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48 watched Jet and listened to him as he went on. His eyes closing. Seems he would be going to sleep soon. Still. It kept his words in mind, and then looked off at the wall as the boy began to sleep. Though 48 could sleep, it had no desire to. Not tonight. It would stay in that same spot, the entire night. As the boy who found him fell to sleep. 48 stared at the wall. As still as a statue, thoughts bouncing around it’s head as it was still for several hours until it would decide to move.
There was a sort of presence standing in front of the arena, though it was hard to detect, as it did not truly seem to have what one would realize as a soul. It resembled a sort of man in a suit, only with completely black eyes. Then it seems to hold a black ball in it’s hands, with little white dots in them, that seem to be stars. The ball turned into a door, and from the door a jester walked out, his feet jingling as he pranced and danced jumping, spinning in the air.
He then lands and holds his arms out with his right foot pointed next him to him. As if presenting himself to her. He was about 5′ 10 and not fat or beefy, as he held a Jester’s mace in his hand and had a satchet strapped around his belt. His eyes are a blank white, with a sort of white aura around them, and his smile wide. His face was painted and he wore black lipstick. His eyes returned to normal. They were green. He looked around still grinning, then his smile faded. He mpe looked curious.
He looked at the woman and then stood up straight, looking at her for a few seconds confused. His head going about, him wondering how on god’s earth he got here. He then looked behind himself. There was nothing behind him. It was just those two. Of course… Everything began to sink in. He looked at the woman again. And then leaned to the side to look down at the drop.
He whistles. “Mmm…” He shakes his head his hands on his hips “that’s a looooooooooong drop.” He looked at her and twirled his mace. “So your the one, ehhh?” He walked to the center of the bridge as he threw the mace up and caught it repeatedly. Leisurely strolling as he gives her a sort of warm smile and stops in the middle of the bridge.
MemberAugust 16, 2014 at 1:56 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)“Perhaps your life is a lie. Or perhaps only a part of it?” The man shrugged. “You don’t have to believe me. Perhaps even. It is better you live this way. The choice is yours. Just know I am always here. I have been with you since you entered, and will be for some time.” Without any warning everything returns to normal. Someone sees Coeus and blindly lunges at him slashing him with his sword. The sword goes through him as if he was made of green mist as he is gone as he turns into green mist and fades away
The man from the arm with the great sword looks around confused at where the hooded man has gone, but then he sees Alexia, thinking she may actually a witch of some kind. He lunges her to slash her with his Katana.
Near the epicenter of the blast, the one surviving mutant, now done feeding on the remains. Leaves and runs off to escape into the sewers.
“I wonder that too…” A man sitting next to blue says while he lays in the water. The man looks mostly, aside from his eyes. Which are completely black.
He is less asking the question to receive an answer, and more asking the question to provoke further to think.
Seth could not stand there, the entire time. So he leaves to go get some things. “Aye aye…Sir!” Seth said with his shovel as he carried a large crate onto the ship as he looked at Silver he sat the crate down, Seth’s smile rather fake as he looked at her for a brief moment then turned to her. He was wrapped in his own thoughts, but she must be as well. Seth wanted to speak but later. For now he said.
“Well Sir!” Seth said boisterously as he smirked at him as he walked to the front of the ship stepping on the wall, looking forward. “Let us set sail!” Seth stared out into the ocean in front of him. He remembered some time ago. A few months ago when he first met the Captain, and he would be laughing as they went forward. Seth could smile. But he did not laugh as he looked out from the front of the ship on the ocean, one foot foot on the front wall of the ship. As he leaned forward onto his knee taking a moment to take in the salty air once more.
“He betta get used to humans….n’ quick too…for I gotta control his temper for him…” Jerrel exhales and steam flows out his nose like a bull. Then he turns around pulling his headphones out his ears and putting them around his neck as he walks away out the library. Going back to his room as he tries to cool himself down.
Seth kept grinning closing his eyes seemingly without a care in the world on his face. However, for some reason, Seth has a very tight grip on his shovel as she kisses him. Not out of jealousy, but out of the simple fact that this is not right to him. Still. He walks over when he opens his eyes and Silver motions him over. When the man comments on Seth’s shovel, Seth rather fakely laughs “Oh you would be surprised! There are many uses for this thing.” Seth didn’t care about the insult to his height, with his being around 6 ‘2. Normally he would actually find someone commenting on his size actually funny. But Seth did pretty well visually to hide his dislike for the man.
Seth opened his eyes and Silver’s look did calm him, a little. Seth had that same smile. Though his eyes were murderous. Seth was going with this for right now. Though he wasn’t sure how long he would be able to go. He did not like the thought that most like Silver will have to “prove her worth” before they even set foot on the ship. Seth was not very sure he could go through with allowing her to do this. He did however keep his cool and kept that same smile he always had. Not bothering to take a deep breath in front of the captain or reveal his reluctance.
Jerrel ditched his work eventually when he heard Adreasta fling the two away and sat on a bookcase case and he watched. The girl spirit monsters of some kind and Jerrel smiled snickering to himself. “I got 20 on the pair. Who with me?” No one probably answers. If not Jerrel shrugs.
Things started to cool down and Jerrel didn’t get too bummed out, though he looked forward to watching an interesting matchup. Still, things were pretty interesting, Jerrel was wondering about what all was going to happen. He saw Takra walk over. Hey look at him. Being involved in shit. Jerrel laughs at a lot. About Adreasta casting a spell to leave, about Ash’s statement and him leaving and at Takra calling everyone idiots. This shit just too good.
Jerrel then sees Wraith teleport away and smash a table somewhere. “Oh damn…” Jerrel shoots up into the air from his sitting position and backflips through the air and lands in front of Miwa as Wraith threatens her and teleports off. Jerrel’s normal smile goes away. “Oh shit…Are you alright?!!” She seems fine but she’s probably freaked out about this and needs her brother. She’s only a 10 year old girl and Jerrel hated to see anyone be bullied. This angers Jerrel as the air around him gets hot and disorts the air. He then turns into a blur as he runs and breaks stopping in front of Wraith, the air being displaced by his speed as loose papers and hair blow.
“Yo! That shit just ain’t right! What the fuck you doin’ bullying middle schoolers and shit?” Jerrel says as the air disorts and being near Jerrel right now is like standing close to an open oven, Wraith’s smugness making Jerrel angrier and causing him to shove him one handed. “The fuck wrong with you nigga?!! She just a lil’ girl! Quite fucking with her! Tryna act like you all bad n’ shit, scarin’ some little girl, man get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.” Jerrel has his brow furrowed and is looking into his eyes with a fire in his eyes.
MemberAugust 15, 2014 at 4:38 pm in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)The man smirks a bit. “My power is not something I feel the need to prove to you. What is the point in that? All I wish to do. Is enlighten you.” The man pushes his two hands outward and the mist clears to reveal the entire area. It seems that everything is quiet because quite simply everything is frozen. Though not time itself. As wind still blows. She can still move. If any water flows, it is flowing now.
“But then again? Aren’t we all in an illusion? Who is to say any of this is real?” The man asks Alexia inquisitively.
48 didn’t say anything, but it looked away seemingly pondering over jets words. It’s tail sways back and forth a bit, it not knocking anything over, looking off at nothing in particular.
Mirabelle gulped, and then she nodded. She closed her eyes. Vibrations went through the ground and the air as she felt and saw everything for 200 miles. And then she pinpoints Tas’ location from remembering her face, shape and internal organ structure. She then hears a high pitched noise that causes her to wince at this distance. Then her eyes grew wide as she fell unconscious. Her eyes snapped open and she looked afraid at Vorgun and then says quickly.
She could easily tell Vorgun was in no condition to run let alone fight. “Vorgun…I think Tas is in trouble. I have to go now!” Mirabelle turns around and she is forced to leave Vorgun behind as she runs. And hits 60 mph in about 3 seconds as she jumps runs up a wall onto a two story building and disappears jumping roof to roof quickly to help this person.
Mirabelle reaches Tas’ location soon, in minutes. She jumps off a rooftop and lands over near her and starts running over to her. Even if there are already people over her. Especially if there are people over her. Even if they have guns, swords or spells. She still runs towards her.
48 looks at Jet and pauses for about three seconds. “I do “feel” though….I am not sure that what I feel is the same as what you “feel.” I experience sensations and emotion. I do not however know if any of these sensations are the one that you call “fun…”
It says nothing for a few moments. Then it says straightly to jet. “This word. Fun. Define it.”
MemberAugust 15, 2014 at 7:54 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)In Monsteropolis, Blues gets blown back give or take 100 feet from blast wave as it sprays him with fiery acid that eats through some his clothes and partially the skin of his chasis. Though the acid pretty quickly runs out of energy, the reaction ceasing as it does not eat too far vitally into blue. The methane fire on him however, still burns.
The man in the mist, Coeus, stands across from Alexia. “It’s simple for me to say, but not likely simple for you to understand. This place is false.” He makes a motion iwith his hand a random soldier appears. Frozen in midair. Like a statue floating above the ground. The man grabs him by the shoulder, and throws him at Alexia with one hand. Irregardless of what she does, once he is within about 1 foot of her, it vaporizes into blue data and numbers that are manifest on the physical plane and is gone.
Shizu fell into the mud and splatters mud about everywhere. She hears someone yipe and then fall back into the grass. Something invisible seems to appear, revealed by the mud splattered all over it. It is a little girl of about 9 years in a catholic school uniform. She wipes mud off her face quickly. She has rather pale icy colored skin and her eyes are a bright hazel. She looks at Shizu, and appears to be very afraid of her, as she starts to shake. She doesn’t say anything.
Seth has a wide amused smirk as he watches from a distance at first. As soon as she started strutting and turning heads, Seth knew exactly. Quite the Vixen isn’t she? He walks by past the two careful to not interrupt. He checks his inventory within his coat. Money? Check. Sketchbook, pen and pencil? Check. Shovel? It’s in his hand. Check.
Seth let her work her wiles. But he won’t show himself. Lest he ruin the mood. Though he would follow them and walk over should Silver wave him over at any time.
Jerrel looks up and clears his throat. He looks around at everyone, only able to see Takra and Miwi from here, to simply see their reactions. He then looks around for anyone else and right now there isn’t any. Jerrel suddenly does not yet feel the urge to walk over there, and so he looks back down and starts back writing again as he listens to the yelling.
48 stopped the ball catching it with it’s tail under the ball. Assessing the situation well. Though the first thing that came to its mind was to smack it out of the air like it would an RPG or stray bullet. Then it bounced it on the floor up and down. 48 stared at it for a few seconds and then it wasn’t really too long before it was listening to jet.
Some of the thing jet mentioned right over 48’s head. Keep away and shooting hoops. It was confusing. Then 48 thinks that he is probably talking about firearms. But more information was needed. Why would he be firing on a hoop? “You open fire on a hoop as a target? And this keep away…are you training for maneuvres?” It tilted its head a bit curious as to what this boy was talking about.