Thalen de Valdor
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“Alright good go buy yourselves some regular clothes that you can wear over your protective gear.” Nero said before handing Calypso a key. “That is for your girl’s room mine is right across from yours.” He said before heading into town to buy some stuff.
As nero gets two rooms he looks to the two girls. “Do you two by chance have money.” He asked after he paid for the rooms.
“Alright we should rest here..and probably change our clothes to be less noticeable.” Nero said as they made their way to an inn.
“Huh go figure…” He said before he focused on the rode again.
Nero looks to calypso out the corner of his eye. “Where sis you learn that song.” He asked. (What song are you playing?)
After he is helped up he smiles. “Yea good idea i rather not do that again.” He said before he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pill and popped it into his mouth. “Alright lets go.” He said able to walk on his own.
Nero is still panting before he tries to get up but wobbles before he falls backwards. “Ouch.” He said wincing at the pain. “Note to self use jutsu in dragon mode only.” He muttered to himself.
Nero saw that they were a safe distance and the thunder clouds were right on top of them now. “Alright you bastard you want power then hear it is.” He said before going through five hand seals. “Lightning Style: Thunder God’s Divine Wrath!” He yelled as lighting formed in his hand before he shot it into the sky. Nothing happened for a moment before a loud boom was herd, then another one, and another followed by three more booms before six lightning-bolts shot to the ground incinerating two of the flame ninjas before a large bolt shot from the sky hitting the ball of fire absorbing that energy and striking the elder not even ash remained. After the clouds left Nero dropped to one knee panting.
The giant fireball in the sky get’s bigger but as it gets bigger you could hear the noise of thunder in the distance. Nero widen his eyes. “Calypso! Get Kiyiya out of here now im going to use my Ace!” He yelled to Calypso.
One of the men got hit and staggered back before looking at Kiyiya. He turned to her and went through a blur of hand signs. “Draco Secret Art: Great Inferno Dragon Annihilation!” He said before Blue fire shot from around him and started to form a giant blue fire ball in the sky. “Shit I was hoping to be wrong but he’s one of the elder’s.” He said with a growl. “But how everyone is dead.”
The ninja doesn’t even register that he got hit before all three had blue fire charge in their mouth. “Draco Secret Art: Inferno Dragon Roar!” All three yelled shooting blue flames at everything in front of them and Nero quickly tackles Kiyiya out of the way.
The three ninja with scales start running and their arms turn to claws. “I said sky not ground!” He yelled before turning back to the three. “Lighting Style: False Darkness!” He yelled before shooting a spear of lightning at them, two jumped over it but one got hit on the arm but kept going.
As Nero watches her do that he sees that three are unaffected by the flames and when he looks closer he noticed that they had red scales on their body. “Kiyiya shoot the fire into the sky those three can’t be harmed by fire at all.” He said as he started to go through hand seals at a very fast speed.
Nero blocks the kuni with his sword. “Alright fine you can join now fire the fire balls to the sky then grab my friend and run very fast.” He said.
Nero grab Calypso’s arm. “Don’t wait run.” He said before he turned to the fire wolf hybrid. “Can you shoot fire balls?” He asked.