Thalen de Valdor
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Dante goes to tell them but Elsra stands in front of him and starts talking. “Well Dante here is going on a mission of his own but the thing is he was planning on going alone so i wanted to make sure he had backup in case anything happens he has help.” She said. “And i don’t know if your master told you but Dante’s missions is an S-ranked mission so if your up too it you can go.” She said before turning to the bard. “You can go too if you wish.” He said.
“Yea she has been with me my entire life.” He said not noticing the slip he made as he took back his gun. “But i still have more modifications to make so see ya Harley, Master Kai.” He said before leaving to the gun room.
“Alright thanks.” Alter said before turning to Harley after just remembering something. “Would actually help if i had my 44. on me haha think you can give it back.” He asked
“Ah don’t mention it and she’s fine she’s just asleep right now.” He said a small smile on his face. “She found one heck of a friend in that wolf pup.” He said before turning to Kai. “Oh hey Master Kai did you ever get those parts for my 44.?” He asked
Alter walks into the room where Kai and Harley in it. “Oh hello.” He said surprised to see the two of them that fast.
After a bit Alter stood up. “Well time to see who else is here.” He said before walking out of the room and walk around the mansion.
Dante sees the guild mark but shrugs it off. “Well as far as i know you can only be apart of one guild at a time.” He said before sitting up and stretching. “So when you feel like leaving that guild and want a place that won’t judge you on your past the door is open just talk to me or Elsra….or Mama but nine times out of ten it would be me or Elsra.” He said still looking at the bard before hearing someone knock on the door and his eyes widen. “Please be them.” He said to himself before getting up and going to the door to open it.
Dante opens one eye at the bard. “Im guessing you want to join the Southern Wolves.” he asked him.
“Fun…..” Dante said trying to think of ehat to do till the other people get here.
“I am so damn Bored!” Dante yells as he is sitting at a table waiting for the pointless (in his opinion) members to show up. “How much longer until your friends get here.” He asked Pan since Elsra was was elsewhere taking care of thing.
This is GreenGods character……only did this because he is in the same guild and im pretty sure everyone doesn’t want to fingure out what his thing said.
Name: Thomas Pryde
Guild: Southern Wolves
Guild mark Location: Right Shoulder blade
Color: Black
Height: 5’11
Age: 16
Appearance: Sandy Blond hair, blue-green eyes
Clothing: Green sweater, jeans, sneakers
Magic: Drain Magic
Weapons: Scythe
Abilities: Can jump really high
Personality: Smiley, can get a little overkill, talkative
Background: Grew up with parents, dad was shot by royalty, swore vengeance, protected mother till she died of disease. -
“Well…i can honestly say that if i had a body that might have hurt but i don’t so im not hurting hahaha.” The voice said taunting them.
“Im sure he is fine.” Alter said before pulling out a stuffed bear. “Here maybe this will help somewhat.” He said handing the bear to her.
“What’s your dad’s name.” He asked as he goes through his bag.
“Just take it easy don’t try to force it and say what feels comfortable with you.” He said.