Thalen de Valdor
Forum Replies Created
“Im sure….and if not i’ll just remind them who the leader is again.” Nero said slamming one fist into the other. “….also their is a guy named Dan…whatever you do don’t go into his room.”
“Yea pretty much there are lots of teams out there you just have to know where to look.” Nero said as he walked down the stairs. “And as for the group im sure you will like them but word of advise don’t drink anything my friend Kyra gives you she tends to expiriment with herbs, drinks, chemicals, and playdoh.”
“Yea i know.” Nero said. “You would be surprised what you find…and the crap you go through.” He said before fixing his jacket. “Well im going to be heading out see if i can find my old group if you want to tag along you can.” He said before he started to make his way to the stairs.
The one who was hit by the electric punch hit the ground but when he got back up he had electricity flowing around him like he absorbed it. The other 4 just looked at him before each one gained a different element fire, water, wind, and earth.
The Ice boy got back up and made two swords appear. “….fuck she perfected you didn’t she….” Dante said before he dodged another slash and jumped over him and palm trusted him into the ground before a magic circle appeared in front of him. “IFRIT’S HELLFIRE!” He yelled before he trusted his fist forward and a torrent of fire shot from the circle and completely destroying the ice boy. He landed and took a quick breath. “Damn synthetic beings.” He said before continuing to run towards the village.
Nero looks around after hearing a voice then looks down and sees Nat. “Oh hiya.” He said before swinging himself through another open window and turning to Nat. “You have any clue how i ended up on the roof?” He asked.
All the Naked Mummy men were hit by the lightning but 5 men who weren’t apart of the guild weren’t hit. The five kept on running like they were possessed and one went to punch Pandora.
Meanwhile with Dante he was still running towards the town when an Ice Spear almost hit him so he quickly moved out of the way. “Who’s there!?” He yelled before a boy dropped down from the trees and ran straight for Dante with an Ice Sword ready to stab him but he quickly side-steps the blade and palm thrusts the boy sending him flying back.
“GO TAKE THE VILLAGE!” A man said before a large group of his guild members started to run towards the village firing guns at them.
“So what brings you here…last time i checked you said you never wanted to come back here ever again.” Dante said not taking his eyes off Silvia. “Yes i did say that but you see…i wanted to pay you back..but not today maybe some other time right now you should go help your pet or else.” She said before ice covered her completely then broke showing she was gone now. “Damnit Silvia.” Dante said before turning around and heading straight for Oak Village.
Kyra saw someone sitting by the entrance of the village and flew down to them and regonized them as the girl Dante ran into on their way to the Fairy Tail guild. She landed in front of her and tried to tell them about the attack. ((Image one of those cartoon birds panicking))
As Dante walked along the dirt road he ended up in a forest because according to Kyra there was a short cut to Oak Town through there. “Kyra you sure there is a short cut this way.” Dante asked after an hour of being in the forest. Kyra just gave him a look as if saying ‘You question my judgment.’ to which Dante said. “Don’t even we both know that the amount of times you’re right about short cuts are almost no existence we always end up in something that doesn’t concern us.” Which was always a response to that look but they continued on walking mostly because Dante couldn’t remember which way the entrance was so they continued on wards. After a while it started to get dark and Dante herd something coming from another direction so he went to go see what it was. When he got there he saw some people enough to be a small guild. “What are they doing out here.” Dante quietly asked himself before moving closer to hear them better.
“Where the fuck is he should have been back ages ago.” A man said said throwing a box of bananas at a tree. “Calm down the village probably hired some legit guild to protect them.” Another said from across the clearing they were in. “And you would be right.” A female voice said that shocked Dante to his core and made everyone in the clearing bow before her. ‘No…it can’t be.’ Dante thought. “They hired a Fairy Tail Wizard but not just any wizard a Dragon Slayer.” She said not even bothering to glace at the men on the ground. “I suggest you idiots get a move on and storm the village now before they call for back up.” She said as a command not a suggestion and everyone ran leaving just Dante, Kyra and the Women. “Kyra go warn the Dragon Slayer and help in anyway you can.” He said before Kyra took to the skies and flew towards Oak Village to warn the Dragon Slayer. Then Dante got up and walked into the clearing standing right behind the women. “So what did i do to deserve to your presents oh ‘Lord of the Flames’.” The women said in a mocking tone at the end before turning to Dante her orange eyes staring straight at him. “It’s been a long time Silvia….or do you like ‘Lady of the Frost’ better since it sure matches your personality.”
Nero wakes up and the first thing he sees is the sky before he slowly gets up and looks around. After a minute of looking he starts to panic. “HOW THE HELL DID I END UP ON THE ROOF!”
After a few minutes of napping the speakers come on waking up both Dante and Kyra. “Im sorry but we are experiencing technical difficulties the train should be ready in half an hour.” The conductor said and then Dante sighed. “Guess we walk…well it’s not like we’re in a rush or anything plus we could head to Oak Town to see if my book is there.” He said before getting up and Kyra flying to his shoulder and they get off the train and start walking to the entrance of the town.
Dante gets to the train station and looks to Kyra. “Well lets get going hopefully those to idiots haven’t caused much problems.” He said before getting on the train and waits for it to take off. “Wonder who was the ice mage that beat them…maybe i could fight him.” He said to himself before looking to Kyra. “What you think.” All she did was peck her wing and fall asleep and he sweatdropped. “Geez thanks.” He said before leaning back and decided to take a nap.
Dante walks out of the guild and start to head for the train station.
“Thanks you.” Dante said before turning to leave and his guild mark showing as he did so.
“Yea its the limited edition one.” Dante said with a chuckle. “Plus it was a long ride here.”