Thalen de Valdor
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“They are rare but not uncommon and as for you Nova…i will come to you one week after Conquest and War have been defeated.”
<i>Famine just gives him a blank look. “His name is War that should be clue enough go to the bloodiest battlefield and he will be there.”</i>
Famine looks at Dakota. “War is always where the blood is.” He said.
Ermin was shocked for this was the first time someone has ever hugged him before he herd what fallen said. “I can take away your immortality but after that i can’t kill you will need to get someone else to do that.” He said before looking to Dakota. “If only i would go their…no once im defeated i will be reborn in something else.”
“Here Nova i stole this from my younger brother use it to grab a strong warrior to help you beat me.” He said handing her a key with a skull on it. “….and as for my younger brother Death….he will be the hardest fight it will take all of you to beat him because unlike us he has an army of the dead on his side.”
He ignores fallen to answer Nova. “I am the worst of the four horseman because while Conquest and War can be both quick and slow….i make people suffer when i am called upon…famine means to go hungry…i make people suffer before my younger brother takes them….i have to sit back and watch young one suffer and their is nothing i can do for once Conquest starts the Apocalypse we have no control over our selves.” HE said to her.
“One not now it has to be after both Conquest and War have been defeated and second as i said you can shoot me all you want you can’t kill me because you are not the one meant to kill me.” He said before turning to Nova. “and as i said before im old i have lived a long time….Famine…..what does famine mean…can you tell me.” He asks
“Then you should know how i feel with me and my brother’s living for far longer….how about this defeat all four of us and i will lift your immortality you will be able to grow old and die if you wish.” He said before he turned back to Dakota. “That is because you must defeat War and Nova….Nova you have to defeat me.” He said
“Its either you and blaze fight and defeat conquest or he starts the apocalypse.” He said before turning to Nova. “Yes that is why my oldest brother is named Conquest or the White rider, then there is War or Red rider, then me, then Death or Pale Rider, we are named after what we represent.”
“Look i get it you don’t like me in the slightest i know but it’s time the old rider’s hang up their reins and let new rider’s lead the charge.” He said before he takes out a piece of paper and puts it on the table. “This is the locations of where you have to go to defeat Conquest and sorry to say but only you Fallen and Blaze can fight and defeat him.”
“Would you leave the only family you’ve had since your creation.” He asks Dakota before shaking his head. “Plus even if i did leave they would find me we have always known where the other is no matter what they even know im here but they don’t know your here.”
Ermin rolls his eyes at fallen. “He is fine this is in a pocket dimension an hour here is a second there so you have nothing to worry about.” He said before turning to Nova. “And to your question….i’m tired…of everything me and my brothers have lived a very long time and i wish for it to end…but unfortunately im the only one who wishes this my brother do not.”
Even then she ends up back in the same room the hole now gone. “You know I’m tired of this now you can either sit down and listen to what i have to say, i make you sit down and listen to what i have to say or i say never mind and leave you people to ‘trying’ to figure a way to beat us but failing in the end your choice.
Fallen try to leave but no matter what door she goes through she ends up right back in the same room with everyone.
Famine nodded to Nova at her eating before he looked to Dakota. “Go ahead its not poisoned.”