Thalen de Valdor
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“Yes and half-yes.” Nero said and noticing her confused look continued. “He is a sorcerer of an old society but he does conjure up swords and use them so yea he is also has good sword skills.” ((If you want to know look up the game Soul Sacrifice that’s what type of sorcerer he is.))
“Why are people surprised that im S-Class i earned that.” He said. “I also have a title but i doubt people really know it.” He said as they make it to where you get the reward.
Nero laughs too. “And sorry wrong again she’s like the mad scientist of the group.” He said “The one who should be in charge is the Second in command which is a guy named Kazuma.”
“Um….no its ok it’s only a once in a while thing and plus even if they did im S-Class so i can easily make that money back and then some.” He said with a shrug.
“Kind of crazy and will be the first to volunteer someone for something stupid without them knowing.” He said before getting into a thinking stance. “She also tends to watch people sleep sometimes…don’t know if she still does or not though.”
“Hey that works for me that’s enough for rent….unless my teammates mooch off me again.” He said crying anime tears at the end after thinking about the two brother who mooch off him every now and then.
“Nope she has control over plants.” He said with a chuckle.
Nero walks out and holds the door for her. “Haha yea takes away the awkward silence of the walk.” He said with a laugh. “Well i guess i can start with Kyra.”
“The only reason im here is for a book i ordered…but i wouldn’t say no to like 1/4 or the reward gotta make a living somehow.” He said with a shrug as he continued to follow her. “Hey maybe i can get the book for free instead now.” He asked himself with a grin.
“…..there’s a reward?” Dante asked no one before looking at Kyra. “and here we were just picking up a book.” He said before following her making sure to stay clear of the electric girl because he really didn’t feel like having a heart attack right now. “So what’s this about a reward.” He asked her as he put his hands in his pocket his cloak flapping behind him.
“Yea if you want i could tell you about them so you know what to expect when we get there.” Nero said as they made it to the front doors of HQ.
The fire guy was completely destroyed when she did that and Dante quickly spun around and took in a deep breath as the magic circle appeared in front of his mouth. “IFRITS HELLINFERNO!” He yells before releasing a torrent of white fire from his mouth at the Lightning being, completely destroying it from the attack. After the smoke cleared and making sure the things were destroyed his arms returned to normal and Kyra flew to his shoulder. “Well that takes care of them.” He said before turning to the girl. “You ok…hey your the girl i bumped into back in Magnolia.” He said after he recognized the girl.
The earth guy smashed his own leg before jumping back and regrowing it before a red magic circle appeared under it. “IFRITS HELLSTREAM!” a voice yelled from the entrance of the forest and a stream of fire shot upwards destroying it leaving the Fire and Lightning one’s left. Dante quickly ran towards the group. “Take-Over: Ifrit Claws!” and his arms transforms to look like demonic arms with fire coming off them. He then jumped and went to slash at the fire one but just like with Pandora and the Lightning one it absorbed his fire too then in Dante’s voice yelled. “Take-Over: Ifrit Claws!” and it’s arms changed into the same demonic arms Dante has. “…Well thats new.” He said shocked before blocking an attack from the fire one and sliding back ending up right behind Pandora he looked behind him and saw her and the electric one. “Trade ya.” He asked her.
The wind and Water were destroyed instantly but the Electric one after being slashed jumped back and magic circles appeared around both its hand. “Lightning Dragon Twin Blade!” It said sounding exactly like Pandora and the same blue electric blades appear on its arms and it dashes straight at her trying to slasher her to pieces.
As she fought the electric one every time she used her magic he would absorb it and slowly get stronger at the fight went on. But also the Wind and Water were going at her at the same time while the Fire and Earth were fighting Kyra and Oryan.