Thalen de Valdor
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Al looked around his room. “Nice size room.” He said before placing his suitcase down and sitting on the bed. “I knew you were straight but man a Xenomorph gotta say bro you got some weird tastes.” Pyro Jack said before appearing in front on Al and Pixie. “Pyro shut the hell up at least I didn’t get seduced my Mara…speaking of which how the hell is that possible hmm.” Al countered his annoying pseudo brother who then just shut up and vanished. “Yea thought so.” He said before laying down on his bed. “I don’t trust her.” Pixie said with her arm’s crossed sitting on the edge of a desk and Al just chuckled. “You said that about every girl I happen to meet.” He said looking at her from the corner of his eye. “Well it’s true all girls are just hussies that just want to brainwash men to do things they want.” She countered and AL just raised and eyebrow. “You mean like what you tried to do to the gnome a few years back.” Her face turned red and and she huffed and turned away from Al. “Haha love you to sis.” He said before he looked at the time. “I think I’ll get some sleep.” He said before closing his eyes.
“Huh…well I only know about your people from other demons never had time to watch movies when your on the run.” He said with a shrug. “Not to mention when you work with Demons you will see some creepy shit.” He said with a shudder as a memory surfaced. “Yea and as for the 24/7 thing, they normally talk amung them selves unless they have something to tell me but we are aloud to have one out when not in a fight so I choose Pixie since she was my first partner.” He said with a shrug. “and as for those predator guy’s how do you think we got the designs for these COMP’s human’s aren’t that smart now.” He said with a laugh as he insulted his own kind not like he cared. “Well I better get going I still need to unpack, thanks for the chat and see you around neighbor.” He said before walking to his room as he opens it he turns around again. “And for the record I don’t think your a monster, you’re kind of cute.” He said before walking in his room and closing the door.
“Sure no problem.” Nero said smiling as she explained what she was. “You’re an alien wow and I’ve only fought against demon’s my whole life.” He said thinking. “Huh wonder what would be stronger an Alien of a Demon…hmm…ah I’ll worry about that later.” He said before he noticed her second mouth. “Ok that’s really cool.” ‘Be glad you don’t have one of those she-devils here or jokes would be made’ Pyro Jack said in Al’s head. ‘Pyro not now.’ He thought back before he focused on Xeno-Chan. “Well since you told me about you’re self I’ll do the same. I’m a Devil Summoner which are a select group of people who are given a COMP, which is this right here.” He said pointing to the machine on his arm. “We travel the world and keep the supernatural in check to prevent major disaster or the released of major deities. I’m a wondering Devil Summoner since I failed my rite of passage so I kind of have a bounty on my head.” Chuckling after that wondering why he told her that part. “Anyways after being around demons for so long I kind of turned into a Demi-Demon and need to learn to control these powers I’m getting.” He said
Al takes her hand. “Alter Netherwood but call me Al.” He said before gesturing to Pixie. “And this is my life long partner Pixie.”
“Don’t make fun of me I can take down things bigger then you.” She said hiding behind Al’s head with the fiercest glare she could make but it just make her look cute.
“Cool thanks a lot…um what’s your name because im sure you don’t want me to call you Miss Xenomorph.” He said with a chuckle while Pixie just glared at the Pink Xenomorph.
Pixie quickly flies through the door before slamming into the Xeno. “Ouch Ouch Ouch sorry miss-“ She looks up and sees the Xeno’s face before sqeeking before flying back to Al. “AAAAAALLLLLLTTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!” She yells before smacking into Al’s face as he walks through the door. “What now Pix?” He asks irritated at getting hit. “MONSTER!” She yells pointing the Xeno and Al just looks around and doesn’t see a ‘Monster’. “I don’t see one.” He said as he walked up to Xeno unaffected by her appearance as he looked at his room number before turning to the Xeno. “Hey you no where room 84 is?” He asked her.
Al gets off a bus with his backpack and a suit case. “So this is that school…I really hope I don’t get lost.” He said to himself before a little Pixie flew next to him. “Come on Al new friends this way!” She squeels before flying ahead of him. He sighs before smiling. “Well might as well follow then.” He says before following her lifting his suitcase on his back and running after the tiny fairy.
Name: Alter Netherwood or Al
Age: 18
Height: 5’11
Appearance: Dark Skin, lean build, Short Red Hair, wears a red tank top, black cargo pants, black boots, black finger-less gloves, black single strap backpack, a sword attached to his backpack, and a magnum strapped to his right leg, and a COMP on his left arm with the ear piece.
Ability: Devil Summoner – Can make deals with Demons, Angels, and monsters to fight along side him.
Spells: Dia, Agi, Bufu, Zan,
Demons: Pixie – Healer, Tam Lin – Physical Fighter, Angel – Support, Pyro Jack – Spell Caster, Cerberus – Tank, Pale Rider – Last Resort
Bio: Al was born into the Devil Summoners and was given his partner Pixie at the age of 6. At the age of 12 he gained Tam Lin and Pyro Jack as his next partners and was able to take the trails to see if he could become an official Devil Summoner. He didn’t pass the exams and was kicked out of his home his partners followed him even though it was against the laws for them to follow someone not with the family. As they traveled Al gained Angel as his forth partner after he helped a family with some monster problems. They all gained some sort of role in this little group, Angel became something like a mother to him, Tam Lin the father, Pixie and Pyro Jack the sister and brother, and they were happy even after they were attack by another devil summoner since he has a bounty on his head, they even gained a new partner and family pet Cerberus which didn’t have three heads but a snake head on the end of its tail. Then when he was 17 he met one of the strongest Devil Summoners from his family, the one who commands the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. After a long fight Al and his family lost to the stronger member but not without taking down three of the horseman (the third was pure luck). The women was impressed with Al’s ability and did something that shocked Al. She gave him the Pale Rider (which was the second horseman he beat) and the Pale Rider agreed to it but said not to use him unless it’s an emergency and he needs help. Now he is now attending a school for gifted people because of how long he was around demons he started to develop their abilities.
Nero opens his scroll and unseals medical supplies and starts to tend to her arm. 5 minutes later he finishes. “There that any better.” Nero asked.
“Then we better get that looked at now.” He said before motioning her to sit down on a crate. “Sit on here while I get the supplies.” He said as he goes to grab his scroll.
“I know the basics how long have you been bleeding.” He asked
As Nero walked around he saw an injured Leaf ANBU so quickly he went towards them. “Hey can i help.” He asked her.
Nero couldn’t sleep so he put on the civilan clothes but kept his fishnet armor underneath along with his sword in a scroll and went into the village for a while.
Nero makes it back to his room and lays on his bed. “Well this has been an interesting day.” He thought to himself.
Nero looked around and managed to find a blacksmith shop where he left his sword to get repaired and sharpened while he went to grab new clothes.