Forum Replies Created
Mirabelle sits on the couch as Apollo jumps out her shirt. Stretching for a moment. Then it runs around. Then runs up the stairs. Mirabelle goes after him. Then Apollo slips under the door to Tas’ bedroom. He jumps up to Tas’ bed in a single bounds and then is on her face as Mirabelle opens the door to Tas’ room. She then stops.
Apollo runs up her sweater and jumps onto her face. He sniffs her cheek. He then hisses and opens his mouth to bite her. Mirabelle crosses the distance from the door to Tas’ bed to grab Apollo in roughly a tenth of a second. To grab him and accidently runs into Tas’ bed causing it to jerk with her impact.
Tas does not seem to wake up. “…” Mirabelle creeps away holding the mouse. “You stay out of trouble…” she says to Apollo.
She lays on the sofa. Looking at the door. Considering going to get some cake.
“Beat it? Well. Ok…” she says lowly.
She looked him in his eyes constantly. “Well. I am alone. Nobody else knows where I am and that I am here. And well. Uhm. I didn’t know.”
Kal could be heard in Jet’s head.
“She lied about the previous statement of abandonment. She seems to know this place is inhabited. Her other statements seem to be true.”
She went into position as hsme. He
would find, another gun. It is is in her hoodie. She looked straight at the wall. “Cause…I was searching the place….I thought it was abandoned…” She didn’t actually sound very scared like many people would think she would. She seemed to be keeping calm well enough. Saying her answers straightly. -
MemberAugust 26, 2014 at 10:42 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)(Flipped a coin for Tobias’ encounter)
There is a trudging through the nightly biodome as a few sticks break and something seemingly comes through the woods. Then from the woods, something large. Apparently a man walked through. Though he hardly looked like an ordinary man.
Somethings one would notice right off the bat is this man is large and has many tattoos along his shirtless body. His pants are apparently tattered gear and he is bald and wearing a mask. It was white with a lot of things written and drawn on it. Hard to tell what from this distance. He was muscular and veiny but did not look like the hulk. His arms were rather long for his proportions. He was about 7 ft 5 His hand looked big enough for the palm to completely cover a persons face.
His tattooes consisted of a very large hand of Fatima tattoo on his back. Hos biceps and body painted with tattoos of lovecraftian creatures. Tentacles all about crawling to his chest from the creatures draw on his body.
His visible weapons seemed to be a large knife, a very large sheathed sword and a rather large revolver. All of which he doesn’t have in his hand. His eyes went to the beasts that glowed for about seven seconds. Then to Tobias. He stared at him for a solid five.
‘HAI!!” He blurts out loudly as he waves at him smiling widely.
Iris nods. She ran over to catch up to shizu, now alot more comfortable around. “Hey. How old are you?”
-About 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) away.-
There is a group of men with guns. Assault rifles mostly. A few swords, knives and other equipment walking through. They are wearing civilian clothing.
“I dunno John. I don’t know this place.” “Looks like a nice change compared to where we were hanging around.” “I hope to god there are no weepers here.” “Stay on your toes.” One of them comes back. A guy with a composite bow and arrow. With a grenade launcher and wearing goggles.
“Found her trail.” “How far you think she is.” “Dunno.” The man replies. “Maybe 4 klicks? Six?” “Thats like a 45 minute walk.” “Better hope to it then.” The men proceed in Shizu and Iris’s direction. Wary of wildlife. Though it will take some time for them to find them in this huge area. Even longer with the distance they may cover.
-Back to Iris-
Iris would follow Shizu to wherever she went. “Do you live here by yourself?” Iris asks curiously after Shizu answers her question. Even if Shizu doesn’t know.
She gets up. And crawls out from under the sink with her hands up. Where her face can be more easily seen. She has black straight hair that goes down to her neck and dirty beige skin. Her hoodie was red and her jeans were ripped from actual use and not having them made into it. She had a beige skin tone though her face was dirty. Her face was straight in a grim way.
She then stands on one knee and then she stands all the way up as Jet holds the gun at her. She looks at Jet as if waiting for him to say something.
Someone’s head bumps into the sink and there is the *klack klack* of a gun being dropped. “OW! FUCK!” A female voice shouts. Under the sink is a give or take 13 year old girl in a red hoodie with ripped jeans. “Shit….that really…hurt…” Her eyes go to jet and she slowly looks down the barrel the gun and smiles uneasily. “Ah heh heh …” She laughed faintly and uneasily. “Okay.” She sighs. “You got me…” She says admittedly.
She looks down for a second. “Guns right there.” She is looking down on it. It is a Beretta M9. She dropped it next to herself when she hit her head.
“Aight.” Jerrel replies Godal, as he looks at the unconscious Miwa in his bed. “Girl got feathers all on my bed and shit…” He says a bit angry. Though he isn’t really angry that about the feathers. He’s trying to mask his anger that a little girl got hurt and that the game had to devolve a fight. He looks at her with look that indicates a bit of sadness he felt for her.
Jerrel sighes. “Let’s see here…” He looks her over and then spreads her wings neatly at the side of the bed so they don’t fold over one another so they aren’t in an awkward position. He flattens them out. “Hope she ain’t gotta concussion or some shit. Well, even if she do it’s aight she lie down. Don’t think she do anyway…” Jerrel sits in the other bed. Then takes his phone up and googles Mythes about concussions. Even if she does have a concussion, it is alright for her to lie down. Just like Jerrel thought. Though he doesn’t think he does. She’ll be fine…
Jerrel thought about running 20 laps around the school for the hell of it. But he’d rather just watch over the girl, unless Takra comes back for her. Hopefully now the nigga remember her existence. Jerrel took his phone and puts some head phones in. And then he played a song. His earbuds doing well to insulate the sound so nobody could hear but him as he sat idly on his bed mouthing lyrics to himself.
Man I’m a bit hungry… He thinks to himself. I need to go to a good place or something. Maybe that other girl with the nice room got some gourmet chefs or something. Jerrel then remembers all the fruit snacks she gave him. He went over to the closet and opened it as they spilled out his closet like a wave. She gave him enough to bury himself in.
“Awww yeah…” Jerrel took a few bags of fruit snacks and started snacking on some.
Jerrel held out his arm and the ball slowed down as it neared Jerrel and he caught it out the air as the chaos ensues. A ball comes at him and jumps in the air off seemingly nothing. “Come ya’ll gotta do better then that!” Jerrel looked almost like a video game character, jumping in air, dashing around. He leans and lands on the ground. Near a pile of balls. He gestures and the air hits a ball swirving it out of his way.
Jerrel then jumps into the air again a vortex forming around him as balls thrown deflect around the vortex or get caught in it. “AWWW SHIT SON WE GETTIN’ REAL UP IN THIS BITCH!!” Jerrel punches *BOOM* and sends a blast of 12 balls at his opponents.
Then Jerrel sees Takra and Baylet fighting. Everything gets out of control and suddenly Jerrel becomes a bit less whimsical. “Aww come the fuck on. Ya’ll doin’ this now? This is why we can’t have nice things.”
He sees Miwa get knocked out. “Shit” He goes over to her and picks her up. Then kicks the door the door down with a blast sending the doors flying across the room. Then runs out with the girl. “I’m letting Godal handle this shit.” He goes back into his room and puts Miwa down in his bed.
(Sorry for editing the last part in)
Jerrel dodges kits ball by leaning “Wait wait wait for a sec brah. Lets start this fair and set shit straight.”
Jerrel motions the air of the entire room and divides all the balls amongst the floor. A large number balls on both sides.
“What am I doin’ tryin’ to control ya’ll. I’ll let ya’ll do own thing. We fittna start in ten. Join whatever side you want me. Or Takra. Ya’ll ready? Yeah? Good. If you wanna join in I no longer give a flying fart who’s team ya’ll go on or if its even or not” Jerrel didn’t wait for anyone to answer and would keep going.
He yelled so everyone could hear. “NOW! WE GONNA GET THIS STARTED. PICK YA’LL SIDES AND GET READY. FOR ALL I CARE IT COULD BE ALLA YA’LL AGAINST ME.” He started counting down. “TEN. NINE. EIGHT. SEVEN.” Jerrel walked to the middle as he got ready beginning to count “SIX. FIVE. FOUR. THREE. TWO.” Jerrel turned around to face whoever opposed him.
“ONE. GO.” Jerrel blasted off 80 feet into the air and threw a high speed ball at Takra right off the bat.
The kitchen seemed to be what Kal seemed to be looking towards. “It is a human.” Kal says to Jet with nothing else able to hear
“One attempting to hide…underneath a sink…”
Kal’s eye go towards it again. Jet had a point. And had convinced it to stay. It would if necessary however attack its target through a wall or simply be near by. But for right bow Kal stayed in place.
Kal had stopped as soon as the man was on the ground. Though call had no way of showing it, it was surprised at Jet’s combat efficiency.
Jet returned to the building and saw however that Kal was staring intently in a direction. As if looking througb the wall as it made a cackling noise….then it looks to Jet. Straight at him as it opens it’s mouth. So only Jet may hear
“There is someone else here.” Kal then looked off in a direction to another room.
If Jet paused long enough he would hear a creaking noise briefly. Then it would stop.
Jet’s smiling alerted Kal to proceed. “Put the gun down….Put the gun down.” Each word now caused his vision to blur. His balance to wain temporarily. “Put the gun down. Put the gun down.” Nightmare began to feel nauseated. “Put the gun down.” He suddenly it became harder to concentrate as Kal added more and more effects as it targeted. The voice continued.
“Put the gun down.” There was a sharp nawing pain in his head and a ringing noise in his ear by this time.
Kal looked down on the alley. Assessing the situation. There many ways for how this would go down. However, Kal considered not immediately killing this man. It decided to try another approach.
“Put the gun down.” Nightmare heard in his head. It however. Was not Kal’s voice. It Nightmare’s own voice he heard seemingly from within his mind. But in a calm tone…
“I’m throwin’ balls at her. I ain’t tryna kill her. But if she get hit. She get hit. If she hit me. She hit me. Its how the game go. I’m not going full power on anyone. But I ain’t making this easy. Oh naw. I aint doin’ that….but anyway….”
He looks at Baylet. “I’m sure, if this dude can move that fast. His punches would be hard as hell and that he can also throw,hard as hell. Yeah there is more then one ball. If ya’ll playin’ get a ball. Right now its lookin’ like me, Baylet, n’ Umbra. Against you n’kit. Wraith joins then maybe you can have ash on yo team. How that sound ya’ll?”
Jerrel pulled and the air shifted as another ball came to him. Jerrel threw the ball up and down.
MemberAugust 25, 2014 at 12:07 am in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)(This is copied and pasted from another roleplay and re-formated to be here so it will be looong.)
Name: Real name unkown. (Goes by many) Current name: Lambert Hughes.
Alias: “Doctor” “Doktor” (DOK-TOUR) or “Doc”
Identity: Private
Gender: Male
Age: 94
Looks like he is in his lower 50s. Very few wrinkles though his faces aged yet healthy. His body is that of a young man, fit and in it’s prime. Almost always wears a suit of many different colors with a tie. Balding. Hair on the top of the head is bald, hair to the sides and back remains. It stays like that. Wears glasses. Green eyes. (unless he changes their color.)
Enhanced physiology- Doktor was the one who developed and gave Nemaz his enhancemen. Doktor has genetically engineered himself and has had surgical enhancements. as such his abilities are similar. However Dokotr has engineered synthetic. However, most of his are simply better. Since Doktor does not have a metagene and he simply has an earthly genome, many power dampening effects will not work on him. The Doktor can control his body’s functions with his mind, able to control things like metabolism.Superhuman durability- Doktor’s bones, instead of using a titanium foam, uses an extremely durable flexible nanoceramic foam that insulates from heat and electrity to reinforce his enhanced bone structure. The joints like Nemaz’s are mostly with an engineered spider silk. Denser then regular spider silk. His joints are stronger then steel. Doktor’s muscle is denser. Making it somewhat like iron. Like Nemaz, most humans cannot harm the Doktor. He has a very high G-Force tolerance, making him more difficult to knock out and primarily to pull off very agile manuevres with aircraft without passing out. He can thrown significant distances, put through several walls, get hit by a train and survive with moderate-severe injury. Some blades like common kitchen knives cannon cut him. His head and other areas with bone are nigh-bulletproof to conventional small arms. Though bullets do harm him, especially of sufficient caliber.
Healing Factor/Diseases/Toxin immunity- Doctor’s body has a potent healing factor due to cutting edge biotechnology and organic nanomachines his own body is capable of producing. He can recover from being cut if someone manages to do so in a few seconds with optimal help. Can recover from ghastly wounds. He can regrow organs, regrow limbs and if he is somehow decapitated, his head can be reattached. Can regenerate many portions of his brain. Even able to have the nanoceramic and spider silk built into it again just as before. Doktor is immune to all terrestrial diseases. Toxins are contained in inert material or soaked with nanosponges before they can reach even his already powerful immune system, which would fend most of it off anyway. Bullets lodged in his flesh can be broken down by his body and removed through…various means.
Superhuman strength: The good Doctor is very strong. His muscles can be compared to that of a Gorilla or Cheetah on a human body, with seemingly indestructible bones. How much he lifts depends on mostly how he lifts it. He can bench press 3 tons and backlift several tons for example. He has high isometric strength, comparable to Nemaz’s, and support/bear weightes. The doctor can tear people’s limbs off, put his fingers into a man’s chest cavity, crush people’s bones with his grip, kill someone with a single strike, send people significant distances away with his strikes, throw grown men around as if they were children, run up walls a significant distance, crack concrete with a punch, break down some walls depending on the material, bend iron and some steels depending on thickness and type of steel, put his fingers through bulletproof glass, jump many feet into the air, etc…If the doctor exerts to much force on his body, he risks hurting himself.
Superhuman speed- Due to his human shape, the Doktor can run at 45 mph steadily. And go faster. If the doctor too fast, he risks harming himself. The doctor also has the ability to if he wishes reach these speeds almost immediately. From close up, he can very easily dissappear from ones sight. The Doctors hands can also move very fast, at speeds the human eye can scarcely process. Often times, he uses this to simply do things very fast.
Superhuman agility: The Doctor is able to pull off various acrobatic manuvres and will do the most practical ones in a fight.Superhuman senses: The doctor has enhanced overall senses as well as additional senses. Any of these can be turned off.
The Doctor has the best eye human biotechnology could possible give him, beyond perfect. Doctor has optical magnification abilities of up to 10^14 fold a human beings, and is able to see molecules. He has additional visions, and can see UV light and infrared.
Hearing- Extreme hearing, able to a coin hit the ground as far as 20 miles away in a city. Can “tune” hearing to the point he can stand in a crowded and hear the conversation of someone 50 feet away while ignoring/dampening ambient sound of the commerce. Hearing levels tunable. He can turn his hearing off completely for whatever reason necessary. The Doctor can also echolocate, essentially see with his ears or see blind.Echo/seismolocation- Doctor can feel ambient vibrations. His range is approximately 30 miles in all directions at all times. 67 miles in all directions underwater. 80 when standing on any surface or putting his hand up against something. The doctor can distinguish a BB pellet from a corn kernal 70 meters away. Can map out people’s internal organs and find structural weaknesses in things. This does not work in a vacuum if the doctor does not touch anything.
Electromagnetic sensing- The doctor can locate things by emitting subtle EM waves from his head such as radio waves and he uses this to detect faster than sound objects. He can also detect things using earth’s magnetic field in a way similar to foxes.
Complete nervous system control: The doctor can control his nervous system completely, and is able to control what are normally involuntary muscle such as the heart, stomache and throat. He can adjust his sensitivity. Can adjust and remove pain, or keep pain and remove agony. He can exert himself beyond normal means at the risk of injury.
Superhuman endurance/Stamina: The Doctor can very often go for days without food or water by controlling his metabolism and cannibalizing fat. Normally, the Doctor can operate at his peak for 5 days. He can hold his breath for up to an hour. His oxygenation processes are more efficient then most other organisms. The doctor does not produce lactic acid and does not experience muscle fatigue.Superhuman cognitive abilities: The Doktor can process data extremely quickly and remembers virtually things very. Very far back with extreme detail. He has a very high intelligence and is a polymath. He can learn
Photographic memory/Reflexes- The doctor can emulate any move or skill he sees. Able to learn entire martial arts in seconds and copy people’s moves. He uses this to also memorize books
Superhuman reflexes- The doctor’s nervous system has an increased conductivity, allowing him to adjust his reflexes at will if he chooses. Reflexes automatically increase in the presence of danger due to adrenaline.Superhuman accuracy and dexterity- Excellent marksman and good with his hands. Good with many weapons.
Wall crawling: Hands and feet can stick to wall
Stasis: If the Doktor is put in critical condition, damaged to the point that his bother can no longer function properly, or the Doktor will enter stasis. Genetically engineered Pseudomonas syringae Bacteria will freeze water in his body at room temperature as his functions cease mostly. Preserving his body until he receives medical attention. This is a state of being on the brink of death. He will enter this state if he is somehow decapitated.
Immortality/Agelessness: The doctor has never age naturally. As long as he eats, he will live indefinitely and retain his youth. Unless he is killed, he will never die.
The Doktor may add abilities to himself through whatever means.
Many weapons, gadgets and equipment.Skills:
The Doctor knows many fields of science due to his cognitive abilities (which he has had since he was 35) and the fact that he has had ample time to learn them. He specializes in Biomedical engineering, Cybernetics/Advanced prosthetic, Biotechnology, Biomimetics, structural engineering, medical nanotechnology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, biochemistry, Virology and pharmaceuticals. He has knowledge of others as well of varying degree depending on the field.Th Doktor knows many martial arts. However, at his base. He specializes in Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazillian Jujitsu and German Longsword Fencing. He has learned moves from countless martial arts including and not limited to Wing Chun Kung Fu, Eskrima and more…
Occupation: A Doctor, of course.
History: Not much is known about his past.
Alignment: Neutral evil