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Strife within the council’s mansion, however in another dimension, deep underground is in his lab and forge. His guns on the counter as looked upon what looked almost like an artificial star, though it was just a contained fusion reaction. It did however contain much matter in it otherwise useless to a fusion reaction. The point however was mostly to ionize it so that it mass be magnetically contained and then he could cause an implosion within it to create a chunk of star matter. The temperature lowered as heat was sapped back and turned into power. After it has sufficiently cooled and weighed 50,000 tons, he caused an implosion with the simple push of the button. Then it drops to the floor before levitating.
He then walked over to the inside of the chamber as gravity was lessened, it floated over to his hand as he looked over his newly formed slug in his hand. He walked over over, his boots clanking as he added the slug to his collection. He then turned around and saw another switch grenade was complete. Each activated one glowing. Arranged neatly on a shelf.
“1,000 more years…” Strife said. He then went off and sat down at a desk to focus intensely as he started to transmute a small chunk of iron shaped into bullet of pure fissile californium. This was the last bullet. It would take time, but to Strife a few hours was nothing compared to the years it took to amass much of the other things. Strife was occupied with nothing else as he focused on transmuting this last, single bullet.
Jerrel shrugs. “If you say so. Long as the girl can defend herself I’m good. I’ll be outside if you need me.” He walks off away from Takra and then walks around a bit for sometime. Then goes outside. Jerrel them starts to walk around the forest to explore it.
MemberSeptember 1, 2014 at 1:38 am in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)Name: Cessily Sterum
Alias(es): Tricky
Identity: Private
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Black hair that stops at the back of her neck. Green eyes. Freckles on her cheeks. Beige skin. Often wears black/urban body armor made for her size, an armored helmet over her head and a hockey mask. She approximately 5 ft 4.
Abilities: Cessily has no supernatural powers.
Marksmanship: Cessily is an excellent shot and sometimes tags people who have super speed. She is skilled with practically any earthly firearm.
Honed Reflexes: Cessily has faster reflexes then the average adult. In order for most human sized objects to be beyond her sight, they must move beyond the speed sound at a distance
Armory and resources: Cessily has an extensive armory in a discreet location with military grade fire power at her and the funny face Mafia’s disposal. She has military grade firepower, can hire people to do things for her, is herself a competent chemist, has access to various chemical weapons such as toxins in a variety of forms and incendiaries.
Hard-Suit: Ballistic+impact resistant body armor capable of hardening when exposed to impacts. From the start it uses CNT Kevlar mix, D30 gel and liquid metal neck lining to armor her neck and protect it from gunshots, car crashes and being struck in the head.
Combat prowess: Cessily is a very skilled and also pragmatic fighter. She very agile and though she is strong, she is not stronger then a fully grown human male.
Stealth: Has taken out entire gangs without anything being traced to her. She is very quiet and her small size makes her good at sneaking.
Occupation: Next in line for funny face mafia leader.
History: When Cessily’s father Ray Sterum died, she did not take up the mantle of this group at first. She was and still is privately schooled but she did not want to lead a normal life. She wanted a life just like her father and she took it. Now she leads her group in many of the ways her father did.
Personality: Cessily is often thought up as a very strange girl. She is energetic and sometimes cockey. She can be ruthless at times but is also caring. She dislikes dabbling in some types of businesses. Such as the drug trade and despises human trafficking, which she absolutely will not do. Drug trade om the other hand is something she has to do and will. She dislikes killing good people and children. She often actually does encourage good relations with the public in the green zone. She more so prefers to rob the Artemis district. She also taxes dealers in the green district. Despite this she threatens people who owe her money. She likes weapons and to blow things up.
Alignment: Neutral good/True Neutral.
Quote: “You gonna need to pull out some waaaaay better stuff then that if you wanna top me….”
Jerrel got distracted from the newcomer as he saw Takra. And Miwa not with him. Lookin’ perpetually pissed like always. Jerrel walked up to him mostly walking his stitches off not showing it. “Yo! you seen your sister? She walked off on me somewhere and I don’t know where she is.” Jerrel says as he shrugs.
Social media began to blow up. A lot of people who were safe were actually taking the time to post statuses on this and alert everyone. It wasn’t even 2 minutes before the monster ended up on the news. People on the street who saw it began to run and scream. Generally going into alleyways and trying to get out of it’s way.
The police were the first on sight. None if them bothered attempting to shoot it with an ordinary gun. They took out instead heavier ordinances. Grenade launchers filled with an expanding foam made to stop or at least slow down invulnerable types. In this case they shot this case. They shot this creature with it. The grenades exploded on contact with anything solid. Police on bikes shot at it from within cars. Attempting to lure it away to perhaps the ocean.
The newscopter was way above in the sky. Around 400 feet into the air. Above most buildings. Not wanting to be swatted out the sky like a few news reporters were.
“This is E.L.N reporter Tasha Strong coming at you live from the scene of another giant monster attack. Police are already on the scene as a mysterious black oil like creature appeared from seemingly nowhere in the middle of the night! People are already beginning to speculate it appeared from the sewers. The police are currently trying to slow down and corral this creature until the military arrive….wait a minute….what is that?” The camera zooms in on a white light shining towards an alley.
Kal looked off and then jumped off a blur for a moment. It hops and gallops along the rooftops with the girl. A few people looking up when the shadow speeds by, however. When they would look up. Kal would already be gone. Kal reached near the building soon, but stopped on a building in front of it. Pondering how to get in. But pondered on what to do. The girl coughed a bit. She didn’t breath very well. Then Kal decided to try something rather simply. It looked down at an alleyway, filled with people searching through trash. Kal lowered her down. The tail loosening as it extended give or take 60 or so feet. The retract back up. A woman turned back and tripped on her.
She looks to see what she tripped on and then she gasps. She decides to pick the girl up and seeing as the clinic was right there, she decided to rush her to the front. Not really questioning how she got there. She figured the girl collapsed behind her. She coughed up blood and groaned a bit. Blinking. A bit conscious now as she looks up at the woman’s face and then blacked back out as she was taken to the clinic. Kal looks down, watching warily and making sure nobody can see it. Then it shrunk back to stay in the shadows.
Kal grabbed Jet’s arm and then soon the tail picked Kal and the girl up. She murmured a bit. As Jet was put in the hallway of the next floor. She coughed a bit and her eyes were open slightly…..but it was empty. She wasn’t really even conscious yet…Soon Kal joined Jet above jumping up to the doorway.
Kal looked at Jet and took the girl with it’s hands. then walked towards the stairwell and towards the rooftop. There it would wait for Jet, looking about as the tail wrapped completely around the girl and got on all fours to be the most mobile. It looked about as it stood ready to hop off at a moments notice on the roof.
Mercy appears Strife’s hand in hand and then shoots the paper once. The name “Elton” signed through the paper in a single shot. Each letter being it’s own hole and the paper steaming. Strife then turns around and puts the gun away as he disappears.
Kal dropped the girl into Jet’s arms. The room was dark and Kal lacked the abilities that came from it’s ability to project sound. However it could still see if there was ambient sound. Albeit at a lower range. When Jet mentioned water, Kal only shook it’s head. To perhaps try and show Jet why. Kal leaned towards Jet and opened up its toothless mouth towards Jet. It was difficult to see. But there was a spark of electricity that illuminated Kal’s throat. A piece of shrapnel fell from the convulsing grey artificial muscle within it. Drinking water now in fact would be hazardous. However Kal would not let Jet reach into it’s mouth as it would rear back if he attempted to do so and close it ls mouth.
It stood upright and looked up. There was a door way on the second floor. Kal held it’s tail near Jet and opened the digits like a hand near him as he held the girl in his arms.
The girl had a fractures and a broken nose. Also well as some rib injuries. And a bit of purple around her eye. She was lucky the wall hadn’t been solid. Had it been made of brick or solid concrete, the results.
Kal only looks at Jet. It doesn’t even attempt to make noise. Kal only seems to shake it’s head. Seemingly saying simply “No.” Now it seemed the floor was giving way from all their combined weight and the debris. The floor gave away immediately and they all fell a floor down.
As they all were a floor down, Kal landing on all 4s. The girl was still unconscious and had no more see able injuries as she simply made a thud. There was creeking heard above as soon the rest of the ceiling gave way. If jet is standing. Kal stands over him and girl and stands above him on all 4s as it shields Jet and the girl with it’s wings. Then everything was dark as the debris came down.
Jet could see a bit more as Kal stood now. Shunting debris off itself. Looking about and then at jet, as it blinks. Then it’s eye goes over to the girl. To which Kal raises it’s tail and grips her around the neck with 3 digits. And then hoists her limp body up slowly up as she murmurs. Kal then simply holds her next to itself. Jet did not seem to want to to kill her, but Kal would, should jet say so. It was holding her in such as that it could break her neck. Or drop her. Depending on what Jet said. As it has yet to learn children are a separate type of entity then adults. Seeing them as basically one in the same. However Jet knew more then Kal, when it came to such things as dealing with people.
“Oh damn. Miwa left. I ain’t even noticed. Shit.” Jerrel leans back as he thinks. “I could follow her…” Jerrel was at a dilemma. Does he allow her to walk around? Jerrel would rather she learned self defense then have to have him escort her and she probably could defend herself. But Wrath was pretty powerful and had a problem with her. Eh, he had to walk this off anyway. “I’m gonna go look for Miwa.” At least until he knows she finds her brother.
And so. Jerrel gets up, runs at blurring speed to get a back. Runs back over. Snatches about 6 cookies to wrap in a plastic bag, then runs out looking like a streak, hardly able to be seen back to his room. Where puts to cookie bag in the fruitsnack pile. Then he runs back out. There is a pain in Jerrel’s side as he faceplants while he runs and rolls along the ground. He clenches his sides. “AH FUCK. CRAMP! I got the fuckin’ stitches…” Jerrel gets up. And looks around. Dammit I hope nobody saw that. Jerrel looks around. He sees a new student. freaky eyes… “Uh hey…” He says to this new girl who’s name he does not know yet.
Mirabelle nodded to her statement. Though she did not understand everything she said, she knew the idea of it. When she states it is remarkable it is for her to come to that, she giggles at her comment as her feet sway. She plays with her hair with her fingers a bit and smiles warmly as she looks up at the woman. “Thanks.” Not many people had ever said she was remarkable before. To her question, Mirabelle answers “What was I out here for….? Oh yeah I remember now. I was going to go buy some cake. Or some cookies. I dunno yet. Something sweet…” She says simply.
Apollo calms down in her grasp and as he slowly comes to accept the woman. Licking her palm.
Name: Strife (Elton)
Wears a white suit
Weapon summoning: Can summon any of his weapons back towards himself.
Higgs field: Can induce control the mass of items he touches, himself and items he binds to himself. Rendering it positive or even negative. Can make certain regions of object he touches have differing mass. Allows him to control his own inertia as a side effect of controlling his own mass and gravity.
Alchemy: Can transmute elements in his hands with intense focus. Time consuming. Often done in his spare time.
Cry of strife: Strife yell/cries into the air loudly with feelings of anger, pain and sorrow. Makes humans and lesser enemies conflict among each other.
Deaths Watch: Death can follow us through our eyes so he knows if we need resurrected. This can not be abused because if you die to much, Death will choose a being to replace you.
Stasis field: Arranges the air in front of him into negative mass, repelling any solid object. Freezing anything that is caught in it. It is 1 inch thick. Takes 1 second exactly to appear. Lasts for 5 seconds. Then the object caught within the shield continues.
Blast gauntlets: Extremely durable gauntlets are layered with a healing explosive material. They are set off upon Strife’s command. When held up to block, they act as shaped charges. Focusing the explosion on the aggressor. Blowing away blades, projectiles, bullets and strikes upon impact. Layered on the knuckles on the gauntlet to add explosive force to punches. Shaped charged configuration focuses explosion exclusively forward. Located on the forearms and knuckles. Each able to take 3 consecutive blast and recovering in about 3 seconds. Fingers have sharp adamantium claws and gauntlets can heal.
Dream catcher: Catches most any form of energy and matter. and allows strife to throw it back. Including light, directed radiation, plasma, magical and spiritual energy. Catching light means he can obtain energy from anywhere with light. Requires one free hand.
Hawkeye: Extreme marksman ship and increased reflexes.
Warp: Walks through another dimension and reappears. Moves faster through other dimension to essentially teleport.
Mercy: Channels magical energy and/or life force from strife himself into an energy round or a laser. Calibur can be adjusted Fully charged, can rip apart the fabric of space time upon impact in that local area for a moment. Can cast spells through this gun. Cast cast elemental spells and healing. Can target an opponents life force. One shots normal humans. Can transmute substances after being charged. Can shoot energy constructs that last for 3 seconds, can control shape of any projectile he shoots.. Can exert a higgs field under a person if they are shot with a slow moving bolt. Lasts for 3 second. Caliber of this gun is adjustable and can shoot projectiles and energy far larger then the gun.
Retribution: Fires whatever kind of bullet that he puts in the gun.
Abnormal ammo:
Flash forge iron- Fires a stream of molten iron at target or mini shaped charges which propel’s iron into target
Lightning bolt- Fires capacitor balls that stores lightning in a micro dimension. Causes bolt of lightning at 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 seconds. Ionizing most metals instantly and destroying most anything else that cannot withstand the temperature. Causes loud noise of 120 Decibels, and blinding light for this period.
QT Bullets- Bullets go into another dimension and reappear in this dimension. Reappearing past armor into their target. Also can hit things in other dimensions. Can be filled with explosives and shrapnel.
Ethereal rounds- Can turn into ethereal energy and strike targets.
R.I.P rounds- Armor piercing vs harder substances. Breaks apart, fragments vs softer substances.
Overkill rounds: Molecularly dense adamantium tipped with hellfire with explosive propellant behind it.
Sledgehammer- Electromagnetic gun made from superior to mortal materials that fires any metal, solid star cores, sabot neutron star chunks and mini black holes. Black holes are the size of a proton and pierce through anything. However, they do not usually transfer energy to armor unless armor is specifically stated to be completely indstructable or that it actually attempts to repel it. When the black hole leaves the barrel, it weighes 606,000 tons(Nearly double the weight of the empire state building). Anything made of an indestructable substance will be latched the black hole, and therefore cause in it’s event horizon. Causing human sized objects to hurdle back and sink to the core of the earth under massive. However, anything made of conventional matter will experience nearly no effect as the micro black hole passes through them as destroys a few atoms at best. As such, Lowest setting is equal to a tank round and with normal ammo, hits with tremendous blunt force. Enough to send opponents flying with a single shot. ROF 650 RPM.
Irony: An ordinary M1911 that fires a round of pure fissile Californium. Causing a nuclear explosion. No magical properties whatsoever. He cannot return it. Anyone can use this weapon.
Switch grenade: Grenade of varying effects. Can be set to homing, air burst, timer, contact, sticky or detonate upon being triggered.
Hellfire grenade- Burns with a volatile fire to destroy nearly anything. Burns the ground and burns to the core of the earth. Radius of up to 100 feet
BFR Grenade- Teleports anything away within a 5 foot radius. Including chunks of the ground and body parts. If target or object is not fully in the radius, it will teleport that part of the object away. Prone to telefragging (Teleports people into solid object)
Resonator- Various sound based effects. Can use sound to melt things away, such as flesh, shatter objects, deafen opponents, cause earth quakes, cause Nausea, remove sound from the are, cause blast waves similar to an explosion, drive enemies insane, vibrate enemies eyes organs or bones or incinerate anything. Adjustable radius. Gets weaker the further you are. Can produce any sound.
Mass grenade- Causes the opponents relative mass to increase. Often causing human sized target to sink to plummet through earth, rip of parts of the body or anchor targets.
Implosion grenade- Pulls targets in. Then crushes and collapses anything within it’s radius into a microscopic chunk of matter.
Drain grenade- Saps magic and life force of lesser beings within up to 100 feet of the grenade. Must make direct contact with more powerful beings to work. Can drain the souls of things caught within it. With the exception of higher beings and mortals.
Cryo Grenade: Flashes freezes everything within it’s 100 meter radius.
Sheo’s approval- Turns weaker enemies and objects into cheese.
“Let’s jus’ not point any fingers bout who did this n’ that and bout who fault it is. Aight?” Jerrel looks at the cookies. “I’m gonna need to run least a 3 miles after this. Or maybe just 20 laps…” After Jerrel finishes he gets about 2 cookies and starts on one. “This…is the shit…it’s like a orgy-er um what I mean….party…in my mouth…yeah…party.” Jerrel takes another bite and eats.
Mirabelle didn’t believe her when she said she was fine. She could hear it in her tone, see it in her face. This and her smell made her want to stay. She started talking about the moon and the sky. And this made Mirabelle smile warmly and then she hopped onto the bench and looked up at the sky. “Yeah…” She says with a feeling of a sort of wonder as she kicked her feet a bit. “I kind of always wonder about how big stuff is. And how small it makes us look.” She looks down a bit.
“I used to kind of think that it meant that we don’t really matter. But then I realized size and power doesn’t make you a better person. All things are important. Even if they are smaller.” She says looking at Apollo. It took much time for her to come to this philosophy. She still knew and understood however that people with power ultimately controlled everything. However Mirabelle was still drifting even with this in mind.
“I just kind of think whats inside is what counts and that powerful people are responsible for their power. But, thats just something I learned from looking at stars and other things….” Mirabelle trailed off feeling a bit awkward of how she far she had strayed.
She looked at Apollo. “Go on. It’s okay….” She smiled at him. Apollo stepped forward. Sniffing the woman’s hand, skeptical and curious. It too remembers this scent vaguely. However. Mirabelle is comforted generally by this woman’s benevolent air and this makes Apollo receptive of any signs of affection towards it.