Thalen de Valdor
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She cuts through the web and looks at them pissed off. “Well its not funny to him do you think his likes being pick on like that, thats why we left in the first place all the kids and their Daemon’s would turn into those things and scare him so bad he wouldn’t sleep for days!” She yelled at the two while I was stil; unconscious.
The man bumps into Kaz and just keeps going but Kaz snapped his fingers and the man just faceplanted and couldn’t get up. “What the hell was that about.” He questioned
Kaz hears something before running to the pet store to see what’s going on.
“Wow so thats why….well then Hickery i have to be off you can keep the stuff just not the twiz’s.” Kaz said before grabbing his twizzlers and walking off with a wave to Huck behind him.
“Snacks?” he questioned Huck
“Wow that was some tale…by the way congrats on getting accepted and if your looking for a place to stay go here and tell them my name they will give you a free room.” he said as he took a card out and gave it to huck
“Well i got milk, bread, ham, cheese, and plenty of time so lay it on me.” he said holding up the bag before motioning to a bench.
“Yea nice to meet you too Heck.” He said taking another twiz and sticking it in his mouth. “So what brings you here?” he asked out of curiosity
“Kazuma Ishimaru is mine im Japanese but call me Kaz.” he said before he held out his bag of Tizzlers. “Want a twiz.” he asked
As he was walking he bumped into someone knocking them both to the ground. “Ouch hey sorry i wasn’t paying attention.” he said to the guy offering to help him up after he got up.
The boy just continues to lay on the bench before he was approached by two soldiers. “Can i help you.” he asked “Yes have you seen these boys anywhere.” The soldier said before he pulled out a picture of Dekota and Jax. The boy just looked at them before getting up. “Nope never seen them before.” He said before walking away
all that was herd was a big thump as i fainted while Vi just looked at me then at Hugo then started to attack him.
“Oh no he’s good with those it’s the ones as big as you’re head that scare the crap out of him.” Vi Explained
“Im a witch that was raised by Gyptian’s so im kind of hard to scare…except with spiders….i cant stand those things.” I said with a shudder at the end. “Yea you can blame those kids when he was younger.” Vi said with a sigh.
The boy continues to walk until he gets to a bench where he puts is stuff down pops another tizzler before laying down on the bench.