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48 wrapped it’s tail around the boy and then picked the boy up. Then it looked up and jumped give or take 4 stories up onto a wall and it’s hands stuck to it as it climbed and then stood on a rooftop. Then walks with the boy as it prepares to get into a running position on all 4s. Then it gallops forward towards the edge of the roof top and jumps about 60 feet into the air 90 feet away as it spreads it wings and the switches the boy with it’s talons. Making sure not to cut him, as it’s feet grabs the boy it flaps it’s wings and flaps it’s powerful wings as it starts to fly.
THe boy is held under him as 48 flaps it’s powerful wings to gain height. It is actually flying over to the location he specified as it ascends about 500 feet into the air though not quite touching the clouds as it is about 800 feet in the air soon. On it’s way over to the power plant. 48 being very difficult to see at night, being much smaller then a plane. 48 by now was flapping it’s wings less, and gliding more. Riding the breeze, as it held the boy with it’s feet.
“That is not what I mean.” 48 says when the boy starts talking about how humans needed to eat. “Do you humans not simply grow your food from the ground?”
When the boy asked if 48 could carry him. “Yes. I can carry objects that way a maximum of approximately 250 kilograms. You do not weigh even half that.” The boy stepped forward and 48 asked. “Where do you think it would be best to go?” 48 wasn’t really worried about anti air craft fire. Even with the boy, it was much too small to be detected by radar and at such distance may be mistaken for a bird. It was only around 6 feet tall.
Mirabelle looked at Leonhardt with a sort of untrusting glare, and then Vorgun began to wake up.
“Oliver….found a home.” Mirabelle says to him. Not actually lying but more concealing the truth. He was being taken somewhere else.
She saw Vorgun try to get up and she ran next to him to help him up and support him until he got his mace out. “Its ok Vorgun. I’m not tired. But we can rest here. It looks like you lost a lot of blood. Why did you go and fight a shark?” Mirabelle asked him inquisitively looking up at him.
MemberAugust 12, 2014 at 2:57 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)Mutants would reach the nanoswarm almost anywhere it went. If it flew up a building, it would run and climb up the walls after it, nearly almost always keeping the it on it’s toes with their freakish superhuman agility that surpassed other infected. They seemed strong enough even to punch and run through weaker walls. And damage brick and concrete, though at the expense of harming themselves. The sacs bursted like water balloons and were pierced very easily. But they needed something that would ignite it. If one could smell, the creature would smell of methane.
MemberAugust 12, 2014 at 1:15 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)The creature was pierced by the shots to the chest, however they didn’t seem to do very much. THe holes in it’s chest reformed quite soon after, though it did slow it down. The bullets actually dissolved inside of the creature. Then something jumped on it’s shoulders, and it shot at the creature’s head. The creature looks up and it’s entire head gets blown off by a beam.
The thing falls on one knee with a heavy thud, and it’s head begins to reform. Though slowly, and it cannot operate without a head. Blue beam accidentally hit one of the sacs, igniting it briefly as the creature catches fire, on it’s shoulder and does not seem to heal from that. There are blood curdling screams heard throughout the city. About 40 or so infected ran at them. They managed to at leas draw them all into one place. Though 3 had mutated in short time due to having escaped earlier. And 4th in the crowd would mutate soon. A larger glowing man.
(Mutants cannot be autohit)
2 mutants lunged blue due to him looking pretty vulnerable right now, they were running faster then the others and were more powerful. Running at blue at around 45 mph, as fast as some cars.
20 or so infected lunged the swarm boy, smacking him mindlessly to delay him from harming the creatures. One mutant was intelligent enough to use it’s enhanced strength to rip off a card door and use it as a makeshift weapon to smack the nanoswarm machine with. Another 10 infected were catching up…
(Its hard. But not unbeatable. Use ya noggins)
MemberAugust 11, 2014 at 5:24 pm in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)The creatures hears something behind it charging at it. It looks at it. No pulse. No heartbeat. Not human. Should be destroyed. Tendrils shoot out of it’s back and one grabs a car, and flings it at the humanoid being as if it were a rock, rather then a 2800 lb hunk of metal at it.
The creature has sacs that contain it’s acid along it’s arm.
The creature looked to it’s side at gunfire, with some of it’s infected dead, and a man he just saved running away. Another. No pulse. No heart beat. Not human. Cannot infect. Destroy.
It shoots a mash of tendrils at the humanoid machine with the firearm. Stretching to smash it into into the wall to try and pierce it.
In Prototerra-55 Biodome dust flew up and suddenly men were flying several feet into the air. There sound of maniacal laughter rang through the area.
Suddenly there was the sound of a motor as something stopped in front of a the woman about 30 feet away. It was a man, in a biker outfit, wearing a clown mask, with red clown hair. He was sitting on a sort of demonic, horse designed hover bike. It stayed about 2 6 inches above the ground. “What was that?” He spoke in warped, twisted, a voice as people ran a woman gets up that threw her weapons up and is swiftly decapitated simply out of the desire to spite the boastful woman. “Too proud. Too cocky….too…ARROGANT!!”
And so it begins…
He cackles maniacally. “I guess I’ll just step right up. Hehahaheehahaheah!!” He grabs a Katana and a purple aura flows around it. The katana morphs and changes. It becomes stronger and changes to have an ornate dragon mouthed hilt. The blade goes from grey, to black as the purple aura ebs around it. “Alright toots!”
He gets off the bike and it drives away on it’s own, a jet of purple flame behind as it leaves.
“Let’s dance!” He points the Katana at the woman. Then 20 feet in the air and 30 feet in distance towards the woman over dramatically as he yells and brings the sword down to slash on her as he descends.
MemberAugust 11, 2014 at 3:58 pm in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)X-0 enters the hallway and on through a sliding door. It is completely dark. “I didn’t get anything about an X-0 unit being in here wait until-” The door in front of X-0 opens, and it is free to walk inside, as it enters from actually within the city. As soon as it walks out, the door behind it is actually gone…
Seth wrapped Silver up in a sort of blanket so people wouldn’t see her nude and also to conceal her wings at least until they get to the doctor.. Then Seth ran off jumping roof to roof towards the town’s doctor. Hoping his crew mate would be ok…
Seth helped Tanakami. Holding the glass to her mouth with his firm left hand. “Drink.” He looked at her, and didn’t really give her a choice. He looked concerned for Silver but she was to come first for now.
Seth gasped as she fell out. His eyes wide as he checked vitals and temperature. She was still alive but she was hot. Seth picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.
He walked up the steps. And stooped down as he put Silver face down onto the mattress. He walked over to Tanakami and handed her the smoothie.
“Here. Captain. Drink.” If she couldn’t take the smoothie, Seth would hold it up to her mouth if necessary.
“I do not need food. Only water.” 48 stated. “It does not need to be clean or purified. Sewage is fine.” 48 further explains how it’s body works.
“I do possess a sort of digestive tract. I also have within me a very high energy output Thorium fuel cell. I can however go at least a decade without any outside sustenance. Most organic material function similarly to a self contained ecosystem. And therefore. I Seldom produce waste. Much of everything is used in some way. However. I function optimally with additional fuel. Excess waste heat is converted into light which feeds engineered photosynthetic organisms. Which can electrolyse the water, diffusing it into hydrogen and oxygen for further power and fuel for other functions for optimal muscle performance….as the fuel cell was made last a long time. However it does not have as high of an output of power for things beyond most movement.”
48 seemed to know exactly how it worked. Then it simply asked the human. “Are you not capable of producing your own food? Where does one obtain it?” 48 knew much. But only from what he heard scientists and staff say over a few years. Though it knowing this much from that was impressive in it’s own right.
“You are not too heavy for me to carry.” 48 said opening it’s wings for a moment.
Seth looked at her straight faced and then took the note. Looking down on it. He can read and does read it over. He looks at her with a neutral face. Seth stoops down and picks her up. She seemed in a better mental state then he is and she knew it well enough to write it for him.
He walks down to the galley and sets her down wherever she points. “Whatever it is you need. I will fetch it.” Seth would get her whatever she demanded if it wasn’t already there.
“I see….” 48 replied. “And of places without people? I know they exist.” 48 asked the boy. 48 new well that though he was very powerful that people could do harm to him. Certainly not hand to hand. No ordinary human could harm 48 with just their bear hands. Perhaps throw it or dodge and evade. But it would not be wise to try and go toe to toe with something that had muscles more than 200x stronger then a humans. Still. Humans had devastating weaponry. Even though that firearm the boy held wouldn’t hurt 48. Something much heavier would be needed. A launcher or anti material rifle would do it. But 48 did not know how many of those lied around.
“Why do you not simply go where there are no people?”
48 did not speak for a long time. When they were at the front doors. It walked outside and stopped. It looked towards the sky. Something it had never seen. And to the large celestial object above, which humans had deemed the moon.
48 seemed to make a high pitched noise imperceptible to humans. However. If there were dogs near by. They would be barking and whining. Such a vast world this was. 48 saw the world for around 30 miles. As the boy asked 48 what exactly it was going to do, 48 stretched its wings. Then curled them again. It actually had felt pleasant to it. It turned back to the boy finally actually answering his question.
“I wish to see this world.” 48 said. Then it turned around towards the boy. “…What are you called?”
Seth got next to her and got down on one knee. Seth started to treat her leg. Not really noticing her facial expression. Mostly the ssme as the burns. Disinfect first. Then wrap. However. Seth put much pressure on her thigh as he tightly wrapped a bandage around it. Seth was focused but he didn’t seem to be coping well and looked a bit unsteady. With her mostly treated he got up groggily and looked her over. Then looked over to the Captain as he walked to her.
Seth pauses for a moment and considers that it may not be the best idea to move her around too much. He noticed the blood from her back sticking to the sheets. He wanted to bandage her back at least. He asked her. “Are you still with us, Tanakami? Simply nod or shake your head.” If she answered. He would reply with “You are losing much blood. Not only this but due my mistake you are likely getting cloth in your wounds.” Seth felt a bit guilty about how he mostly lacked medical experience. “I think it would be best if at the very least bandaged your torso. Particularly your back….”
It has not occurred to Seth yet that his shovel is still outside. Stuck in the ship.