Thalen de Valdor
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Thalen de Valdor
MemberMay 11, 2015 at 1:56 pm in reply to: A New Story-Welcome To The First Chapter Of…Alter was walking on the sidewalk Gage right next to him as he went to his store to help out his employees. As he got there he opened the door to the store and saw it was a slow day. “Well that gives everyone a break from the rush yesterday.” he said to himself.
Name: Alter
Race: Mimi/Demon
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1
Age: 1,500 (Looks 21)
Skill: Good at hand-to-hand combat, potion making from herbs
Power: Can control Fire and Shape-shift.
Personality: He is calm and would rather not fight if it can be helped.
Weapon: A custom Katana that he made.
With out the sleeves, and his wings are a dark purple color
Bio: Alter was a high ranking demon before he left, to get away from the fighting between the Demon’s and Angels. He has managed to blend into society for the last 500 years and has his own book store called “Endless Wonders” (Couldn’t come up with anything better) that has become very successful over the years to where he added a Cafe to it and changed the name from “Endless Wonders” to “Demonic Angel’s Book Store & Cafe”. He has yet to meet an angel and he wishes it to stay that way.
Extra: He like’s Twizzlers, Cheese Cake, and has a pet Rottweiler named Gage.
Nero sighs at the two girls. “At this rate we might be down one Transhuman.” He said as he saw Fallen about to knock out the new girl. “Well before this gets out of hand I’m Nero, Dakota’s older brother.” He said holding his hand out to shake hers. “And give Nat her shoe back.”
Nero looks down at Fallen. “Well 4 weeks huh…..might want to use that time to be with Kota instead of me don’t you think.” He said with a chuckle trying to brighten the mood a bit.
Nero hugs Fallen back after she started hugging him and he saw tears on her and he swore he would kick who’s ever’s ass he needs too. ‘I my not be the one in love with her but i see her as a sister who ever is doing this….they better prepare because im coming for them.’ He thought.
Nero blinked again because out of everything Fallen could have asked that was not what he was thinking of but he nodded with a smile. “Yea i think…no I can do that if you want me too.”
It took a minute for what Fallen said to register but when it did he responded with the wisdom of a sage. “Ok who’s ass am i kicking and how hard.”
Nero gets up and goes to the wall and looks at the pictures and sees one of Dakota and Fallen. He takes the picture down and looks at it and smiles”You know…..If you’re trying to get my approval for marriage you already have it.” He said before putting the picture back.
“The more you think about it the stupider it will sound to you so just say what you have to say before you get cold feet.” He said with a shrug. “Plus i highly doubt you could say something stupid.” He said taking a knee.
Nero looks at Fallen and shrugs. “Sure no problem.” He said and went to follow Fallen where ever she wanted to go.
“No clue lets go find out.” He said before he walked out the door and both of them went over to the group. “Hey little bro what’s going on here?” He asked as he stopped right next to him and looked at the new girl. “And who’s that?” He said before noting Nova on the ground. “…..ok fuck it…what i miss now…”
“Well you do have to fight a lot of people to get to that but yea they have wild parties there and the best part is it’s not what everyone assumes a party in hell would be about.” He said before opening the front door. “I’ll talk more about hell as we walk to the base.” He said holding it open for her.
“Actual Hell believe it or not.” He said laughing. “And i will say this they know how to party.” He said as he remembered the wild party’s down in hell.
Dante turns to Pan. “The home of the giants the sun village.” He said before picking up his bag and headed towards tge door.
“Dude if someone hurt the only family you had left wouldn’t you do the same thing?” Alter asked Thomas holding back a laugh at him. “Well i guess we all should get going huh…” Dante said after watching the scene next to everyone else.