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MemberSeptember 3, 2014 at 12:38 pm in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)—FACTION—
The Funny face Mafia
Alias(es): The mafia, the clowns, the FFM, the jokers, the Mob, “American” Mafia
Known leaders: Emile Malone, and Tricky.
General overview: The Funny Face Mafia is the newest iteration of Elium’s longest running gangs. Having roots based from the original Mafia crime families, they have been mostly “Americanized.” Incorporating and working closely with many ethnicity and indeed, you do not have to be Italian to join. It in truth is hardly considered a Mafia at all. Having to resort to dishonorable things. They are in general looked upon distastefully by members of any older Mafia.
Opinions of older generations aside, one cannot deny the power and effectiveness of this new generation of American men, who still manage to hold to some honor. They currently are the gang who have the largest amount of non-powered and non augmented individuals, being for the most part normal humans, though they do induct a few metahumans, they hardly ascend to the point where the higher ups are met in person. They are essentially the only non powered gang left in Elium. As one can imagine, most smaller time organized crime either “Got down or laid down” to the raw power and brute force of the meta-gangs. However, this gang stood up to and fought hard through money, influence, strategy, intelligence, cunning, pragmatism and raw firepower.
Though meta gangs still manage to have much power, no one has as wide an influence as the FFM. Their number one business being arms dealing, which they currently have an essential monopoly over currently. As opposed to what people think, they like to help people, and help the community. Of course however, they do not like to help people for free. What better way to aid the community then to provide reliable firepower to the masses to combat these “meta-punks” and “amateurs.” Other ventures including bootlegging, gambling, prostitution, and pornography. The FFM does smuggle and sell various drugs such as pot, crack and various narcotics. However, they only sell in upper class areas at high prices for moral reasons. They do not deal in the streets. They often have it delivered or let their customers send someone to pick it up. Most of their customers are in the Artemis and Haven districts. Where they have connections with banks, corporations, the law and the government.
In other districts they own clubs of varying quality depending on the area, from high class exclusive clubs to places that everyone is welcome. They also have many liquor stores and essentially own and have connections cigarette corporations all across America and internationally. In Elium, they have very nice restaurants and often own all the Italian restaurants and pizzerias in the city. Most other Italian franchises do last long….for some reason.
Level of technology they have is overall bleeding edge and rather surprising. They claim to have enough weapons to “start world war 3.” Not only this, but they have included a plethora of hackers to obtain information of varying kinds for varying purposes, and mess with people without having to burst into anywhere. Robbing the average bank usually nets you only $7,500 dollars on average. More profitable and safer is to hack say, the accounts of their enemies.
When the mask comes on, things are usually not good. The masks serve practical purposes. They shield the face from up to 7.62 Mm cartridges from armor piercing assault rifles, through they cannot take repeated impacts and it still hurts. Higher ups have bullet proof suits and high tech liquid body armor. Masks have several types of visions based on high tech modern technology such as night vision, thermal, IR and more.
Sometimes work with other gangs. They can play well with others and often hire people outside their gangs. They are quiet in the Arclight district usually and are on pretty good terms with Martin. Their resources being useful to him when he requests them, as they can do some things that he can’t. How they will be on terms with you, will depend all on what you do in the city.
Quote: “A smile will get you pretty far…but a smile and a gun will get you farther.” -Al Capone
Kal’s closed eyes fly open as he hears a familiar voice that it waited long for some time to hear. It was a cry that implied urgency. He had gone so far past him, and it was imperative that it hurried. No need for stealth now. The propulsion device on Kal’s back burned pure hydrogen, and invisible flame shooting from it’s back as took off from the trees through the air towards the direction from which it heard it’s name shouted.
It knew the distance the place from where the shout came, and it had hoped nothing more, like any of the more predator animals it knew of had gotten there first. It did not even need it’s thermal visioned eyes if Jet hadn’t moved, and even so, it would have found him anyway. It saw him as it swooped down and landed hard wings spread wide, on the ground 20 feet away from it’s ally, it’s friend. Dust, flying up from when it landed and a brief vibration in the ground, it then stood up on two legs and fold it’s wings to walk over to him so that it may look him over with it’s eyes.
Police officers exchanged looks as they talked among themselves “Oh brother…” “Get a load of this guy.” “Oooooh man.” “He serious?” A few officer roll their eyes and a few laugh.
While the camera filmed, some factions began running facial recognition software on him. His face would be in a lot of places, and some people already have his identity.
Tasha spoke “You heard here folks! Looks like there is another proclaimed hero trying to write the wrongs of the city.” People start to gather around from nowhere Paparrazi burst from the crowd trying to bum rush him with questions. She scowls at them and people snap photos of him mercilessly. They all asked questions at the same time and were competitive to put their mics in his face. “Who are you?” “Are you here to save the city?” “What are your powers?” “Do you have anything to say for the people?” “Do you know where that monster came from?” “Sir. are you a time traveling knight from the dark ages?” “Are you from another dimension?”
MemberSeptember 2, 2014 at 10:01 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)Jack sipped his tea while she spoke and was surprised by the woman’s kindness. This wasn’t exactly what he was expecting. He was unsure of how much of this was real. He pulled up a database on his phone and looked up her file. “Uh. Well…no nothing else. I’ll take a room…but…I have a question…only one. Do you know where you are?” He refrained from stating her name right now because the last thing he wanted to do was freak her out.
The black eyed man looked at blues. Only looking at blues, blinking a moment. He looked towards X-0’s map then back at blues. “I think it would be best to show you both, rather then tell you.” The man said a blackness came from from underneath him, spreading in a circle around him. More came from other areas in the city as everything became consumed by the blackness. The city, the people and they sky. Until in about 10 seconds it was only those three standing in a pitch black blank void.
There was light, even though everything was black, it wasn’t dark. The three could see each other fine, it was more a matter of seeing anything else. It was quiet. Then they could hear children laughing in this black void, coming from somewhere. And then it took form. The “void” then became a hallway. A lot of things were solid. The terrain was solid. The walls were there. Panting could be heard as a man ran by straight towards the 3. No matter what they do, he runs right through them. For he is not truly “there.” He has running for his life, wearing body armor holding a machine gun. There are young voices he hears “He’s this way” the voice of a child. The man turns back and fires into the darkness. A few white blurs rush by and through the three and the man is bowled over, tackled by what appears to be children.
The children are pale and have very long claws. They tore at his armor as he yelled and bit into exposed flesh. The man stopped struggling. Paralyzed. As they dragged him away. “He’s heavy sister” “I know.” “We’re going to have take all these heavy clothes off him first before we give him to mother….” The man is dragged away into the dark.
He gestures them to come with them as he walks forward and into a wall, the walls no longer seeming to be solid. They would walk in and seem like they are in the same room as Jack and Alexia. Skipping miles of biome to simply end up here. Though neither of them seemed to notice, Jack sipped his tea. And waited for his answer. The black eyed man walked forward walking right through them, gesturing them both to come with him.
They walked through a nightly biome briefly where a large man was sawing through a tree as it fell. “Arrrrugh.” The man groaned. “I miss him already….” He looked at the beast and then he asked. “You think I should find go find him?”
He then seemed to take them into a forested biome, where they saw Iris and Shizu walking together on their way for fruit. Then the area shifted, as it was in an open field now. An arrow phases through the black eyed man and strikes a rabbit in the neck. Killng it. The ground comes into plain few as a man picks the rabbit up and hangs it off the side of his bag. “How much longer?” “No too long.” “Let’s not give em a chance right? You know how dangerous that girl can be. First shot needs to be a kill shot.” “Right.” A man with a rifle says as they proceed on Shizu and Iris’ trail.
Everything then goes back again as a darkness seems to consume everything. He turns back to blues. “That is a small amount of what is on the very outside. Your new friend here can lead you around on your journey to wherever you wish to go to do whatever you wish to do.” The darkness fades. They are now in a hallway. An actual hallway there is an exit sign above and a large reinforced door with an access pad that flashes green, in a large room at the end. “Simply approach the door. And it will open to the exterior. Or, turn back to your go back to your home. The choice is yours.” The instant they look away, the man is gone, and then it is just those two now.
Kal was along the forest near the junkyard it stayed in the trees mostly, looking around. Latching to the sturdy side of the bark. Observing natural life. Nocturnal life. Though this place fascinated it, it wanted to know how it was going to meet with it’s ally once more. Perhaps he would call to it. Though it’s echolocation does not function as well. It’s hearing was still very keen. Kal had noticed a sort of familiar noise coming from it’s tail. It was a cricket. A strange creature. It moved whenever it made a noise. So this was what creature they based it’s noise from. Kal knew it’s name, but had never actually seen it.
Kal closed it’s eyes after. The noises of the cricket’s helping Kal see beyond it’s eye. Keen on trying hear anything from it’s friend. It would sit and wait for hours. Days even if it believed jet would come near here.
Kal simply looks at Jet as he apologizes, it’s head tilting to the side a bit. As Jet said he will find Kal, it nodded once then took off as soon as someone began to walk in. Gone from general sight. Surprisingly quickly for something that seemed so large. Gone in moments.
(Already have a place in mind depending on how things go.)
Strife heard heard his call and then went to greet his horse whom he named Emily for some reason. “It’s time, old girl.” Strife said as he pet her gently.
He put two bandoliers of switch grenades around his torso. Each one crossed and ready to be thrown at any time He gathered the grenades on him, him having a few thousand in storage but preferring keep them on his person for quicker usage. He held out his hands, as Mercy and Retribution flew to his hands. Sledgehammer flew over to his back. The upper metal lining on his gauntlets ready to be used. He looked to irony, as he put mercy and retribution up and just put it in his back pocket. He carried few magazines for sledgehammer. He might acquire some planer ammo for it on earth and make a small lab there maybe so he can forge bullets from mortal materials to perhaps be used on lesser enemies.
He looked towards Emily. “Alright. No more build up.” He steps up on the step of the saddle then onto his Horse and then onto the horse itself as he smirked. “HIYA” The horse neighed as it reared onto the air majestically for a moment. Standing on it’s two hind legs. Then stamped back down to the ground with its thunderous hooves as it then rode out. Emily galloped forward garnering speed and them leapt into a watery portal in the wall.
Strife appears from an opaque ball of water in the air the collapses as soon as he enters the mortal world Emily galloping. Out he saw his brother on a road as he jumped off the bridge onto the interstate after him. In the air before he landed his form changed. His weapons were gone and Emily turned into a sleek bike while he turned into a handsome Hispanic black haired man with a scar over his face and a white suit. He landed now on a bike as he made a *VROOOOM* to catch up with his brother. He looks at all the souls being ascended for a moment before turns back to his brother next to him. Then he says “Greetings broth-” He stops. He then looks at this person to see if it is actually his brother and indeed it is. He looks at his sister now…
After some time Jerrel reached into his pockets to pull out some boxing tape. “Might as well get some type of training in.” Jerrel says as he wraps his hands. Don’t care how much more powerful some people around is. I ain’t go goin’ soft.
He Jerrel started warming up a bit just punching the air to get his muscles loose and stretching his cramp out before he start as he wrapped the white tape around his hands. Then he started. Like coach said… He punched the tree with his left hand. And it shook. Jerrel’s eyes looked up as the leaves fell and his hands were a blur as he tried to manuevre himself properly to catch them all before they hit the ground.He caught about 20 of all the leaves that fell. But 3 hit the ground. He dropped the leaves and sighed. Then kicked the tree. As the leaves fell, he tried again. And again. And again for some time alone.
Martin takes a few steps forward and looked down on the woman. Then he stooped down and wrapped his fingers around her throat as he gripped it tightly and then held her up into the ir above her ground, blood dropping down from what remains of her legs. “You stir up trouble here, and you expect me to let you lord over anyone?” His eyes glow more intensely and she can feel the heat it radiating towards her. Like being near an open oven. “You think that I…need you? An influx of new blood trying to get hogged up on Synth drugs from the Juan Huarez Cartel or Los Dotado is nothing new. They will pay the price.” Martins drops her to the ground and drops his foot to her chest as he pins her with enough force to start to break her ribs. “People will learn as they always have.”
Martin looks down at her and then fires the beam from his eyes. There is a bright white light and the ground next to her head is has a steaming hole in it. If she had her eyes open, she would be blinded for a moment before her sight would return. “You may be a punk. But you are a punk with a small shard of savvy within her.” Martin increases his mass and her ribs begin to crack under his weight. Coming close to fracturing completely and piercing her lunges, his heel coming close to crushing her heart. “Do not flatter yourself, misguided child. All I want you to do, is keep. Quiet. Here.” There is cracking as martin applies a slight amount of pressure and cracks her ribs even more. “Or else you will not be so lucky, next time. I will manage my district.”
Martin takes his foot off the woman’s chest so she can have an easier time breathing. He looks at her lieutenant. “I want this cleaned up.” He did wait for any reply and looked up as he took off up straight into the air and then zoomed off a blur as he flew elsewhere into the Arclight district. Disappearing in a second and a half.
It had been a while since a lot of trouble happened in the Arclight district. A lot of gangs steered clear of the Plaza. They had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. Not many significantly powerful people were there, though their eyes were. As many had powerful people had eyes there. A breeze seemed to grace Rivyena’s face, and in front of her from seemingly nowhere, she walked into someone. Martin stood in front of her. His brows furrowed. His eyes were glowing and the air around it ignited from the heat as he scowled at her.
(Gore warning)
Martin disappear for a moment and the plague hears one noise behind her, as Martin lays waste to her army of 90 in 3/4s of a second. Him having torn through them like wet tissue paper. His punches splattered people’s heads and blew people in half. His fingers tore through the human body like butter. Martin stood there holding the last zombie, by it’s face, and crushed it’s skull as if was made of saltine crackers. Then he turned his gaze to the sky, towards the ravens surveying the sky. His gaze destroying them as he shot Xasers at them. An electromagnetic beam the human eye is incapable of perceiving. As it rained Ash and feathers, Martin returned his gaze to the Plague.
He appeared in front of her without any real movement of his body. He moved too fast to be seen. The blood came right off due to friction, and his body was heated. His control of inertia let him stop easily.”You’re making noise….” He says to her. “I do not like noise.” Martin looks at her legs and without warning fires a laser at her legs to cut through them. Even if she gets out of the way before he fires, or runs, he will simply look at her legs and blow them off.
“You are causing trouble. You have an open fight in my district and then you dare speak of warring in it? This is your trial. It starts now. Appeal now or be atomized. I would choose my next words very carefully.”
(This riot foam, ain’t the kind of bubble foam in your bathtubs.)
(This stuff is made to stop cars once it hardens and you do not want it to hit you. It’s not going to wash off in the shower.)
The police eventually stop firing when the foam appears to have struck the eyes, even though, since it technically doesn’t exist, it would simply collide with ambient objects and detonate. Releasing the hardening foam. The beam narrowly misses the copter and then
“It appears this man is engaging the creature, and it looks like he is having some effect. Though it is unknown as of yet if this creature can reform, the creature does seem to be showing pain.” They watch more of the fight as the Camera zooms in on the fight as they are keen to catch every detail.
The news chopper decides it is safe to land and of course she wants to be the first bold reporter to get the story on this hero who has apparently saved. “Sir!” The news woman says. “Hello! I’m Tasha strong and you just saved this block from what looked to be a monster! Can you please tell us your name sir?” Police lower their weapons and decide not to tell the man to freeze out pure choice. Some respect him, and others don’t like him. However, they are all rather relieved due to the alleviated collateral damage. People feel compelled to record this themselves as people start to gather around with their cellphones aimed at the man. People are cautious. They don’t really want to get too close now, and people were a bit afraid he would panic and let out some energy blast or something. The woman held the mic to the man’s face seemingly eager for him to speak.
Seth stared at the wall, contemplating something. Thinking he should have acted sooner, and come to this conclusion already. He had a blank look on his face and then dropped the Captain and then walked away out of his Cabin.
It was some time after and Seth did feel somewhat satisfied, however not truly so. What he did could not repair the damage done, and Seth seemed to know, that it never may be repaired. He was powerless to be able to do anything about what had happened in the past. However, Seth was always one to look towards the future. They reached a port soon and Seth went off to go somewhere to buy a few things. Mainly things to make traps. He believed Silver would be fine as he stayed near by. He dropped the tools and raw materials in the area he stayed on the ship and went to find silver.
Seth smirked as he found they were all raising guns at her while he walked in, with his shovel in his other hand. A marine backing away from her, calling her a crazy bitch. “What have we here?” Seth didn’t really think Silver did anything wrong. “Why do you point weapons at my friend?” He says this actually rather loudly to garner all their attention for a moment. In case silver wanted to do something.
(Wish I could. Sleep clock messed up)
Kal turned aside and spouted out some fragments from it’s throat. It looked like a hack? But it more of a dry noise. Then it turned back to Jet and nodded. It however looked around and listened. People may come up and investigate. And it kept track of what they were doing. Which would be easier with all the activity they were doing.
Name: Leeroy Ceratto
Title: none
Age: 19
Race: Human
Appearance: A young man with black hair often wearing beige pants. He is lean and somewhat muscular but he not the largest man nor is he much larger then the average man. He is 5 ft 10 and weighs 165 lbs. He wears lightweight black boots and wears white kaki pants. He wears a light burgundy jacket with a white shirtnun
Items: Folding Compound Bow with arrows
Spring activated retractable sword
Gas mask with zoom device. Tunable with dial.
Occupation: Inventor/Merchant/Mercenary
History: A young man of born to a single mother, and then Orphaned at 7. The father nowhere to be found,he was placed in an orphanage. There he would reside living under a kind woman. He would often venture out the orphanage and practice sneaking and thievery. He would steal food and scavenge broken and useless devices. He was often fascinated with technology and would spend most of his spare time trying to make new found contraptions and things other people had made. However being an inventor is hard and gathering money for it is difficult. So he became a mercenary as opposed to a thief. He drops in and out the job. Coming back only when he requires money. He frequently invents things.
With all these questions and Kal still unable to speak as Jet put it’s hand om the side of it’s face, all it did was nod at Jet. It was the simplest thing it could do.
(I fell asleep. Must have been expecting something longer. Sorry!)
Kal returned soon. In a few minutes dro It walked over to Jet and looked at him. Something was different. He seemed hurt. Posture against of the leg seemed to indicate the wound was somewhere around there. Kal walked over and looked it over. It seemed treated. Kal then looked to Jet as he sat slumped against the wall.