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Jerrel looked at Miwa. “Alright. Its your choice if you wanna come. I can bring you back some food and cookies. If you want.” He awaited Miwa’s answer before he would go.
Jerrel looks at Takra. “You forreal? Now you just escalating shit AGAIN. You bringing stuff waaay out of line. You can’t solve all your problems by punchin’ em.”
“Cookies? Im gonna need some real food first. Why don’t you two come along anyway? Its at least time for lunch and its not like she own the cafeteria. I can’t live off fruit snacks the whole day. I need some actual food.”
Jerrel points at the large pile from his closet that is enough to build a bed out of and still enough bury him.
“Ya’ll do gotta eat right? Come on.” Jerrel says motioning them to follow him.
She lets out a sort of sigh of relief. Though she didn’t quite look comfortable or even completely at ease. “No. It wasn’t me with a drone…I don’t have that kind of tech…”
“Well. A few people know about you. I’ve heard there is a guy who lives alone in a shitty building. That you used to run with some gangs or, something. Then they said you quite. For…I dunno, people say a lot of things. But. Whatever! It doesn’t matter! Just let me go alright! I’ll pay you. Right now. Five bucks to let me go. Ten if you give me my clip back….just toss it off the side of the building and I’ll go down to go get it. Alright?”
MemberAugust 27, 2014 at 8:26 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)The large man looked at Tobias blinking. “WHAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” The man falls on his knees shouting into the sky for a good 10 seconds. Then he yells “WELL FINE! BE THAT WAY” He yells in Tobias’ direction and then takes one of the glowing beasts, picks it up and hugs it irregardless of whether or not . “I’LL JUST BE FRIENDS WITH THIS….THING!! HE RECIPROCATES MY FEELINGS AND DISPLAYS MOAR AFFECTION!!” He holds the beast out in front of him as it were a puppy, even if the thing weighes as much as a black bear. If it lashes out to claw him, he holds him anyway.
From his sheath he draws his enourmous sword, and it can actually be seen that is essentially a giant single edged chainsaw sword, edged with diamond. “I’m makin’ a house.” *VROOOOM* He revs it up as the blades spin rapidly and slashes into the tree cutting it down in actually only a few seconds.
“THEN WE CAN LIVE TOGETHER IN A CABIN! IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL!” He yells out in Tobias’ direction.
(Need moar staff)
A man strolls forward to the front of the room in front of the with them. He had a mustache and was wearing body armor with a “Semper Fi” Tattoo on his shoulder. He has a smile and looks excited as he talks loudly and commandingly in “Good evening Gentleman! I see that we gave a new faces…..that’s good…that’s real good. I am Chief Dwight Houser. But you can call me Chief Dwight.” He says nodding and smirking. Looking at Zach and the other new person next to him.
“Now. Let’s get started with your mission briefing. Yes. That’s right. Your being thrown in thick of it. And for some of you. This won’t be an easy mission. But if you are smart you will make it through. Your objective is to essentially herd a rogue model into a chamber made specifically to contain it. I will now inform you on said subject you are to herd. Here it is men.” A projection appears on the large screen showing a picture of this subject to the entire room.
Then Dwight continues to speak. “It’s name is SR 53. (Referring to the super weight) “This thing is a Class Four Subject. A weapon of mass destruction. It is loose is a subject’s environment. Sector 46. It’s abilities are as follows…” He starts
“Large size. It is exactly eight feet tall. IT weighs a little more then a ton. 2400 pounds. It’s carbon nanotube composite musculature gives it extreme strength and durability. This subject is capable of under normal circumstances lifting 500,000 tons over it’s head..”
The person next to Zach raises his hand. “Um. Sir. You said 500,000 tons.” Dwight stops. “Yes. Yes I did.” He looks a the man. Who replies with “Are you sure you didn’t mean-” “No I didn’t.” Dwight cuts him off. Then he says.
“I said. 100,000 tons. Two hundred million pounds. 90 million kilograms. If it were possible to put this entire building on a scale. It would be able to bench press it. Easily. The empire state building weighes approximately 350,000 tons.” “….”
Dwight continues to speak. “No more questions until the end, of the briefing on it’s abilities it has a maximum running speed. Of around 200 miles per hour. Which it can hold for 15 minutes. It prefers to jump bounds of two miles or so regularly. It is extremely difficult to incapacitate it. It has been known to withstand dozens of High explosive tank rounds and repeated air strikes. H.E.A.T rounds and Kinetic based APFSDS rounds from tanks have some effectiveness. Despite being a cybernetic being, it is mostly immune to EMPs. Many directed energy weapons, are even less useful against it. A nuclear bomb would destroy it, and the environment. We do not want to do that…so we have another special weapon in mind for this mission specifically to be used against this creature.”
Dwight pulls out a pistol. It looks like an ordinary CZ 75. “This your weapon for dealing with the thing.” “A pistol…?” The man next to Zach says. Dwight looks at him. Turns the safety off with a *click* as the hammer of the gun is released. He then promptly aims at the man and shoots him in the chest to the shock of everyone in the room. Dwight smiles widely.
There is red smeared on the man’s armor as he looks down trembling at it. Then he clutches over it. The man then looks up at dwight confused. The man then shouts out. “WHAT THE FUCK? IS THIS PAINT?!!!” “Yes.” Dwight says chuckling a bit and continues to say “You just got shot with a pneumatic military grade paintball, son. And it will be your best friend against this thing.” He throws it at Zach without warning.
“What’s your name son?” He to the man next to Zach. “…Ron…” “Well Ron. Welcome to the facility. And you too.” He says to Zach.
“Now. If there are no further interruptions. Listen very, very closely. I’m going to play some footage. As I explain tactics footage of this thing in action will play. Then you’ll gear up and head out…” Dwight begins to play footage of a first recording of a soldier, with a camera on his helmet. Dwight looks around to see most everyone in the room are paying attention.
Iris walks with Shizu as she replies “Don’t you want to at least live in a cave or sit under a tree? Doesn’t that count as shelter?” Iris says. She looks down and then starts to hop on one foot as she takes her shoes off now, not wanting to wear them anymore. She doesn’t fall behind Shizu, hopping with her. Then getting one foot off. Then hopping again. Getting the other foot off. As she then walks around in her socks. Eventually. She gets annoyed with that too. Dirt was getting stuck to them. So she just went ahead and decided to walk barefoot. Stopping to take both socks off, and stuff them in her shoes, which she carried with herself in one hand.
She grunts as Jet pins her against the walls and she struggles for a moment jerking forward to be pinned back again. It is no use. Jet is older and stronger then she is. She turns her head to the side averting her temple from the gun and she closes her eyes tightly her brows furrowed for a moment as points the gun at her.
“ALRIGHT!” She opens her eyes to look at Jet as he looks at her panting a bit. “Ok. I came here because I…thought I saw something. Alright? I saw something flying. I didn’t knoq what it was, but I thought it was a plane. Like. A drone or something else I don’t know. I saw it the other night when I was on a roof looking at the fucking stars. So I came in here. I heard about you and since your just one guy I decided to try and sneak in and see whats in here! Whatever you have I didn’t find it and I swear to god that is the truth.”
There is a bit of silence of a moment. She is breathing heavily and she looks down. Glancing up for a moment and then looking back down.
Then Kal confirms it a few moments later after the pause. “…She seems to be telling the truth.”
“Ey brah, ya’ll chill out. If ya’ll gonna fight, goto the war room…” Jerrel muttered. “We don’t need to start more crap over some trivial bullshit.”
“Its aight. That was just a casual games for a little bit while it lasted. Alllll that mattas is that you have fun.” He says to Miwa.
Jerrel looks at the door as someone knocks. He gets up and opens it. “Fruitsnacks girl!” Jerrel welcomes her in. “You wanna come in?”
Jerrel replied to Miwa as he looked at Takra walking in briefly. “Heck yeah I did! Couldn’t nobody tag me while we was playing.” Jerrel smirked a bit cockily “I ain’t never been able to use my powers in a game before. How bout you? Can’t you fly with those wings?”
“Alright.” Jerrel says simply. He looks at Miwa, contemplating whether or not he should answer her question. Jerrel then mumbles lowly to himself “I need to quite cussin’ so much…”
Shielding her from it will probably make her more curious. Might as well tell her. “A hangover is what happens after you drink too much alcohol. After you get drunk, and fall asleep, you wake up and you feel sick. It’s something you don’t ever wanna have…”
(Dammit. I forgot to say sit.)
Jerrel facepalms at himself “Meant to say sit down. You can take a seat man, alright? YOu don’t look good. What’s up with you? Demon hangover or some shit?”
Jerrel crosses his arms. “Yeah, well I think there has been enough fightin’ for today. You can down, or whatever. If you want.” Jerrel didn’t say much after he began talking to Miwa. He simply stood out of his way so that he could get closer to her and then sat on the opposite bed. Leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.
She is silent for a few seconds…as her face didn’t change at all when Jet went up. Though one could see her eyes shaking a bit. “Because I was looting you. I was trying to see what you had. I was looking for a little food and maybe some guns…”
Kal then says to jet in his head. “She is lying.”
“Well. That’s good. Lucky thing you ain’t hurt too bad. USually this is the kinda shit that happens when you try to stop two people from fightin’. I would know. Same thing happened to me before.” He says in reply to Miwa.
Jerrel’s eyes go next to him Jerrel turns to Takra. “Ey brah, you got yoself in check yet? You ain’t fittna flip out in my room are ya? Cause I will take yo ass to the war room and fight you, although…I on’t really wanna fight you right now. You don’t look too good. You look like hammered shit. Why don’t you sit down for a lil’ bit. Your sista’s fine. Luckily…” Jerrel says gesturing to Miwa.
Jerrel’s face softened. “Guess you heard that huh? Nah….it’s all good. You uh, feelin’ alright? Your wings don’t look too good…”
Jerrel got bored some time ago and no longer has his headphones in. “I think she comin’ to….Ey. Miwa. You awake?” Jerrel gets up and stands over her looking her over as he eats a fruitsnack. He waves in her face and then he looks at her eyes. “You look awake.”