Thalen de Valdor
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“Nope kicked his original owners ass when i was in hell.” Nero said like it was an everyday thing as he made his way to the front door.
“Who Reno?” Nero asked before he thought about it before he snapped his fingers. “Oh Reno does what he wants he’s a Hellhound believe it or not.”
“I see well you if want we could head back to the other HQ and see what everyone is up too.” Nero suggested.
Mama turns to Lilt and smiles. “Young mam please call me Mama that’s what everyone else in this village calls me now excuse me while i teach this boy some manors.” She said before going into her office dragging Thomas with her.
“Nice to meet you too now if you excuse me i have a call to make.” He said before walking off. “Well…that sucks i was hoping everyone would be here.” Nero said with a sigh. “Oh well nothing we can do about it.” He started to think. “So anything else you want to see or is that it?” he questioned
Everyone stopped what they we’re going because just at that moment the door to the guild opened and an old lady walked in. ‘Well…..he’s dead.’ was the thought that went through most members the rest thought. ‘Fuck.’
“Now can someone tell me why my granddaughter was sent flying.” Every hand in the guild flew up to Thomas. “I see well then Thomas we need to have a nice…little…chat.” She said before walking over to him and draging him up stairs by his legs.
Dante just blinked before leaning over to the newcomes. “That’s Mama.” was all he said.
“Hmm…that is really useful not only can you fight but entertain as well….can you do somesort of healing with it?” Dante said thinking about how arrange everyone before he ended with the question. While that was going on Elsra stomped in front of Thomas her foot close to what makes him a man cracking her knuckles. “What was that Thomas.” She asked with a dark aura around her. (The comical kind not evil kind)
“Hmmm..that’s one I’ve never herd of what can you do with…your music?” Dante asked out of genuine curiosity.
“A few months at most, Dan went to China to help a small rebellion while Silvia went to England to look over some conspiracy notes with MI6.” Kazuma said with a sigh. “Then to top it off dumbass over here goes and gets himself killed.” He said pointing to Nero before turning to him. “Nice job by the way.” He said to which Nero punched his arm. “Shut up ass!”
Kazuma shugs. “I dabble a little.” he said before noticing her looking around. “Everyone else is gone just me and Kyra.” he said
As thomas did that he didn’t know Elsra appeared behind him and slamed a tray on his head before dragging him off. “What have i told you about draining magic!” she yelled at him as she threw him into a wall. “Now stay there before i have to call mama on you!” she said before going back to working the bar.
“Um….ok sorry i asked.” Alter said with a sweatdrop and moving away from the hyper man. ‘But if he says one thing about youth im going to send every marionette i own after his ass.’ he tbought.
“No..no you cant.” Alter said with a grin to Thomas after he jumped back from shock because of wane. “So is he always like this?” he asks Wanes guildmates.
“I call bullshit Tom!” Alter said yelling from the second floor. “Your the same rank as me and you only went on one S-Rank and i had to save your ass!” He yelled before Dante turned to Alter. “And then you got lost so i had to go collet you two.” He said a little annoyed.
“Alright then Everyone who is going on this mission state your name rank and your magic type.” Dante said after standing up. “Ill go first my name is Dante Netherwood, S-ranked, Take-Over Mage.” He said so he knew what he had to work with.