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“No, its all up here already. Its in the room next door. She walked out past Jet into the room next door. It wasn’t a stable room. It was an unviable apartment room. Dangerous to be in. Before Jet even entered the room she takes something hidden under the mattress. And then takes the grappling hook and helicopter in her arms.
“Alright I-” She hear the ceiling collapse behind her as she turns around. “Shit it looks like-” She stops mid sentence as she sees Kal getting up, it having been on the ceiling as she entered the room. His yellow eyes meet her shocked and speechless eyes. As Kal gets up, she draws the gun she just took faster then the eye could process as she pointed it at Kal.
Kal lunges her a blur as she premptively ducks and goes under in a quick roll as she aims at Kal’s back and fires 5 shots from the FNX 9 pistol hidden under the matress. The first 3 shots hitting Kal’s back and bouncing harmlessly down to the floor. Another bouncing off Kal’s head as it turns around and then bouncing off Kal’s armored eye. Kal’s 3 digit tail hits her in the chest as she is pinned to the wall with all of its fingers around her body. This time she struggles as if her life is at stake with much more of a fight then what she put up to Jet.
Her arms were free. But Kal had her body firmly in his grip and pinned her against her will effortlessly. It opened its mouth to say. “Do not move….” and at the end of Kal’s sentence another shot was heard.
Kal took a few steps back and made an odd noise as Kal began to seemingly leaking fluid from the mouth. Sparks apparently heard from the back of it’s throat. It’s grip on the girl did not loosen as she then tried to take advantage of the moment. Pulling a pocket knife she had hidden as trying to cut, stab and saw off Kal’s tail. The blade does nothing.
Kal then abruptly flung her into the wall irregardless of what Jet does or says. Like watching someone fling away a towel. She smacks into the wall face first with such force as to break the fragile wall and shatter some of the wood. She drops to the ground, lying on her back. As blood streams from her nose. Eyes closed. Out cold. Her gun and knife on the floor next to her.
Kal stands there opening its mouth to say something. All one can hear is an irritating noise similar to that of a high pitched microphone as clear fluid bleeds from the inside of Kal’s throat from where her bullets landed. Kal no longer attempts to make any noise.
His statement about the man and the man with an affinity for underage girls did not seem to bother her much or phase her really. “Just a rope, a grappling hook and a remote control helicopter. Pretty much.”
“I used a kind of a grappling hook and a light rope…” She said. “And a toy helicopter. Flew it right up. I still do have them just…not on me. Its in another room. Flew it up here. When the hook latched on I just climbed up with the rope and pulled it up.”
“True.” Jerrel said when she mentioned the part about nobody being sane enough to work here. “That is true. We got all kinds of crazy stuff in here. We got a strong demon girl, teleportin’ guy, guy who controls air, 2 magic girls” he nods at Miwa and points to Adreasta “your brother” Jerrel says gesturing to Takra walking along in the cafeteria “some demonic superman with spikey hair, a shapeshifter” he nods to kit “and some cosmic…..somethin’…” Jerrel thinks
“Am I forgetin’ something…? Ash bout the only one I ain’t do anything abnormal…I wonder if he has powers….”
“Human taste buds?….Oh right. Animals do got different taste buds…anybody else notice how there ain’t no staff? No teachers? No nothin’? Just Godal? Seem a lil’ weird too me…is all I’m saying.” Jerrel said as he ate a nugget and a fry off his plate and left the rest of them in the kitchen for everyone.
(We’re at a table now. goin’ with the flow)
Jerrel lets her browse for a very long time as the chicken nuggets and fries then finishes eventually. He takes them out and there are a lot left over since Jerrel the entirety of both of the bags.
“You can take as much as you want.” Jerrel puts hot sauce all over chicken nuggets. “If the rest want some they’ll come for some. Watchu been lookin’ up?” Thank god some shit don’t show up in the suggestions…
Jerrel decides not to talk about her planet much. Then he has an idea. “Well. You can use one of my things.” Jerrel takes out his phone. “This a cellphone. It does a lot of stuff. Here.” He walks over to Miwa and gives it to her and he pulls up a search engine.
“This a cellphone. You can use it to call take picture and go on the internet. And well. On the internet, there allota information. You can ask it a lot of questions and it can answer it. You can find out a lot of stuff about our planet and about stuff in general. This how it works…” He shows her how the touchscreen works over time, ow to turn it on and off, how to adjust the volume and also typing.
“Go ahead. You can type in a question about a lot of stuff. But you wont find much on people who aren’t famous.” He Jerrel smells the cookies as the smell eminates into the room. “Mmmmmm….thems smell good.”
“Itsa TV show. Its about people who have the ability to control the elements. Fire, water, air and earth.” He says to Miwa as he smiles back receptively, relaxed. Its like watchin’ a flower blossom.
“You guys had TV on ya’ll planet? You know what a TV is?” Jerrel asks as he puts the fries and chicken in a tray and puts it in the oven.
Mirabelle lays upside down in the sofa. She flips out the sofa and lands on her feet. Then she takes some of her the money and quietly opens the door to the house. She isn’t doing anything right now. She should be back very soon. Mirabelle locks the doors and then as Apollo walks next to her he jumps into her hand and then she puts him back down on the ground. “You need to walk lazy butt.” She decides to walk over to the bakery to see if its still open maybe.
However, after a bit she saw a stranger sitting on a bench. Looking tired. Mirabelle walk up to her and she had a familiar scent. Though Mirabelle had not yet realized this is Nitida. Yet she did still care for her well being as she did for most creatures. “Hey Lady. Are you ok?” Mirabelle tilts her head curiously as she looks at the woman.
She looks partially fearful of jet overall. Though her eyes do show some anger and stress with her fear. Though she doesn’t particularly want to show the anger part right now. mumbles lowly. “This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a gun to my head…..” When jet asks her how she got in. She goes ahead and lets her hands down as she walks into the hallway. She then shows Jet to his own room, with the twelfth story window as she gestures to it. Kal is not in the room. “There.” She says simply with no further explanation.
“I control air, pretty much. Wind. Blast waves.” Jerrel snaps his finger and a fire is ignited in his hand. “Fire ” air shifts in the room towards it as the fire turns into a now smaller, brighter sphere.
“Plasma.” There is a cackle of electrity along Jerrel’s arm. “Lightning. Usually, when I tell people air. They expect something like avatar the last air bender or a wind mage or something.”
“No. Not really. Unless you d something thats against the law. With all the freaky stuff that exists, I don’t think they gonna wanna lock up a ten or eleven year old girl with black wings. Nobody I know bout anyway. I kinda see one reason why you left. I like fighting but, if you don’t wanna be a warrior, you don’t gotta be one here.” To Miwa second response, Jerrel replies “It’s all good. I ain’t gonna try and make you tell me somethin’ you don’t wanna tell me. We all got things we don’t wanna talk about…” Jerrel trails off a bit quietly and looks to change the subject. He found a pack of frozen fries and some wings. “You wanna just put this in the oven?” He asks her.
After that he asks her “So, what’re your powers? I’m surprised people haven’t been askin’ each other yet.”
“Hows it different. N’ why’d you and your brother decide to leave home n’ come to earth?” Jerrel asks. He goes into the kitchen. And decides to start rummaging through ingredients. Deciding to make something simple for himself. But he is not quite sure what he should make while he looks around the kitchen.
MemberAugust 28, 2014 at 2:32 am in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)1. Name: Martin (Last name unknown)
2. Alias(es): “The boss” “The superman” “Supes”
3. Identity: Public
4. Gender: Male
5. Age: Unknown. Looks to be in his early-mid 30s.
6. Appearance: This, without any kind of insignia.
7. Abilities: Martin has god-like powers that makes very few people capable of fighting him.
Power source: Martin mentions that he is powered by a micro black hole. The black hole itself is not capable of sucking or pulling anything in it unless something touches it. It is solely martin’s power source. It is the size of a proton, and weighes exactly 606,000 tons. It has a power output of 160 petawatts. Roughly 4000 times the energy output of the entire earth (16 Terawatts). Martin does not require food, sleep or rest to live. He does not produce lactic acid and therefore does not produce fatigue. He does not need to breath. His power source produces power, and he can store it for later use. It will last for hundreds of years.
Higgs field manipulation: By manipulating the higgs field (which does exist in this universe). By manipulating this field, he can alter the mass, inertia and gravitational field (As well as the direction) of any object. He can even change some of or all of an object’s mass into Negative mass. His field of influence goes around for approximately 1000 miles and gets weaker the further it goes. And is strongest all around it. This has numerous applications and very often, Martin makes raw physical strength of most opponents irrelevant by turning the mass of their own bodies against them. This power has a wide variety of uses in general, and he can control it on a scale as precise as atoms and even precisely exert said force on something as small as a sole electron.
Martin can warp the fabric of space time and create bubbles of folded space around him that stop anything and vaporize solid/liquid objects. He can hold this for approximately 10 seconds. And must wait another 2 minutes before this can be used again
Super strength: Martin has vast superhuman strength that is complimented by his higgs field manipulation. He is in truth “only” capable of lifting 28,125 tons without manipulating the higgs field. With it, he can lift practically unlimited amounts of weight. His strength extends to internal organs and body parts as well. All of them, granting martin increased lung capacity and the ability to generate fierce winds.
Superhuman speed+flight: Martin in space can move 99% the speed of light by controlling his own mass. However, he cannot do this on earth, as at such speed, he would hit the air hard enough to harm or even destroy himself and anything else in the air around him. He is generally capped at moving Mach 8 through an atmosphere. Martin can manipulate his inertia to stop and turn on a dime at 90 degree angles. Martin often moves fast enough that it looks like he teleports. He can use his flight to anchor himself in place. Otherwise if he say, got hit by a train he would still flinch.
Superhuman durability: Martin is immune to all conventional diseases and toxins. He produces a kinetic barrier that can repel any object as well as a Bio EM field that can deflects electromagnetic radiation when active. He others wise without these fields exceptionally durable. Able to deflect most forms of energy, or even extend his field to touch and control most forms of energy and redirect it. He has sufficient temperature resistance to be unharmed by flying towards the surface of the sun. He is immune to telepathy and mind reading. Only extreme impacts can slow him down.
Energy projection (“Laser vision”): Martin can channel energy though his eyes. He can spread it out over a wide area, while making it weaker, or focus it powerful enough to pull apart the fabric of spacetime and annihilate whatever is unfortunate enough to be caught in it’s path. (200 Petawwatts) Often requiring around 10 seconds of buildup to accomplish. Martin can also project energy within himself internally and it is in part, responsible for his immune system. He can also use beams to laser cool the air in his lungs.
Superhuman senses: Martin can see small enough to see molecules, adjust his hearing, see up to 50 miles away, see in all the electromagnetic spectrum, see ghosts+astral bodies,
Superhuman reflexes: Martin can manually slow his reflexes down to the scale of one second to him being a nanosecond to anyone else, making most everything in his perspective seem to come to a complete stop (even though it doesn’t. He simply sees things as slower.)
Conscious bodily manipulation: Martin can tune his senses, reflexes and manually operate the internal workings of his body.
Hypermind- Martin has superhuman cognitive abilities, and is capable of processing things on a level most people can’t imagine.
8. Occupation: Manages the Arclight district
9. History: Not much is known about Martin’s past. Many people theorize he is an alien. However, he is unopposed currently in ruling the Arclight district. His word there is law. He keeps things from getting too out of hand, to prevent the consequences of what will happen if he does intervene in much. He does not care about money or taking over the earth. He will also not do anything to attempt to solve the world’s problems. All he normally seems to do is manage the Arclight district and prevent it from getting too out of control.
10. Personality: Martin is extremely bitter, blunt and has a cold exterior. He rarely ever seems happy and seems to be asexual as he never has any woman around him. He has allies and associates but does not make true friends. He is very intelligent and very calculated. Often he does not like to act much because of the fear of repercussions. He can be cruel and is not afraid to use his power to keep people in line. He believes his word is law and rules the Arclight district secretly as almost a dictator. If he sees any semblance of a war beginning he will quell it. He will judge you based on your actions and his opinion if you stir up trouble in the Arclight district.
11. Alignment: Lawful neutral
Quote: (About)
“In any event, I never said ‘The superman exists and he’s American.’ What I said was ‘God exists and he’s American.’ If that statement starts to chill you after a couple of moments’ consideration, then don’t be alarmed. A feeling of intense and crushing religious terror at the concept indicates only that you are still sane.”
Jerrel walks with Miwa towards the cafeteria. Jerrel was a bit quiet for a bit. Thinking of stuff to talk about. As they reached the cafeteria and looked around. Jerrel decided to ask her.
“So, Miwa. I been wonderin’, if I could ask, where are ya’ll from? Exactly? I’m just from plain ol’ Atlanta, Georgia. Not like all the crazy places erreyone else from.” He scratches the back of his head as he goes over to get lunch. Jerrel was curious as everyone else seemed to have some exotic magical upbringing in some far away place. Especially with how everyone acted.