Akiba’s Apartment Complex*Playing with her kitty*
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberMarch 25, 2020 at 2:18 am in reply to: Understanding the Human Mind (Continuation)*Jean was in her classroom making preparations for the upcoming class. She looks at the list of students who registered for this class and sees that not only a few of her students from the past semester will return but also a good group of newcomers will attend as well. She places the list over her desk then stands by the window observing the sun setting beautifully despite the not so cloudy sky. She wondered if any of the newcomers were the ones she had sensed from the Borderlands. Jean had sensed new auras entering Skyrie during the apocalypse and hoped that they were not to bring any trouble but that was just wishful thinking. She also recalled feeling a few strong ones when she was helping Lady Helena. She sensed that they were lured by her powers and was glad that she was able to complete her part in rescuing her in due time. She felt at ease knowing that she will be there for her when needed; somehow their cosmic energies were connected and she will be reachable no matter the distance. For now, everything was back to normal and everyone is settling in exceptionally well. Jean smiles softly then finishes up her class preparation*
*After dinner, Jean takes a walk around the city and spots the fancy business attire store* Oh wow! I need to check this out and see if I find a new suit for work!
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberMarch 25, 2020 at 1:45 am in reply to: Akiba’s Apartment Complex*Fixing up something quick to eat while her kitty plays with one of the kitchen towels*
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberMarch 4, 2020 at 3:16 am in reply to: Akiba’s Apartment Complex*Jean had just arrived to Akihabara City and strolls around the city before heading to her apartment complex. She was totally satisfied in finding the city intact, she only found a few cracks that was easy to fix and continued on with her stroll until she made a quick stop to a market. She purchased a few items then heads home; she greets the front desk clerk of her building and presses her floor number as she enters the elevator. She opens the door to the apartment and places her shopping bags over the dining table* Yes!! *lifts her arms in the air and dances happily* There’s no place like home!
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberFebruary 23, 2020 at 4:22 pm in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse*Phoenix was originally in its cosmic form while being in Satou Arcanum; when the portion of its mind that had gone to search for Helena returned, it had finally connected. Phoenix begins to descend right after Helena and slowly starts to change back into human form, back to Jean Grey. As Jean feet touched the ground, she did the same breathing technique to ensure the crystal was safe within her body and as she slowly opens her eyes, its fiery color turns back to her tender green. Jean looked at herself once again, this time in full human solid form and wearing a new suit, it was evident that she was happy due to her bright smile. She hears the voice of the silver haired male thanking her and was surprised he knew her name. She took a quick glimpse at Noloty and immediately guessed from who he learned the name from. She places her hand above her chest and bows her head* It was an honor, sir! *Jean then looks to Helena* Indeed, my lady! I hope to see you more often. *smiles then feels Noloty’s tight hug* Whoa! You’re strong! *chuckles then hugs her back* Good to see you, Lady Noloty!
*As Phoenix begins to take the form of the one it believed to be its true host and houses the crystal within its body, it speaks with Helena telekinetically* I’m beginning to remember! Now that I have the crystal, it must of also kept my memories as well. I remember you and I shouldn’t have flown away. I am the guardian of creation and you, Lady Helena, are creation! *Phoenix has yet to complete its full transformation so it pictures a image of Jean, kneeling down on one knee and with her left hand closed in form of a fist and placed in front of her chest, like a knight of shining armor would do in front of his queen* I, Phoenix, guardian of the cosmos and creation will now pledge my eternal protection to you. I will never abandon you and will respond to your call, near or far, I’ll be there for you. *Jean stands up and the image transitions into the real Jean Grey, totally transformed into her human form. Her eyes were still a fiery color but it was slowly changing to its tender green. She puts her hand over her chest and breath in and out a few times until she feels comfortable* The crystal is safe! Thank you! *happy smile* The Avengers, yes! I remember that event, they’re Planet Earth’s finest heroes but… *Jean leans towards Helena and whispers* …they’re not better than the X-Men! *she stated jokingly then winks as she leans back and giggles. She watched Helena let the sphere fly away into the universe then looks back at her* Love is eternal! Love conquers all! Speaking of…Lady Helena, there is a very handsome silver haired male with the most breathtaking light waiting for you! *Holds on to Helena’s hand* Let’s go home!
*Phoenix allowed Jean to do the talking then gently holds Helena’s hand* No need to be concerned, my lady! Planet Skyrie is a new planet with a very, very long life span. I, myself was surprised as to why it was suffering, but after reading everyone’s thoughts, that is how I learned the truth. I’m quite sure a solution will arise soon; the few family members I met from your clan have proven to be very knowledgeable. *smiles then her eyes sparkled when hearing the question about returning back to Skyrie* And miss that delicious peppermint latte? *sighs* Ahh, I would do anything to return back but…*Jean has a sad look* …I don’t have a body to change back to. Phoenix gave me the warning when it was time for it to reincarnate and I accepted my new destiny. I have to comply with Phoenix’s responsibility as the cosmic being that it was, is and always will be. *let go of a big sigh* Ahh, If only I can change back, even if its for one day, I’ll take that chance and make the best of it!
*Phoenix is at close range and even saw sparks of light from the other phoenixes that were with Lady Helena. Before arriving, Phoenix telekinetically begins to warp reality with the attempt to create a calming illusion of both of them, in their human form, laying on a flowerbed of daisies with a beautiful clear blue sky and feeling the smooth warmth of the sun rays. Giggles echoed throughout the air and the atmosphere felt soothing and relaxing. Jean and Helena would pick a few daisies and make them float in the air, then with a calming voice, Jean speaks* Beautiful, isn’t it, Lady Helena!
*Phoenix’s mind flying across multiple portals at incredible speed reaching out to Lady Helena* Hang in there, my lady! I sense I’m getting closer!
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberFebruary 18, 2020 at 6:56 pm in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse*Phoenix maximizes its size a bit more to spread its wings longer lengthwise in order to create the waves of amplification for both Helena’s voice and the blonde male’s hypnosis. It flew very closely to Helena as she floated towards the sky and can sense the white haired male’s concern* She will not fall, I promise! *Then it hears Noloty’s question about Jean however she did not want to raise more concerns about that as of yet, for the Phoenix itself knew that it no longer possess the body of Jean Grey. They have both merged into one and Jean was now a reincarnated cosmic entity becoming the universal guardian of the galaxies. Phoenix hears Helena’s private call and responds* As you wish, Lady Helena!
Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit
MemberFebruary 18, 2020 at 2:08 am in reply to: Inception to an Apocalypse*Phoenix can sense hope on both Noloty and the male figure who was holding on to Lady Helena then replies* I’ve heard the thoughts of every single inhabitant of this planet; some with worry, some with doubt but there were some whom are conspiring against her. Those who accepted you, admire you and even adore you are the ones whose hearts are now filled with bitterness, distaste and anger. If I reach out to her and she returns back to her vessel, you will need to do more than just convincing these people that this chaos was not intentional. I know there was a sinister hand in play which provoked to awaken the apocalyptic force within her. Sadly, humans do not have the capacity to understand the supernatural, deities and gods, demons and angels. My suggestion is that everyone in this planet is to be put to sleep; of course, you have the option to select a certain few for whatever reasons you may have but everyone else will be in a more calming slumber. This way you can buy time and find a resolution to be at peace one more time with the humans. *Phoenix looks down at Lady Helena and despite its giant size, it was evident that its gaze was caring.* Lady Helena, Jean was once told that you have the most beautiful voice. You don’t have to try too hard for I will use my ability to amplify it throughout the entire planet. Care to sing a lovely lullaby?