Thalen de Valdor
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“Well fuck.” Alter said before he got the stupidest idea one could have in a zombie outbreak. “Harley!” Hey yelled to her since they didn’t have stealth anymore. “Grab Bo and make a beeline for the mansion ill destract the Zombies!” was that a dumb plan..yes..yes it is.
“Oh are you still mad about what happened Dan-Dan.” She said with a smirk that pissed Dante off. “No i’ve gotten over that now tell me why are you here.” As he said that he flooded the room with magical energy that reminded everyone why he was S-Class. As that happened the Ice clone involuntary flinched. “And this is why you don’t piss Dante off.” Elsra whispered to Pan.
“Hey im not a novice now.” He joked before putting on his shades. “Ok three….two….one…now.” He said before opening the door and going out to make sure everything was clear.
“Yea but don’t worry that mansion is tighter than Fort Knocks made of that metal that makes captain america’s shield.” He said. “Plus the speakers are scattered around the town so they wont go straight for the mansion.” He said moving to a window to see outside and noticed only a few zombies around. “Well if we make a break we should do it now.”
((Ok you know what let’s just go with it)) Alter hears the voice about the mansion. “Yep that’s Master Kai.” He said before looking to the two girls. “You two feel like making a run for it.” He asked
“You’re welcome Pan.” Dante said glaring at the ice clone at reformed in front of everyone. “Well never thought you people would associate yourselves with that guild.” The Ice clone said before looking at Dante. “And you are getting rusty not noticing that ice spear when you opened the door.” Dante ignored the jab and full on glared at her. “Silvia what are you doing here and don’t say to just visit old friends becuase we both know that’s a load of bull.” And while they talked Elsra motioned for Pan to come over to where she was not because she was a kid but so that way Dante could go all out with out worrying about someone next to him if he needed to.
((Harley you do know we are in a different building right?)) “I just came from the roof there’s nothing up there.” Alter said
“If he doesn’t then im a squid.” He said standing up and looking a Bo. “And he’s the one that lives in the mansion.”
Elsra saw what Pan was doing. “Pan don’t!” She yelled but it was too late the Silvia Pan started punching broke into ice shards and floated in the air before they flew at her but Dante quickly pushed her out of the way and took the ice shards but they didn’t do much because they melted before they hit him.
“Alter.” He answered putting his gun away but keeping his knife out and looking at Bo. He walked over to her and kneeled in front of her. “Hey i know your probably scared but we should get going….and probably grab master Kai while we’re at it.” He said with a sigh before turning to Harley. “Hey you came from the mansion right.” he asked.
“Alter get your puppets ready!” Elsra yelled just as Alter got up and ran too the second floor. “Already on it!” He yelled back. Dante got up clutching his shoulder and glared at the person walking towards him ice spear in hand. “Silvia.” Was all he said and everyone in the guild froze with fear at the name. “Dante.” She said with a cold glare.
‘Thirteen thats too young to be on their own.’ He thought before he noticed someone else arrive and aims his gun at them not hearing what she said. “Who are you?” he questioned.
Dante went to the door and opened it just as an ice spear stabed him in the shoulder. “Gawh!” He yelled as he was sent back and he pulled it out.
When he herd her voice he desided to take his shades off so he can see better and noticed that she was young. “How old are you girl.” He asked and kept his eyes out for anything else that could harm them.
“She’s the guild master here but everyone calls her mama.” She said before Dante came back. “Elsra did you know the Ice Titan was missing.” He asked her a worried look on his face and Elsra’s eyes widen. “No i didn’t i dont post the missions.” She said and Dante looked to Pan. “Hey sorry but i gotta run Elsra will take care of you until Mama gets back.”