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There is soon, a woman who walks to the room and sees Jet, it is the nurse herself. She is wearing a pretty standard nurse uniform, pants and the uniform top. It was a light grassy green color. She walked up to Jet and she spoke gently. “You have blood on you…” She looks rather concerned. “Can you walk? Come with me sir.” If Jet gets up, she’ll be able to easily tell he is wounded in his leg. Even if he tries to tough out the pain, her eyes are well trained.
Jerrel flails around when Godal picks him him. “EY BRAH PUT ME DOWN!” He gets flinged away with a way. He was about to say something then Godal puts the fire out with a rain spell and then Jerrel doesn’t say anything. He just listens to Godal as Miwa and Takra. “Alright alright.”
To Takra he said. “Welp. It didn’t and it’s not gonna. So. Don’t matter much now.” Jerrel floats up backflipping onto his feet. “I was gonna go run laps anyway. Ya’ll can come. If ya’ll want…whatever.” Jerrel didn’t want to admit that he liked having them both around, especially now. Running would be boring alone. He was however not going to show it and will keep going, irregardless of whether or not they come. He does not look back unless he hears them coming with them.
Jerrel runs at a moderate pace. He isn’t running a sprinting right now or using his powers. Just a regular jog. Not trying to run a 100 meter dash, more like trying to run a marathon. Steady, and at constant unslowing pace.
Jerrel calmed down after a bit, things were pretty cool right now. Perhaps he could use this moment to train at something he actually needs to work on. He was already well trained with most of his powers, but, he’d yet to reach his full potential. Man what the heck this ol’ fool gonna teach me bout my power anyway. I might as well be teaching myself.
Jerrel looked at a small water fall as he held his hands over one another in front of his torso. His body turned to the side, gathering air in his hand while he was in this stance. He was focusing. Actually trying to control his breathing. Jerrel wasn’t used to concentrating as much, some this move had to net become natural to him. A glowing orb formed in his hand, and Jerrel threw it out. There was a bright light as it explodes outward in front of Jerrel. The light disorients him as the blast of plasma cuts through several trees a tree, and starts to set a fire.
Jerrel rubs his eyes as the fire begins to grow. After a few moments, the fire becomes as large as a bon fire while smoke rises into the air. “Ohhhhh shit shit shit shit…” Jerrel punches forward to send a relatively light blast of wind at it to blow it out, and the fire grows and spreads “SHITSHITSHIT!” Jerrel runs in the middle of the flames and focuses, getting air away from his ears, as he claps he hands making a large *BOOM* to send out a large shockwave to put out some of the fire in front of him as the trees slump back from a moment.
MemberSeptember 6, 2014 at 12:06 pm in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)—-FACTION—-
Los Dotado Cartel
Alias(es): “The gifted” (Rough translation of the name), the synthes, amps, meta-druggies.
Known leaders: El Santo, El más Fuerte
The allure of drugs that can give people superpowers is very alluring, and it should come to no surprise that the Los Zambados Cartel as a whole is one of the largest gangs in the city. Many smaller street gangs and smaller time thugs were recruited. Many other members are just “ordinary” people, to run aways, to misguided kids. Either way, once your in the cartel, not much getting out for many.
Synth Cartel members have a few distinct levels of power. With higher levels of power being associated generally with higher ranking members. Generally it works this way so that lower ranking members can be easily control and lower ranking members are often not as trusted. People who are however already metahumans and people with a lot of money tend to be placed higher then regular people who simply come to the gang.
People in the gang tend to join for a variety of reasons, leading to this gang being very varied among the populace. Reasons for joining are as varied as the gang itself. Some people want to exploit their powers over others, some people want a chance to use their powers in their lives for their gains, some do it to feed themselves, some to feed their families, others because they have no other place to go and others because they were simply curious. For whatever reason they joined, there isn’t much backing out for a lot of people and they are brought in to the Cartel life.
The Cartel’s primary drugs are “Synth” drugs, drugs that can give people superpowers. Usually via and injection. The drug itself alters the users body to produce the desired effect, or simply takes advantage of natural bodily functions to produce said effects without much alteration towards the body. The stronger the drug, the more drastic the effects of said drugs are towards the body. Unless one becomes a permanent member, the effects of given drugs are temporary. As the altered cells die, the body replaces them with normal cells, hence the fading effect. However, a dose of type one Synth, will have you shooting fire from your hands in about a week. Often times, the drugs are spiked with various other drugs, hallucugens and narcotics, such as the occasional Opium, heroine, Angel dust and commonly marijuana. This is so as to make the users high as unreal as possible and add addictness to the already alluring guise of powers.
There are broad groups among the users.
The Juiced
The juiced, are users of the Synth drug street named “vigor”, these users have powers mostly concerned with channeling energy through their bodies. Users of this can project fire, light, electricity and sometimes ionize the air to create plasma, if they are very advanced. They are all generally slightly durable then the average person as a requirement of channeling their powers and have an abnormal amount of energy in them. They are generally resistant to heat damage across the board. These users often do not need to eat as much as a normal person and high level users gain little benefit from eating normal food, and sustain themselves through other means. Rumors float around that things do wrong with this drug, and some people are killed by it. It does not stop people from flooding in to join the gang non-the less.
It is not without flaws however for lower level users. Fire itself has no concussive force and even though it can, such force goes back to the users. Electricity users encounter numerous problems, such as being vulnerable to their own power. As electricity from a sufficiently powerful outside source can overload them and send them into cardiac arrest, and they are vulnerable to water, often times the moistening of their skin causing current to flow all throughout the body and skin in places where it shouldn’t go go. Shorting them out like a circuit. Electricity users often cannot actually project their powers more then 2 or so feet, limiting them to close combat and projecting it through weapons. Light users can focus their energy into pretty potent lasers. Often burning their way into humans and are able to emit blinding amounts of light. Users of plasma very often have either (or both) electricity or light powers to ionize the air and allow them to project super heated plasma at their opponents.
This weakness quickly disappears however as they ascend the ranks. Many users already can use their powers to destroy moderate quality steel, concrete and more. THis usually happens after only about 1 1/2 months after joining at the most, or even less time if they prove themselves more useful. Even higher ranked lieutenants and managers of the area can often with effort destroy a building on their own in seconds and cause unarmored people to explode or boil the flesh away from the very bones of their opponents. Often time these people are exceedingly durable, able to get knocked through walls, with stand superhuman blows and impacts, such as being hit by a car. They have ballistic durability comparable to type IIIA body armor, requiring rifle caliber or energy bullets to be pierced effectively and require quality blades to be pierced
El Santo is said to be part of this, and has powers of all of them, on the highest level as of yet achieved. He is also stated to have additional powers. However, he is rarely seen.
Juan Huarez Cartel
Users of the drug EZ-72, often simply called EZ-72 or simply “EZ.” This drug is quite simply a super steroid. They are the primary money makers of the Cartel, as some of the most appealing powers of this Cartels. The lowest drugs are able to double the strength of the average person in two days. Drugs exclusive to Cartel members increasing strength and size even more, to the point of giving people gorilla like strength through increasing muscle mass, joint strength and bone density exponentially. The average Juan Huarez member is very well feared, as they have enough strength to literally with effort tear people limb from limb, or at least their arms. As one can imagine a punch from one of these men hurt, and they are no slower then the average man, and some times even faster.
Higher level members are altered towards the point that they are not even human anymore, having strength beyond most organisms of the earth. Able to flip cars, hoist them over their heads and ram straight through solid brick walls. Shooting them often draws blood, but they can often run through bullets. They bend steel and their blows often kill ordinary unprotected people in a single hit, and they can bend relatively thick steel. Their strength is great enough that normal food hardly does much to them, and they are given energy dense solutions or more cheaply, actual gasoline and alcohol for them to burn within them, like an engine, and eating food for other bodily functions and for additional mass.
Elite members of Juan Huarez usually do not show themselves in public much, as it is said their freakish size draws too much attention. Often said to be able to shove, throw and punt cars. They are often capable of breaking people like twigs and throwing them hundreds of feet away, and the strongest of them all is El Mas Fuerte. Hardly anyone has seen him, as he like many other members of the gang cannot show himself in public. These members tank profuse amounts of damage before going down, and seem to feel no pain. Their enemies often question whether or not these people can in fact go down.
Overall, the gang is a major contender in the city, garnering easy money from selling drugs in the Arclight and green districts. They are rapidly growing and including and people with metahuman powers and skills such as hacking and military training, even having some Cartels send from Brazil send special ops soldiers they have access to to serve as higher ranked members of the cartel. They are very at odds with other gangs and the martial police of the main portions of the city for control of the city.
Quote: “In this age of the rule of brute force, it is almost impossible for anyone to believe that any one else could possibly reject the law of the final supremacy of brute force.” -Gandhi
Kal did stop to go back for Jet’s things, breaking along the ground as it hopped back. It then sat arrived at the cave and picked up Jet’s things with it’s winged hands. It puts the bag around it’s neck then and then hops off to return to the city.
Kal makes it back in short time. Hopping the wall and going up it with each. Kal seemed to climb smooth surfaces with it’s hands very easily. It did not grip the wall with it’s claws, which were in fact open. It seemed it’s hands and feet could stick to them. As it peaked over the wall, to see if everything was clear, it leaped over to the wall towards a rooftop. The creature still rather agile even with Jet and things. Soon Kal landed in an empty alley across from the clinic and let Jet go, slowly . Unwrapping it’s tail from around him and taking his things from around his neck and laying them down. Soon it heard some random passerby walking by. Kal was gone then for now, jumping straight up into the air and disappearing from view as it enters a rooftop, actually expecting Jet to just walk to the clinic for treatment.
Kal’s tail went over to jet as it split into three digits and wrapped around him as it placed him on its back. Kal wrapped jet and itself together so as to secure him. And it started off back to the city. Taking large horizontal strides. Seeming to more hop then gallop or run actually. Aware and keeping jet clear of branches.
Kal looked at Jet when he asked it that. Unable to give it an accurate assessment. And so it walked outside. Looking around while birds tweeted as the sun shined. It was cautious, but couldn’t help but wonder about peculiarity of the morning routines of these also winged things that lived in trees. It not really intent to pick up Jet yet as it is unsure of where to go. It is considering taking him to that very clinic the girl was. It makes it’s decision in a several millionths of a second as it returns to Jet.
It walks over to Jet to see his condition before it takes him back.
Kal hadn’t moved from that one spot, at all it seemed. It had only really averted it’s perpetual stare from Jet waking up. When Jet asks if it stayed there the entire night? Kal nodded. It actually shifted now to turn to him.
(Surprise me. Flip a coin. Heads peace. Tails attack.)
Kal didn’t move while Jet slept. It was like a statue. Like a gargoyle, ever vigilant. It’s patience was unwavering and it’s focus did not falter. A drop of rain landed near Kal’s eye and it didn’t blink, as the drop streamed down it’s eyeball onto the armor of it’s face, and dripping from the cold ceramic of it’s chin.
(Nuh uh. He didn’t. I looked back to make sure too.. ill just forget the statement of yeah it would)
Kal looked around in the forest. It was paranoid at the moment. Something could be following them. Waiting for them to be caught off guard. Jet asked questions. Kal assumed that Jet was asking if it felt pain in it’s throat and to that it shook it’s head. It didn’t answer it’s other question. Not much way to do so. It seemed rather intent on looking outside. It, actually able to view thing in thermal vision. Though this didn’t work well always. Kal mostly relied on it’s sound based abilities, but for now it would have to rely on a few of it’s other abilities.
Jerrel managed to keep catching the leaves consistently after about 6 tries, and he decided to move on, and actually use his powers. And so, he walked around and looked for something to actually practice. He found a fairly large roughly 1900 lb boulder. Should do. Harder then a tree and I ain’t gotta feel bad bought cutting down trees and shit. Dense air surrounded his fists as he got into his usual boxer’s stance. Knees bent, arms held at either side next to his head to guard it, as it was one of the most integral parts to block. Jerrel took a breath.
As there were disortions around Jerrel’s fists, he then punched the rock repeatedly in one location, each fist he threw, having a “hiss” he let out in between his teeth, each one allowing him to punch faster. The rock cracked after about 5 jabs. He then leaned as if dodging an imaginary opponent. He envisioned a punch being thrown, and Jerrel envisioned a textbook cross counter. His opponent and him both trying to punch each other, both of them looking like they would hit each other at the same time. However, Jerrel would lean his head to the side to dodge and hit his opponent squarely in the jaw. However. Jerrel got a bit too lost in the flashback for a bit.
He had to remember to actually channel his power, or hurt himself more then the rock. He sends a hypersonic blast wave at the last second and blows the rock into hundreds of pieces flying away into the woods. Dust and fragments flying everywhere as Jerrel just stands there with his fist out. He gets bonked on the head with a falling rock. “Ow…” Guess nature don’t want me to fuck with it. He wanders off a bit, looking for another boulder, but there isn’t really one. He hears a bit off running water and finds a small pond. Jerrel picks up a rock and throws it along the pong, it skipping along 4 steps and then plopping in the water.
Seth was prepared to beat the marines senseless, however he opted not to. Deciding to go along with what his friend said, partially. He was hard headed, and more stern. He would not abandon his friend. He began to plot again. Walking and then deciding to follow the marines and Silver. Stowing some supplies on himself.
Before he left however. He dove in the water and swam to the sea captain ship that he threatened and then from under water he punched several holes in it causing it to sink. Seth wanted to end the man, but he did not want to be the one to do it. He tore off parts of the ship with his hands and made it virtually unrepairable. Perhaps the captain of that ship silver knew may suspect him, but he saw nothing. When he got back to the marine ship was already off. So far away it could hardly be seen. Seth however swam after it anyway catching up with it, traversing half a mile in 2 minutes. He climbed up the side of it, put his shovel between two planks and held on with his mechanical hand. His grip would not get tires as he simply hung there on the rear side of the ship. He paused for some time, having really not much of a plan. He had heard how the marines were talking about her and he decided on killing them all. However. He heard a voice through a tiny hole the ship. The voice of Silver and a woman.
What they said, ultimately made Seth change his previous plan completely. When night fell. He simply snuck about the ship. Stealing food and putting it in his pockets. The just hanging onto the side of the ship with his mechanical hand. It won’t get tired and he even falls asleep like that eventually. Hanging, holding his shovel and dangling in the air. He required no bed. Perhaps later he would stow away among the cargo and draw. It was a good thing his sketchbook was water proof.
Strife lightly touched his breaks and then he simply stopped without dragging forward at all. He was about one foot in front of her. He turned around and had a stoic look when his sister spoke, but he listened. She gave him his objective and he simply nodded once and as she drove off he drove off as well. Mercy appears in his hand as he fires a blast of ice from it to create a ramp from freezing the air. He sped up as he jumped the ramp. The Emily unfolded intricately and in seconds forms a fully sized Jet around him as it seems to summon parts to it. Then the engines started as Strife flew off into the air. He got higher and higher as time passed until he was eventually in orbit, where Emily would not have to deal with atmospheric friction and Strife could fly as fast as he want. He looked at the earth from space as he flew upside down, the sight of the vast earth in it’s entirety actually giving him pause as he exceeded the speed of sound twenty times. “How it came for the sheep to inherit such a world, I may never know…”
He reached Mexico in under an hour and slowed down a bit as he went down deeper into the atmosphere once more. Soon he could see the point of his objective getting closer as he eventually descended into the stratosphere and as he turned upside down, Strife jumped out of Emily. He dived to the ground and as he got closer, he slowed down and then landed with little noise in an alley way, most people not seeing the white streak falling through the air. He looked around as he walked out the alley. In his human form Strife already looked hispanic, and so, he began to look for the virtues here. Greed was here and he could almost smell it in the air. He himself did not think that. “The sheep are succumbing to greed…” Strife mutters, as he begins to look for the virtues. Specifically, Charity and Temperance. He looked wealthy, but he already looked Hispanic, like he was from here. However his clothes shifted simply to black jeans and a grey tank top as he walked out the alley.
Kal couldn’t exactly go back to the city, but it did know a place for potential shelter. So it stood up on two legs leaned forward. Kal did not seem to mind any amount of pressure that Jet placed on it’s neck as it walked forward. Looking around warily as it walked. The tail moved back and forth, and was not split into digits. It was currently ideal as a weapon.
Kal walked until they came upon a small rocky cave. Something seemed to have lived here, but did not anymore. There was some fur on the ground. The cave didn’t go very deep into the rock. Only about maybe 20 feet, and then there was dead end. Not a flat wall, mostly just the cave curving downward into the floor. It let Jet down at around the entrance so that he may rest. And then stood and looked outside at the entrance. One way in, one way out.
Kal looked down on Jet when he hugged it, unsure of what exactly Jet was doing and of what it should do. However, when he let go and Kal got to look at him, Jet looked a mess. He looked tired and worn out. Kal looked about suspiciously. He knew somethings were near. Just not exactly where. If it didn’t make much noise, Kal could not see it easily.
Jet let go of his embrace and Kal got on all fours as it returned it’s look to Jet. He didn’t look well or healthy. Kal reared down, like steed. As if it actually wanted Jet to ride him or allow Kal to carry him. It looked like it would be a bit hard to grip Kal as it was made to be smooth and highly aerodynamic. Though if he were to lock his hands around it’s neck, he would be able to hold on. Kal will insist non verbally, in it’s movements that it wants Jet to come with it.