Thalen de Valdor
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“Oh but we have looked to others, lots of others but the thing is none of them formed a group like your’s, you are, surprisingly, the only group of tran-humans that have tried to be good the rest just abused their powers that is why Ermin insisted on picking your group because out of everyone we looked at your group had the highest chance of succeeding in passing this test yet you stilled failed.” The noble said. “In all honestly me Warner and Grimwald just wanted to end this world and have it restart the only reason we didn’t is because of our brother Ermin insisted on giving you all a chance to redeem yourselves.” He said.
Ermin herd what Dakota said and let a tiny smile appear. “Ah and that my friend is the issue you let your experience with one man rule your judgement, “Thanatos” as he called himself was fully aware of everything that he was doing he wasn’t insane he was perfectly sane like anyother child soldier would be.” He said before stopped to look at a watch. “But Kaz on the other hand wasn’t he was insane but due to the tortures he went through as a child that were so bad that a special seal was placed on him to keep him sane but even that would wear off in time and that time was now……hmm….you know i don’t thing me or my brother’s talked to someone this much in years.”
“Yea i know right how about we ditch these forms and show them the real us.” Warner said with Grimwald agreeing with him.
“Grimwald enough put that away.” The noble said and grimwald did as he was told.
“And if you think that would work your wrong boy.” The Noble said before he sent a small pulse destroying the ice completely and canceling out Dakaota’s powers for a minute.
“Dark pulses? If your talking about the seal that was just a memory rerpretion seal used to keep Kazuma sane that’s all it was i don’t know what dark pulses you are talking about.” The noble said with a shake of his head.
“Yea Yea Yea that no Dark Pulse.” Grimwald said before holding out his hand. “This Dark Pulse.” He laughs as a pitch black orb appears in his hand radiating pure darkness and death.
“While i can see your point there let me explain what my brother said.” Ermin stepped forward to speak. “This was a test to see if you would try and save someone who has gone mad and lost their way or kill them because they had lost their way you choose to kill them not save them.” He said in a bored tone.
Warner herd what Nova said and laughed. “You’r right about that kiddie but then again when you have friends live and die in front of you for as long as we have you tend to just say fuck it.” He said then glared at her. “And get this Missy we never asked for this gig got it we were forced to do this against our wills we had to leave our lives behind when the original four faded away….it may have been a good millennium since we were human but we still remember bits and pieces and that’s the only reason we let things get as far as they did.” He ended
“In fact we we’re supposed to cleanse the word when the first human showed signs of having power’s but we agreed to let them live and not interfere until it got out of hand then we would test you to see if we stay to cleanse or leave and let the world be.” The noble finished
“Yet after i just finished explaining why we are doing this instead of asking why to by yourselves some time to think of a strategy you charge head first against an opponent you know nothing about in hopes of killing them when in fact the only reason we do this is because this is our job..we have done this before in the past and before that we have been resetting the world since this world was still new.” The Noble said with a shake of his head in disappointment. “I was hoping this time would be different and that we could finally go into retirement but it seems that we are need to ride once again.” He said and then after he finished four horses appeared next to each of them. A white horse with a bow and crown for the noble, a red horse for the soldier with a sword on the side, and black horse for Ermin (Kaz) with a balance scale, and a pale horse with a scythe for Grimwald.
The noble just shook his head at the boy running at him before he grabbed the blade this his bare hand and broke it with little effort. “You just proved what i was saying about humanity being barbaric.” he said with a cold glare to the boy.
“It is simple my friend me and my brothers had a bet about humanity.” The Noble said as he continued to walk towards Kaz. “Me, Warner, and Grimwald said that humanity is never going to change and they will always resort to barbaric actions while our brother Ermin said that humanity can change and wouldn’t resort to such actions and gave them an equal chance.” He continued after pointing to Kaz. “But what do you do you continue to fight not realizing why he fought in the first place…did it ever occur to you that he didn’t want to kill anyone? did you even stop to think that maybe he was driven to do that because he knew nothing else? how about trying to heal him no nothing…you even “assumed” that he was an evil being when all it was was that he was insane and needed healing.” He said before he was standing over Kaz. “Brother wake up you lost the bet.” He said to Kaz.
Kaz then opened his eye’s slowly and got up as he did the bullet fell out of his head and he removed the ice from his chest and then he started to change his clothes changed from rages to a more formal suit and his hair slicked back and a pair of glasses on his face. “……so i did it seems…well i gave them a chance..but if this is how it is then so be it.” He said to himself before facing everyone. “Well i guess i should warn you all….enjoy the last few days you have left alive.” He said as the other two walked next to him and the noble.
“Sorry to say young lady but thanks to you and your friends something is already happening.” A regale man said walking towards them with his hands behind his back walking like a noble.
“Yep you kiddies done fucked up…but hey we won the bet so yay us.” Warner said walking towards them in soldier gear carrying a 50. Cal Machine gun in one hand.
“Yep Yep Yep so that mean death lots and lots of beautiful death.” Grimwald said as he walked towards them in messy and torn clothes holding a shovel.
“Wohohoo look at that the girl shot him while he was down hehehe.” A voice said south of them.
“Grimwald if you dont shut the fuck up i will ram my gun so far up your ass your grandchildren will feel it.” Another voice said from the East.
“You would like that wouldn’t you Soldier boy.” Grimwald said.
“Grimwald, Warner shut your mouths both of you.” A third voice said from north of them.
“Sorry boss/Sorry Sir.” Both said.
Kaz gets off and takes off the melon but is hit by an eagle that claws his eyes after throwing her off he is hit by the ice shards one goes through his heart and he drops to the ground.
Kaz dodges all of the weapons but not the watermelon and lands on his ass. “Damn it melon you got in my way….mmmm melons.”
“If i knew i would have contacted you sooner…maybe you have to view something or accept something about your self.” Nero said while floating upside down.
All that was herd from Kaz was “Weeeeeee” as he was flying and as he flew he saw a white horse running straight for them from the distance.