Thalen de Valdor
Forum Replies Created
“Should have listened to your boyfriend.” He said quickly before four shadow spears pierced both Fallen and Dakota at the same time.
‘NightWalker’ mumbled something.
‘NightWalker’ showed his tattoo and let fallen come close to him before he grabbed his head in pain and fell to one knee.
Kyra just looks at Nat before a large grin spread on her face. “Ok she’s in.” She said before she remembered something. “Oh crap i got to check on fluffy.” She said before running out the room but then she poked her head back in. “Oh Nero sorry but we had to use your room for storage so you have to use the guest room #2.” Before she disappeared again. Nero just sighed. “Kind of figured as much good thing we have four guest rooms.” he said before he turned to Nat. “So shall i give you the tour.”
Nero looks at Nat. “If i die again im haunting your ass.” He said half-jokingly before taking a glass of water. Kyra raised her own glass. “YAY too new friends.” She said before drinking the whole thing along with Nero before both spit it out. “Damit i got toilet water.” Kyra wined while Nero grumbled. “I got Swamp water.” He said before looking to Nat “what you get?”
*Sigh* “I can’t believe…you know what fine whatever let’s say i am your younger little brother.” The voice said before stepping into the light to show a male version of fallen (To lazy for Description). “What are you going to do about it.”
“Sounds nice kind of like my guild..though with out the drinking and extreme fighting.” He said leaning back watching the world go by on the train.
“…….NightWalker….NightWalker….Oh i remember now that was the name of the guy who’s intestines i ripped out nice guy always going on and on about how ‘My sister will save me’ or some bull shit like that.” The voice said. “Needless to say i enjoyed killing the fucking brat.” It said before going into an insane laugh.
“Alright then if that is what you believe then tell me this…what is my name..” The voice said from a different location now and the thing with Nova turns out to be a log.
“……you…you….you really are the dumbest bitch i have ever met.” the voice said and you could feel the blank stare he was giver her. “Parents what parents i was never born, as for your kind i already am stronger then them want to know why….’Fallen’ Angel.”
“HAHAHAHA You think i give a fuck about what you want dont kid yourself also you made that deal with Ermin not me by the way hes dead.” The voice continued to say. “And kill yourself all you want that just makes it easier for me when i come to kill you all.”
“And its something you never will hehehe.” a voice said from the shadows of the forest.
Kyra continued to glare at Nero before looking at Nat and smiling. “Yep that’s right i love to mix different things together to see what i get i even made my own water want some.” She asked before pulling out a glass of water out of no where.
“Yea…so what’s life like at your guild i only got a brief view from when i went there.” He asked.
Reno jumps away from her more and keeps growling.