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48 stared at the boy. Blinking occasionally. Apparently 48 had two eye lids. One of then was actually armored. The other was more a thin transparent film. Like a frog. It didn’t say anything. Merely mulled and thought through what the boy said. Even if could process things. Philosophy was not like a math problem. Not like identifying an objects resonant frequency. It wasn’t linear.
48 pinned the thing to the ground and turned to it as it stood over it. Then it opened its mouth. Then Psions head exploded and it died instantly. Its pink blood and bits from it’s head all over the grass as now nothing much could be heard but the noise of the water for a moment. 48 then stepped past the Psion’s corpse and walked forward. The digits om it’s tail joining again to form the tail’s sharp, spike like end.
48’s mouth clamped shut and it’s stare snapped towards the boy sharply and quickly. Without looking at the creature and it’s eyes on the boy. It dropped the gun from it’s tail and then it’s 3 digit tail grabs the Psion around the neck and lifts into the air with ease as if the thing was a doll.
“Why?” 48 said to the boy as it held the thing in the air, ready to break it’s neck at a moments notice. Whether it was good or evil did not really matter to 48. It knew nothing of it’s thoughts. Only the thing’s actions. And the thing irritated and provoked 48. It didn’t understand why the boy would defend this creature that harmed him. “Does suffering not entail suffering?” 48 leaned to the boy. “Is this not the point of your law enforcement?” 48 knew everything it heard only from listening to people. It’s how it learned human language. However, it was 48’s to interpret as it’s brain developed and grew independently while being altered.
“Why do you defend this malevolent creature?”
Jerrel found them. But they already started. So Jerrel shrugged and just started to organize some of the books at some areas. And pretty soon they were finished.
Jerrel looked at Baylet as she began to dance. Then he laughed loudly and obnoxiously. He tries to stop and a fractiom of a sentence out. “Can’t even perci-AHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
Jerrel laughes for a good 10 seconds.”Ohhhh shit.” He wipes a tear from his eye. Jerrel then hears someone and raises an eyebrow.
Jerrel jumps propelled by air and lands on a bookcase as he slows himself down. And hears Wraith. Jerrel didn’t catch anything except then he hears wraith say someone is trying to kill him.
“Woah woah woah woah. Hold up. Someone trying to kill you?” Jerrel says out loud looking at him. “Who?”
48 forcefully shoved the boy aside with it’s tail as it then opened it’s arm and caught the metal sheet. 48 not flinching, but dragging back, it’s feet scraping in the dirt. 48 annoyed put it’s claws through it in a way that one would do when forcing open a double do, both hands in the middle. Then it tears it in two.
“I do not like your game. Die.” 48 opened it’s mouth in the thing’s direction as it’s weapon now healed. The boy heard nothing, and neither did the thing. Nothing could be seen. But the thing could feel it, and if the boy had been in front of him, he would feel it too, but he isn’t. The Psion would have difficulty focusing as 48 did not use telepathy or psionics. He used sound. 48 brown noted it the creature from analyzing the resonant frequency of it’s cranial fluid. it projected sound powerful and focused enough to vibrate it’s cranial fluid within it’s head. No medium of matter could be used to block it, since that sound traveled through solid, liquid and gas alike. The attack on it’s brain was physical, disrupting basic vital functions of it, to ruin any semblance of focus the creature has.
The creature would feel extreme pain and nausea. Becauses it’s brain was being shaken, crushed and boiled within it’s own head. 48 continued to walk towards it. Making another sound on a different frequency, raising the pressure of fluid in the inner ear to completely disrupt it’s sense of balance. Another high frequency that within it’s range, would vibrate the creatures eyes in it’s socket’s, causing more and more excruciating pain. The pain growing worse as it does. 48 then narrows the cone of sound so as to focus even more energy on the creature and hear. It would begin crying blood. Any attempts to cover the ears would be useless, sound goes through everything.
The boy would not hear this. Only the white thing would. As 48 stalked towards it…almost like a monster. “I am your bane. A part of my weapons platform design was made with your kind in mind. As your will matters not. Had this been the battlefield, I would have destroyed you without you even having known what I am.” 48’s voice towards the thing would be very demoralizing.
“You seek games. But now your end is near, and you will only find death.” 48 was getting closer. And closer. And closer to the creature.
48 stopped and turned around to the boy. It turned around as it spread it’s very large wings around it and looked at the boy distressed. It seemed cleared the creature was assaulting the boy mentally. 48’s tail stretched to it’s side, where it pulled out a bush from the ground with ease and then flung it at the humanoid white thing’s face in a whip like motion.
The gun disappeared from the ground as bullets came, likely faster then sound towards the creature. Hitting almost instantly at such range. Most bullets were faster then sound, though pistols do sometimes have subsonic ammunition. The bush masked the flash of the weapon going off, leading to little indication the bullets had been fired. Giving this thing. Less much then 1/1000 of a second to react to the shot at such range.
48 stopped and turned around to the boy. It turned around as it spread it’s very large wings around it and looked at the boy distressed. It seemed cleared the creature was assaulting the boy mentally. 48’s tail stretched to it’s side, where it pulled out a bush from the ground with ease and then flung it at the humanoid white thing’s face in a whip like motion.
The gun disappeared from the ground as bullets came, likely faster then sound towards the creature. Hitting almost instantly at such range. Most bullets were faster then sound, though pistols do sometimes have subsonic ammunition. The bush masked the flash of the weapon going off, leading to little indication the bullets had been fired. Giving this thing. Less then 1/1000 of a second to react to them.
MemberAugust 11, 2014 at 5:40 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)(Non autohit NPC. Cannot be autohit)
“Release one Dakorrak Tyrant BOW. ”
In Monsteropolis there was screaming heard as people began to run and panicked. A tall (7 ft 5) black humanoid thing with tentacles on it’s left arm and what almost seemed like a cannon made of flesh on the side. It’s face had 6 eyes and it had no nose or ears. It’s eyes were red and beady. Like an insects, rather then a human’s. It had giant sacs on it’s arms. It saw a giant robot and aimed at it. It shot a high pressure acid jet stream at the robot that punched into it. The acid ignite and both dissolved and burned in. It saw three more and raised it’s other tentacled mass of an arm and they stretched forward and punched through the robot. It retracts the arm as the robots falls over. One robot that is even bigger then it is rushes at it to punch it. It’s fist hits the creatures face. The creature slumps back as it’s face sticks to it’s hand.
The creature then puts all of it’s tentacles into the robot, and tears it apart. It turned and walked out into another street and into a crowd of people who backed away out of fear. It’s tentacles stretched and grabbed 7 people. Every person squirmed, as their eyes glazed over. As soon as they stopped moving, they were dropped. Black veins spread throughout their body. They got up limped and their eyes turned blank and weight, their skin got paler. They then all shrieked into the air, now monster and ran about in different directions running after people. 3 ran behind the creature into alleys. The other 4 ran out in front of it into a crowd. Growing stronger and stronger. Mutating rapidly. Most people managed to escape and outrun them. However an infected woman jumped on a person trying to maul him and the man fought back for his life as no blow seemed to deter the woman.
The Tall black thing walked slowly so as to conserve energy.
There was a “man” on a skyscraper, who stood with his arms crossed. It’s eyes completely black. It watches the entire thing happen before it’s very eyes. It wasn’t noticed by many people. He squatted down to see. It was like the cliffhanger to a show. Would the hero save his city…?
(Right now, non of the other infected are regular NPCs.)
Jerrel walked over to the library. He saw the girl and her brother looking around, the brother glaring at everyone. Should his eyes meet Jerrel, he will glare back at him for about a second. What this nigga thinking he doing eyeing everyone and shit…? Jerrel then goes to look around for Wraith, Baylet and Kit.
“No, the Captain wants you to be tended to first. And I will head her wish…” Seth waited for Silver to get undressed. On his face his face was a look of patience while she did. When she was naked and no clothes were in the way, he started to treat her. Seth looked her over with a straight face and then starts to disinfect the most severely burned areas. He took out any clothing strands suck in her wounds to evade infection. After that. He wrapped along the shoulders and along and to the front of her body. Seth did not wrap her wings as he wasn’t sure how to or if he should. So he wrapped diagonally around them. When she saw his face, it was stone cold. He was clearly focused on what he was doing. It didn’t actually seem like her being naked bothered Seth at all. If the Captain was actually watching, Seth didn’t get flustered at all.
When Seth was done, much of her Torso was bandaged. There was a gap along the side of her shoulders so that she could mostly move her arms around. Seth looked at the wound under her leg. “Let me see your leg.” Seth says that to Silver straightly as he gets in front of her.
MemberAugust 11, 2014 at 3:19 am in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)A sort of presence watches over her. Some of them human. Commencing combat evaluation of “S-127…” A man says behind a computer, from behind another man. Data goes along the screen as the simulation runs.
There is something….among Hidekari’s men. It watches from the sky as it is in in the form of what looks to be a cloud. Waiting for the battle to take place. So that it may take it’s role and perhaps change the face of this woman’s life forever.
“Aight, cool.” Jerrel says as he walks out the office and back towards Baylet’s room to see if she’s still there. Then he starts walking to the library.
Seth looked at Tanakami for a few moments, and then, he simply nodded. Agreeing with her wish. As he then walked over to slowly to behind Silver and squatted down to her. “Let me see your wounds…” Seth looked particularly at her wings and it uneased him. He sat down next to her to see what exactly Silver’s wounds were as he opened up the first aid kit. Looking about her body at other wounds.
“It’s not a problem.” Jerrel smiles reassuringly. “Let’s go help those other two out, alright? WRAITH and Kit in the library. I gotta see what the old man wants first, so I’ll meet you there when he done tellin’ me whatever.” Jerrel stands up straight from the wall and walks over to Godal’s office, and seeing that his spot is still there, and he’s next, then he goes up past Umbra, into Godal’s office.
Jerrel stands there in Godal’s office looking a bit upward at Godal, expecting him to say something to him. He looks at the polished sword in his lap, and then back at him. Well? I ain’t got all day. Jerrel crosses his arms.
48 stood there. 48’s mouth did not move at all as he said this and looked at the creature. “Very well…” It said calmly. The fight with the creature from before disabled 48’s primary LRAD based weapons. Though the system stood by to repair it. 48 was stalling and gathering data.
If the thing were to try and read 48’s mind and muck with it’s brain, it would find there is much trouble. Especially considering how much of it’s brain is cyberdized, and even the organic parts were synthetic. Much of the data is computerized. Entering it’s mind with the mental capacity may or may not result in sensory overload from the sheer amount of things it’s processing, depending on whether or not it can effect much of it’s mind in the first place. It hears the air shift as it’s tail moves to a fro, the drops of water hitting splashing in the distance, a leaf falling to the ground 30 feet away. It could even hear the flow of the thing’s and the beating of it’s heart from this distance. Even with this level of silence, it would rattle any ordinary person not used to it, and if they were somewhere like a bustling, a man would likely go in short time. Though since 48, unlike something of nature, was specifically engineered to be able to properly function and even adjust things to best fit the situation. Particularly it’s senses, if something were to try to deafen or blind it…
And that is not to account the amount of data running through it from actual conscious thought. It looking her over and looking through it, mapping out internal organs and finding the resonant frequency of various bodily fluids. Specifically the cranial fluid in it’s brain. The flesh and machine worked well together. It even able to determine how durable it is, and trying to see, if it is capable of tearing it apart, should it come to that. However, this thing had abnormal abilities it seemed. And 48 underestimated the creature from before. It mustn’t underestimate this one. Especially since it is simply standing there. This is an opportunity for it to gain data before it does anything. The way it influenced the air seemed to indicate that it had other types of mental powers…but the question was. To what degree? Could it simply crush the boy at it’s leisure? 48 had to be ready to act if it did.
Ethel made it through the brush and came up on a small waterfall, with shallow water. She needed to clear her head and she did not quite like the idea of someone else bathing her and washing her. SHe could wash herself. And so she put a foot in the water, it felt cold at first but the grime from the sand and dirt stuck all over her body and in her hair. Some clothes would be nice after.
She stood under the water fall for a bit and closed her eyes. She wanted her whole body to get used to the water’s temperature but she moved from under a bit after. The water fell with such force as to sting her currently tender skin. So she sat near instead and simply stared into the brush with a rather straight and dark face with her brow furrowed. She clenches above her nose in between her eyes in frustration.