Thalen de Valdor
Forum Replies Created
“Well im just awsome like that.” He jokes before turning serious. “Ok joking aside this is your mind or rather your subconscious.” He says before snapping his fingers and the room lightens up showing rows upon rows of TVs.
“Well yippee your alive.” Kaz said with a blank look.
“Oi behind you bbrainless!” the voice shouted again.
((Normal is Kaz with fallen and blaze, Italic is Nero with dakota))
“That’s an easy one little bro.” A voice said behind Dakota
“That did not answer my question girl i asked what is ‘good‘ not if other’s went through the same thing because honestly i give zero fucks about them or people in general in my opinion we harm people and people harm us so if both sides die then no more pain….take that pathetic guy who got shot on tv, he’s dead because the people hate you but the reason for that is you misuse your powers so im just doing the ‘right‘ thing and ending every…single last FUCKING ONE OF YOU!” He says before yelling after sending two repulses one to a bus full of grandparents and the other full of kindergartners and Fallen only has enough time to save one. “NOW ‘HERO‘ DO THE ‘RIGHT‘ THING I DARE YOU!”
After recovering from the kick he gets up and starts laughing again.”Come to the ‘Good’ side she says but tell me this girl what exactly is ‘Good’…huh what’s good to you is evil to someone else and what’s good to them is evil to you so tell we what truly is good…can you answer me that….better yet tell me how i should act after being trapped inside my own head for my whole life….HUH!?”He said before getting a wicked grin on his face. “TELL ME WHAT EXACTLY IS GOOD AND EVIL! IS GOOD LETTING THOSE MEN TAKE ME FROM MY FAMILY AND EXPERIMENT ON ME! IS IT EVIL FOR ME TO WANT TO MAKE SURE NOTHING LIKE THAT HAPPENS AGAIN HUH LITTLE GIRL TELL ME THE ANSWERS TO THOSE QUESTIONS!” He yells at her.
Kaz hears his name and turns to see a girl running towards him. “Why….why she asks.” he says to him self before laughing. “To end suffering of course cant suffer in your dead.” He answers before seeing the cops behind her and sends a repuse at them to kill them.
Kaz walks over to the giant hole and hangs blaze over the edge “Now good riddance.” he says before dropping him into it and sending a repulse making sure he stayed dead.
the smoke clears and it shows holding a dead(?) Blaze by his neck laughing like a maniac. “HAHAHA That was AWESOME! You made us go boom hahahah to bad i didn’t die huh.”
You hear his voice next to you. “Pretty good had i not moved then i would probably be dead.” He said before turning his back and walking off before stopping mid step and turns to look at Blaze. “Hey your friends back at your HQ or whatever it is they can survive all that right, no oh woopies then.” He said before busting out in maniacal laughter.
“Come on its not going to hurt…much.” He laughed as he said that and he sent the repulse at the rock wall destroying it before being pushed back by the wind
Kaz just looks down then back up to Blaze. “That it…..that’s the best you got.” He said with a bored look. “Well that is disappointing let me show you how to do it.” He said before getting a sadistic grin on his face then dashing straight for Blaze a repulse in his left hand.
Kaz stumbles back and holds his face. “AH GOD FUCKING DAMIT YOU FUCKING SHOT MY FACE THAT FUCKING HURT.” He yelled before pausing and moving his hand showing his face perfectly fine. “NOT!” He said with an insane grin before sending a bigger repulse at Blaze.
Kaz see’s the light blade coming at him and sides steps it. “You cheeky dick-waffle you just tried to stab me fucker.” He said before sending him flying back with a repulse.
After a while Kaz closed his eyes before opening them again but now instead of a blank look he had a sadistic grin on his face and started to flex his fingers.”Its been too long…but at least now i get to have some fun…and no more HIDING WHO I AM!” He yelled at the end before sending a repulse at a building destroying it and killing anyone in it or around it.
Kaz slowly gets up and just looks at blaze with a blank stare. “……..”