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Mirabelle looked at the door looking a little bit worried actually. But then was relieved to find it was only only a man. Apollo jumped out Mirabelle’s clothes and onto her shoulder. It then began to lick her on her cheek affectionately trying to actually comfort her. She giggled a bit as it began to nip her affectionately and then it went into her clothes to run all about her body. “Hey. Stop it!” She noticed the man seemed to be a bit flustered.
“Hey mister! Your face is red!”
(Gurl ballin’ up in here)
48 walked towards the wall as Jet asked it to explain it’s abilities. “Yes. Acoustics” 48 began. “I emit sound from a device within me. The same device that produces my sound and enables me to speak. Materials within me direct the sound. Bend the soundwaves. So that it comes exclusively from my mouth and nowhere else.” 48 starts to climb the wall. Actually letting jet do it himself this time.
“I can also receive sounds via sensors akin to ears and sensors within me akin to nerve endings. In much the way the eyes receives light from light bouncing off an object, I do the same with sound. Some of it passes through as the rest bounces back. Allowing me to see through an area via acoustics. If an area already produces much sound. I can also view it that way. As well as map out structural disintegrity in any object by detecting cracks.” 48 got over the wall and jumped down. Then waited for Jet.
“As you have seen. Sound can be weaponized. All sounds above 180 decibels produce blast waves akin to explosions. But sound does not need to be so intense in amplitude. Naturally I produce ultrasonic and infrasonic sound as well as audible sound in any range. By adjusting an Acoustic lense in my throat I may also focus sound…” 48 did not seem to know or notice if Jet even understood this. It was after all made to be a weapon and reconnaissance drone.
“As well as use scanners in my eyes along with an on board computer to detect the resonant frequency of a system. All matter has a varying resonant frequency. Frequencies at which the oscillate the most. By altering frequency amplitude. Allowing me to vibrate any object. In turn. Making me able to cut, shatter, melt or bore through objects. Allowing numerous applications.”
48 began to go on and on about this “Against human. I cause disrupt the sense and the brain. Disorienting them by vibrating cranial fluid or vibrate fluid in the ear. Removing balance. Cause organs to explode and leave others umharmed. Cause enemies to lose control of their bowels and excrete waste through channeling infrasound through their bowels. Set things ablaze. Cause internal fluids to boil. Vibrate bones to cause them to shatter or break. Or cause small earthquakes and attack underground bunkers. It also had communication relaying applications. Using bone conduction, I can mimick “telepathy.” Channel sound so as to communicate quietly and remotely to an ally via vibration of their skull to produce a voice in their heads…this may also be used to confuse, demoralizd, frighten or control the enemy. It was planned at one point that I could be used to speak to Islamic terrorists in their heads and convince them that I am god and ask them to lay down their weapons…”
If Jet did not stop 48, it would continue to explain itself even further in the casual moderate paced manner it had said all this.
“Fo sho. I dodgeball is my game!” Jerrel says. “I just hope people will come. They already quit.” Jerrel said pointing back at Takra and Miwa. “They don’t seem cut out for it anyway. Less go.” Jerrel then goes off to the gym and gestures Baylet to walk with him.
Jerrel looks at Jerrel stupified for a few. Then he says. “Man. What the fuck? You forreal?” Jerrel puts his arm around Baylet and leans on her as he starts laughing loudly.
“You fuckin’ tricky ass ol’ man. Alright.” Most of Jerrel’s anger is gone as he facepalms. “I don’t even…aight ol man. You got me. Ph yeah I forgot. Hey Baylet. You straight? You look a lil’ pale.” He says taking his arm off from around her and looking her over. “Seemed
48 keeps track of the direction everyone in the area was looking in. Positioning itself. It opens it’s mouth and hops the wall with it’s powerful legs at such speeds it was diffcult for the human eye to catch. Jet would for a moment hear nothing when 48 was in the area. It was as if he was deaf, as actually 48 dampened the sound in the area. It would land through the trees in front of Jet without any audible noise. Then when it’s mouth would close. Then things could be heard again. 48 would look at jet, scan the area the area with it’s eyes briefly, and then proceed forward.
48 was never in sight for and not noticed. The most that could be seen of it is as it traveled roof to roof if someone even bothered to look was a split second blur. There was no noise hears from it and it never peaked out at Jet to view him. It was hard to know it’s location at all. But it was watching jet all the same unseen, always keeping track of his location as he moved through the streets.
48 looked at the boy. Then it actually realized he was acting hostile it seemed. 48 paused for a few seconds to grasp this, and then it says simply “It is alright….” It seemed the right thing to say to Jet in this situation. 48 then says. “I will be close.” It walks away and jumps out a window out the building. Even though Jet is not is not directly in his site, 48 could see all around itself using sound. Though certain materials used in the building made this not as usable to navigate. This was not a problem in the real world. 48 could navigate blind folded or in total darkness if need be. Jet would be in it’s site at all times.
Jerrel heard the explosion and he got surround by a small defensive hurricane. Then he simply flies off in a burst and then slows down running through the halls. Thinking that perhaps the school was being attacked. He then however saw Baylet just caused an explosion. Muttering to herself at how she was free. He helps her up.
As she can stand on her own, Jerrel watches as Godal goes back and fourth. Jerrel then tells her that he has to kick her out “What? Over this? I mean. Anywhere else maybe but, come on!” He then replies to Takra. His opinion of him getting higher for that.
“Hold the fuck up old nigga, are forreal? He ain’t tryna be no badass. He just stickin’ up for her. If anyone tryna be a badass, it’s you ya stubborn old man! Mister “This is your God-Slaying principle” What are you shoving him for, what the fuck did he do? Disagree? Man you are being the biggest fuckin’ hypocrite man…”
Jerrel crosses his arms and furrows his brow but does not get too hot. “Man. First of all. You the only one trying to be badass here. We all get that you a bajillion years old or some shit and slayed some gods and demons. And that you rich as fuck. We. Fuckin’. Get it. And another things is when we all first came here, you us all to fight you at once, we did, we lost and you told us we need to learn how to work together. And look what we doin’ now. We all workin’ together, we lookin’ after eachother! We were doin’ good here!”
Jerrel holds his arms out wide out of frustration “She was doin’ good here. Making friends. Helping everyone out. “She don’t even wanna eat the world.” Jerrel can tell her smile was not real. “If you kick her out now then YOU gonna be then one pushing her down this path.” Jerrel says pointing at Godal.
“Cause you the one that’s wrong here…” Jerrel looks up at Godal straight in his eyes if he even does turn back.
Mirabelle left the room then the building as the two spoke. She then walked through the streets some thoughts jumping around in her head. Would this mean she isn’t homeless anymore? They seemed to be buying a lot and now they were getting along pretty well. They seemed like they were actually buying the place. Everything was going so well. She just hoped that nothing would ruin it.
That last thought pinged around in her head. She wanted to ignore it and believe everything would be alright. But, a lot of things could go wrong. Someone seems to be after Tas. She mentioned some organisation called O.R.C before she turned. She knew that it would be some kind of organization that wanted her. They could be the cause of that whistle. Should the noise occur again. She will want to track it.
But that was not the only problem. Many people were after Mirabelle and most of them kept to the shadows and there was more than one enemy and that they could be all around her. She could be detained by the police and men in black or people in army gear would be there in as little as 15-45 minutes. The only way she managed to truly escape was being reborn from her own “death.”
Another problem came to her mind were the men from before. Who were they? What did they need them for? Were they tricking them? Or was there really some genuine threat she could actually help prevent?
She blinked and looked up. Shoving all these unhappy thoughts to the back of her head. She stops as she almost walks into the front of a moving car and jumps back as it speeds by. Breathing a bit heavily. Apollo jumped out her pocket and ran out along the side of her.Then she looks both ways,and walks over to the supermarket. Apollo goes into her clothes.
She started to shift her thoughts elsewhere as she walked through the sliding doors. Some canned food. That lasts a while. Maybe. Also some snacks and juices. They didnt exactly have electricity yet. She got a sharping cart and started buying some canned meats. Chips. Bread. Peanut butter. Jelly. Some bananas. She remembered when her father would buy lots of ramen. It lasted a while and was easy to prepare so she got that too. She got a few other things too.
She went to the cashier. “Hey lady…” She looks up at her. “Can you ring up all this stuff for me?” The cashier looks at her strangely. “What are you doing with all this? Where are your parents?” Mirabelle gives the woman roughly 100 dollars. “I’m just picking up groceries” Mirabelle says. “Well alrighty.” The woman smile at Mirabelle which brings her to smile back.
She scans everything in. “Need any help?” The woman asks “No thank you.” Mirabelle replies. She walks out going back to the area. As Apollo jumps on her head from inside her clothes. She pushes the shopping cart over. Then she stopped in the middle of the parking lot as it occurred to her that taking this shopping part would be stealing.
She waited a few minutes and the armor appeared before her walking over. It was night and not many people were out. It’s muscles have since recovered and it has been refueled enough to function well. It scoops up a majority of the groceries it’s long arms while Mirabelle puts the cart away. She carries all the soft things as armor takes the more durable groceries.
Eventually she made her way back to the house, the armor though large. Agile enough to take advantage of the shadows and high ground.
“Ok I got some food.” Mirabelle walks in with about 4 bags and then the armor ducks so that it can fit through the door way. It then puts the groceries down and goes out the room to the basement. Mirabelle smiled hiding her thoughts. “I bought a lot of canned stuff. And some Ramen. I think you guys can eat that. I can make a fire if you want to boil some water for you guys.” Mirabelle says looking at the two.
Mirabelle sat and listened to the two as they both conversation. Lisening interested in them talking about their culture even though she knew nothing really about it. Still, she tried to learn and she smiled. The two were getting along well, finally. Sitting in a room together and laughing. It seems that they are from similar places.This was a nice pace from everyone trying to kill one another for Mirabelle. Though she could fight pretty well for a kid, she didn’t particularly like to do it. Not only this but it seems Tas wouldn’t turn again. Though Mirabelle could not help but wonder if she will again. She didn’t want to ask now however. She just sat there quietly smiling. Tas actually laughed. And then Vorgun mentions food.
“I don’t really have to eat. I can just sit out in the sun. Or eat grass. I kind of just eat other stuff for fun.” Eating made her feel more human, and normally when she did buy food, she usually bought sweets. But she never really had a problem with spending money on other people. Especially when what Tas gave her, to her, was a fortune. Apollo (Her rat companion) crawls out of her pocket and looks around for a second. Then goes back into her pocket. “I can go get the food. I don’t really mind. Just tell me what you guys want.” She could get fuel from the sewers but not really food. Though she could grow fruit from giant organism in the sewer, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to feed it to people. It would probably qouls not taste too good grown from the sewer.
“It would be best, to proceed on foot. I will tread on the rooftops. Alone, unheard and unseen. You may travel on the ground. I wish to conserve fuel.” 48 said to Jet. Though 48 would consider flying at an higher height among the clouds, it wouldn’t bring jet up there. It gets extremely cold and the lack of oxygen can be a problem should 48 go too high with Jet. Though 48 does not need to breath, due to it’s head being essentially a self contained ecosystem at the moment.
“I am very maneuverable on the ground…”
“I will not require water for some time, unless I unless I exert myself. If you wish, I may scavenge for things. I am well suited to such a task…due to my echolocation.” 48 says to Jet. It’s echolocation made it adept for finding specific objects. Though 48 could not obtain anything however. It would not be as well suited to obtain objects where anyone could possibly see it. Though it could probably keep undetected as long as it was aware of it’s environment.
Jerrel wakes upon hearing the voice.He hears dodgeball and his eyes fly open. “Dodgeball? OH HELL THE FUCK YES!” He Jerrels flies up out of his bed. Into his sneakers. As he leaves his sword behind. “This gonna be fun” Jerrel walks over to the gym and then started getting warmed up and stretching as he got in the center. “Where is everybody.” All Jerrel sees so far is kit. He starts then to assume he will be captain. He then starts going through a list of everyone here and who is going to be on his team, should he be captain.
Mirabelle’s eyes flutter open. She sits up up and rubs her eyes removing the sand in them. She yawns and then looks around. She sees Tas awake and blinks. Then smiles. They aren’t fighting. “Oh hey look. Your awake now…we were kinda worried about you.” Mirabelle says to Tas. She adjusts her hearing to normal levels so as to now hear what they are saying. She sits up and looks at the two smiling as she puts her feet out in front of her.
MemberAugust 20, 2014 at 7:14 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)“I’m sure you’ll get there.” The man says to X-0. There was not much X-0 could tell about the man. Though it was clear he was physically there. He couldn’t be scanned because any attempt to try to use electromagnetic waves to view him, aside from the visible spectrum (Radio, infrared, microwaves, X-Rays,etc…) results in it bending around him.
“My purpose? That’s a pretty good question…if I were to put it into simple words-” Then Blues interrupted him. He smiled subtly as blues looked at him. Still standing actually. “But. This is hardly about me. This is about you both. What I am here to tell you simply is that you, can leave, or stay. But you won’t many answer to your questions from in here. The answer to many of your questions are outside of here. In the unknown. Though. That is not to say some of the unknown. Will not come to you. Once you stay.”
Iris looks at Shizu as she laughs. She then starts to laugh too as she takes her finger off. She was now more at ease and know’s Shizu’s name. “Okay. I won’t hurt any of the animals.”
Iris looked around the forest dome. And then she adjusts herself. Sitting criss cross applesauce now. “Um. Are there any fruit and stuff here?” Iris asks the girl. “I can eat the grass If I want and not get sick…but I’d rather not.” Iris looks around the area as she sits. To see if there any berries or fruit trees.
(And now. To determine posie’s next encounter. With a coin flip. I will be doing this a lot from on.)
In Prototerra-55. The lock is soon off. “We’re regaining surveillance…” a scientist comments.” “Someone is trying to get in…he has a direct connection”
Outside there is a man in stolen staff military security gear and a with a cellphone. Hacking his way into a door with a direct connection as he looks around. He hears run down the hallway. He starts to sweat.
The door opens and he runs in so fast he leaves the cord. He hears scratching behind the door. A sort of desperation in the voice as the door is banged on. “Come baaaaaack! Come baaaaack!” The voices behind the door cry. Sounding like children. The man gets up taking out his CZ 805 assault rifle letting out a sigh. “Stay back there you fucks. He mutters.
He looks behind himself and then proceeds to press and elevator button to be taken up. His gloves and boots stick to the walls as he begins to climb. The walls. Of the elevator shaft. He reaches a door at the top. He fires an armor grenade from an M-79. And blows his way to the surface. He climbs out the ground behind the rock. He looks behind himself and narrows his eyes as he looks around. He sees a man rush him with a broadsword as he attempts to thrust his blade through him.
The man parries with his CZ 805 assault rifle then rifle butts the man hard enough to knock him out even with his steel plate armor. 6 other men run at him and he guns down 4 with controlled fire, front kicks another one sending him back and as the last man gets punched hard enough for his helmet to fly off as he drags back out cold. The helmet has a fist shaped dent in it
The man shook his fist. He had black hair. He had attracted much attention. With the gunshots. He decided to take out a long bowie knife. Need to save ammo. He 3 spare magazines on him for bis AR with about 30 rounds each. Along with 4 magazines for his sidearms total.