Thalen de Valdor
Forum Replies Created
Nero the pup looks at the two before walking over to Nova.
Name: Kazuma Netherwood
Age: 21
<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Appearence: Dark skin, messy black hair, and teal eyes. He wears a black sweater with the left sleave missing, bandages around his left hand and wrist, black cargo pants, and white shoes.</span>
Powers or abilities: Elemental Spells
Bio: Kazuma was born in Japan and moved to the states when he was young his mother could use magic and taught it to him when he was 12 him and his family were kidnapped and were experimented on which lead to them cloning him. He was saved by Nero and joined a little group he put together.
“Kill him i don’t even know the shrimp!” He said before he noticed his knife was missing. “Hey careful with that my friend gave it to me before he went off to find his brother.”
“Whoa whoa whoa what i do.” Kazuma said readying a spell.
“Hey girl you ok.” The boy yelled as he ran outside. “Kazuma wait a moment!” Kyra yelled from inside.
“Um…no i have three…” She said getting a little scared before she opened her bag and took out a book and opened it. “Ok ok ok lets see……yes….hmhm…..oh ok fhew..ok so she is just drunk for the next hour…..great….” She says before butting her book bag. “Hop she doesn’t do anything weird.”
“Sorry that’s just how me and the dork get along so if you see him falling down anywhere im more then likely the one who pushed him.” Kyra said a little sheepishly before she sat next to fallen. “So tell me how many fingers am i holding up.” She asked holding up 3 fingers.
A girl comes in wearing a red summer dress and a bag with plants sticking out and bare foot. “Well good to know my potion works how are you feeling.” She asks fallen after shoving the boy out of the way. “Of course everyone just loves to push me around.” The boy grumbled before he got back up. “Yea yea yea tell it to someone who cares..oh by the way the twins need you for something can you go see what it is.” She asks and the boy just shrugs. “Sure i can.” He says before waving to fallen. “Get better girl.” He says before walking out, and the pup licks fallen while this is going on.
“Hey your awake that’s good.” The boy who carried her said before walking to a door. “Yo Kyra she’s up.” He yelled. “Ok i’ll be there in sec.” A female voice yelled back and while that was going on Nero jumped up next to Fallen and nuzzled next to her and the boy noticed. “Well that’s new he never warms up to someone that fast.”
The puppy runs up to fallen after she lays down and sniffs her before he starts barking and after a minute an 18 year old boy came running. “Nero their you are.” He said before noticing Fallen. “Hey girl you ok.” he asks before going over and putting his hand on her head before removing it quickly. “HOLY FUCK your burning up!” He says before looking around and not seeing anyone pick her up on his back. “Let’s get you to base hopefully Kyra can help.” He says before walking off and the puppy named Nero following him.
A baby Rottweiler runs into Fallen and lands on his butt before shaking his head and looking up at her.
“Yea…i..know..” Ermin grits out before trying to stand. After he gets up he clutches his chest and a black veil surrounds him befor vanishing and he looks like a 16 year old before he falls to the ground unconscious.
*Meanwhile in another dimension*
Conquest and War both walk up to Famine with a pissed off look. “Alright brother what did you do.” Conquest asked/demanded.
Famine looks up from his paperwork and looked confused. “What do you mean i have done nothing.” He said before War reached over famines desk lifted hi up and slammed him against the wall.
“Yea don’t try that little fucking innocent route we know you gave one of those ‘Heroes’ a key to the underworld.” War said with fire in his eyes as he put more pressure on famine.
“I-I have done no wrong.” Famine said but winces at the pressure war is putting on him.
“….I knew letting you be the one to test them fist was a bad move they have corrupted you….” Conquest says before he looks down and sighs. “Guess we only have one choice….goodbye brother.” He said before shoving his hand inside Famine’s chest and taking out a little black orb.
“GAAHH!” Famine screams as the orb is removed before war drops him and he falls to the floor clutching his chest.
Conquest turns around and starts to walk away. “Come War if….he..wants to side with mortal’s then he too shall share their fate.” He said before waving his hand and makes famine appear in the middle of a park. “Now we must find a new Black Rider.”
“…Hey i like a fight as much as the next but was that necessary.” War asked seeing as how that seemed like over kill.
“It may have been but we have no use for a brother who would stab us in the back.” Conquest said not looking at War.
“Then what about Death he could stab us in the back at any time.” War said before he saw conquest chuckling.
“You and i both know that Death may be our younger brother but if he is at full power it would take more then us to take him down…so we give him no reason to stab him in the back…and he doesn’t stab us in the back simple.” Conquest said after he chuckled. “Now come brother you can bet the heroes are readying for battle we should do the same.” He said before they both walked off to get ready.
Famine has been sitting in his chair confused he was a Horseman a being that brought forth suffering he has seeen death so many times that emotions have been lost to him…he is confused because the girl known as Nova called him friend…why did that one word affect him this much. “Why….why call me….friend.”
Ermin snaps his fingers and a door appears. “You may leave at anytime.” He said trying hard to keep a blank face after being called a friend.