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Mirabelle looked at Vorgun as she gently stroked the boy and caused him to fall asleep. The armor walked forward. Not able to do much more, and took the boy off. As it then walked off into the alley with him to take him elsewhere to find a new home. Its too dangerous around here for a boy like him…
Mirabelle walked over to Vorgun and sat him up as she listened for his pulse and heart rate He seemed to be alive. She looked at the orange thing and said to it. “I think my friend here got bit.” Mirabelle took his shirt off if he had one on and his jacket to get them out of his wounds. She started cleaning them by removing anything in them. She took a shark tooth out of him and threw it away.
Mirabelle then webs up his wound with spider silk, which started to heal it amd bandages it. As spider silk has healing factories and killed bacteria. She then picked Vorgun up in her arms bridal style to keep his body from touching the ground. And Without much trouble it seemed. Then she walked with him still headed towards the circus. The ground should be softer there. When she carried Vorgun his feet hit the ground occassionally because of how tall he is and how short Mirabelle is.
“Cause this the school for “the talented and gifted.” And there ain’t much point in trying to teach people how to use their powers if they can’t use em. He’ll take it off eventually. Sides, I don’t think he likes anyone but that one Umbra kid.” Jerrel comments. “Matta a fact I just heard him yellin’ at kit and new kid Wraith, tellin’ em to get in the library.” Jerrel narrows his eyes. “I don’t really do much shit for him to punish him for. You shot him in the face.” Jerrel snickers for a second. Then gets serious again
“Aight look. If we goin’ get through the year with this nigga, we gonna have to all work together, help each other out, alright? SO I’ll help you polish that old ass nigga’s impractically huge ass sword and then we’ll see about gettin’ your collar off alright?” Jerrel said to her as he looked at the door.
Jerrel sighed as he leaned against the wall. “Well then why don’t you just wait till he takes the collar off and fix it then?” Jerrel suggested as he crossed his arms “Ain’t no need for you to cry…” Jerrel said lowly.
“Aye….” Seth replied to Silver dried blood at his side laying face first into the ground now actually now awake. Silver’s words compelling. Seth got up and smirked and laughed. “Look at us…” Seth felt like shit. But he didn’t show it. He grabbed his arm forearm and squeeze as he squeezed and forward. *crack* “GRGH” Seth holds his pain in. Then smiles and laughs. “You both scared me…” He comments. He looks at Silver and then walks out as he says. “I will be right back.” Seth walks out the room for about 2 minutes.
Then drags a mattress back in from the marine bunker he holding with his left hand. Seth Slings silvers right arm o over his shoulder to basically pick her up and to put her next to the captain on the floor for a moment since she was at the entrance. He then goes back to the mattress and turns it on his side with one hand so that it can fit through the door way. And then plops it down in front of of tje captains bed. “You can lay down on that.”
Seth helps Silver up again. Carrying her if he has to. He was weak and drained. But he lifts and carries 40 ton boulders over his head for a warm up on most mornings for the last few years. Seth didn’t have much of a problem bringing a mattress or carrying her to it. It was the least she could do because without her his plan wouldn’t have worked. The time he spent lifting the mast left him wide open to a fatal attack.
Seth looked concerned for Silver. He hadnt even noticed she couldnt move earlier. It seemed. He could hear her while he was knocked out. However at least she could move and make it here. Seth leaned on a wall for support. The captain hadn’t spoke and it seemed like she couldn’t speak to Seth. He turns to Silver and asks her “Are you alright?” Seth said smirking as he seemed to already have an idea of what her answer would be. Seth reached into a jacket and set a medkit down for her next to the mattress. “I will see to the captain first. Then you.” She look
So Seth picked up the other medkit he dropped and walked up to the captain. “You were trying to say something to me. Can you move your mouth? I can read lips.” Seth would watch her lips carefully to understand her. But Seth couldn’t help but feel a bit useless. Not like all that time he spent training gave him much time to learn how to do medical tasks manually. Though he knew a lot from watching people. He looked her wounds over again and if she mouthed words to him he would look at her lips so as to understand.
Coeus does not have a regular bio, so don’t follow this format.
Coeus is an enigmatic being that shows itself to some people. It inhabits the facility and is multiple present. Capable of being many different places at once. It cannot ever be truly destroyed, and does not always seemed interested in resisting an attempt by anyone to kill it. Nor does retaliate in anyway with any consequences with you trying to kill or harm it. It can talk to man, ghosts, and machines alike.
Trying to kill it will yield a variety of results depending on the form it takes. The body may drop dead and disappear. Or an exact replica will appear from nowhere. It might disappear before the attack is launched. It might manifest in a body that one can easily destroy. The body may heal entirely without harm. It might fall apart into dust or break apart into birds upon death. The attack may go through it.It may turn into tiny mechanical insects. If it feels it must, it can dodge or even counter on rare occasions.. Whatever happens however, it will not directly harm you.
It may not manifest or create something for you to interact with physically. It can appear as a voice in your head. Or in visions. It’s presence cannot always be felt. Even if one can normally detect ghosts, spirits, a divine presence, or higher this does not appear to your senses unless it wishes to.
It’s motivations are not fully known. You cannot read it’s mind. It is some times wholly of the physical realm, other times it appears on the spiritual/astral plane. Or in your residing dimension. It seems unusually intelligent and acts differently in accordance to who it is talking to and what it’s form is. You may not even know your talking to it.
The tone and voice vary. It’s forms are many.
This list is by no means all the things it can appear to you as….
Jerrel looks at Baylet as she as she hurries out of Godal’s office. He simply shakes his head as he looks at her, wondering whats wrong. Then he looks forward at the pair. It looks like they are next. He wonders what Godal wants with them all.
Jerrel stands there for a few more seconds, then sighs as he drops out the line and walks past Umbra. He goes over to her room and opens the door looking in. He then hears her in the bathroom it seems. Then he goes over and knocks on the bathroom door. “Hey….you uh….you aight? What’d the old man do this time?” Jerrel asks Baylet from the other side of the door. He forgot to knock before walking into her bedroom but he defiantly is not going to walk in on her in the bathroom. She kind of reminded Jerrel of him when he was few years younger. Jerrel put his ear up to the door for a second. Jeez what’d the old nigga do to her…
Seth looked at her in complete shock, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. He looked at Silver, then back at her. Then he feels his strength waning as he continues to bleed. He can start to feel the salt in his wound. He slips his hands under his captain’s legs, behind her knees and under her back. As he picks her up bridal. He walks below deck, to wherever her room is and puts her down on her bed. Then he goes to search around the area. His vision blurs as he grabs a med kit rummaging through medical supplies. Not able to see straight or even walk straight.
Seth walks about. And then leans on the wall in the hallway on the way to Tanakami’s room. Seth falls nearly at the door to her room as he right then and there passes out.
48’s tail swayed back and forth as it looked at this thing it had never before seen. It was abnormal to him. It did not have human features. “To play? No. I do not wish to play.” 48 said to the thing in it’s own head. The boy did not hear it. The creature cannot block 48 from speaking within it’s head, because 48 cannot use psionic abilities. It doesn’t have any psionic powers.
“What is your intention…?” 48 says then out loud. “What do you mean by play…?” 48 stepped in front of the boy defensively. On it’s back a device seems to retract out from it’s back. Something with a hole it seems…
(Fun fact: All of 48’s powers are actually pretty possible. He is even based off actual materials, weapons and technology that exist now or will/can exist. This leads to 48 having logical drawbacks and limitations. However, even if it is limited by actual physics, it is still very powerful. It lacks durability compared to some things. This is so it is light enough to fly ^_^ He has a lot of technical aspects to him and I can explain away most of him. He can take a beating but he isn’t exactly a tank ^.^)
Jerrel walked by with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his sword as it is rested on his shoudler. He looks at the girl as she cowers and then his eyes get sharp as he noticed what looks to be on her neck as she hid them. He then looked straight ahead as he kept walking and then stood behind the pair.
Jerrel took out his phone, and scrolled through some songs as he picked a new one and turned the music up. Then he just looked straight ahead, at nothing particular as he put the phone up. Not being able to hear anything. He notices the kid in front of him seemingly comforting the girl and then his eyes just go straight ahead again.
Jerrel just walks into the office seeing as everyone else is doing it and stands behind the pair. He looks at Wraith trying to take off a collar on his neck. Then he looks at two people in front of him. The girl from yesterday Wraith was scaring and a new guy next to her he saw walk past. Seems to be the girl’s boyfriend or her brother. Seemed like her brother. He couldn’t tell which. Strange pair. Like night and day. Talk to one and she might freak out. Talk to the other….well. To Jerrel he doesnt seem to give a fuck to talk to anyone else. So may as well not bother.
Either way. Jerrel wanted Godal to go ahead and tell them what is happening. “Yo. Godal. What you need us for? We in trouble. I ain’t do nothing. Yet….And whats up with the empty notebooks?” Jerrel wanted to do something physical today. He was feeling pretty good right now.
Seth looks around and is about to backhand at someone running at him. However it is silver. She spears him over the ship as they both fall in the water, plunging down below. Seth swims up with one arm as he holds his shovel in his teeth. He grabs a plank and waits for silver to appear. He holds the plank out of for her to grab as he grabs his shovel out of his mouth with his left arm then grabs the plank again. The ship begins to sink and bodies from before are under the water. The ship is sinking.
Seth looks over at Silver. He musters a lighthearted smile but then looks at her wounded back and sighs as his smile fades. “Let us return to the ship.” Seth starts kicking. Even if Silver doesn’t help, he swims them both back to the ship.
once they reach it. Seth takes his shovel and plunges it through a creece in the wood. “Hold onto it.” Seth says so that all she has to do to stay there is hold it if the ship starts moving.
Seth then pulls himself up onto the shovel and steps on the lodged shovel like a platform careful not to step on Silver’s hands. Then he jumps up to the top. He looks around and then gets a rope and throws it down for Silver to grab.
Once she does grab, it Seth pulls her without much difficulty. When they are both on the ship Seth looks around and sees the captain on the ground. It makes Seth’s heart skip a beat as his eyes go wide. “Captain!” He runs over to her and kneels by her looking concerned as he turns her over if she is laying on her stomach, and looks at her.
Seth eyes widen behind him as he hops forward to barely dodge her kick. She then runs forward off to go fight the pirates. Seth had a sense of urgency as he ran up putting his shovel in his coat. Then he hugged the mast of the ship. The ship began to creek as Seth exerted much effort to pick it up. His smile gone and adrenaline flowing. Veins in his muscles showed on his body and his arms buldged under his sleeves. He could hear a pirate going for Seth as this happened. However Silver stopped him. Seth gritted his teeth and he heard silver scream. Seth was going to briefly turn around but then she yelled at him. “Seth GO!!” Seth put one hand under the huge mast, then the other as he balanced it, like a gaint log.
Seth looked straight forward breathing heavily and squats his legs for a second. People were counting on him. He had to do this, and it had to do be done right. No turning back. No regrets. It is time all the training he has gone through for much of his life to matter. He yells for a moment as he rises and then brings his arms up to hurl the giant multi ton mast several hundred feet into the air. Seth seething with anger and fear jumps 700 feet into the air at the mast and grabs it by the bottom as it flips over in the air. Now beginning to fall down with pointed end tilting down. It about to land like a nail or spear.
Seth midair aims it correctly so that it hits almost straight on as he pushes off with all his might against the mast and sends it down high speed towards the ship. *CRASH* it spears through piercing to the bottom and lodging firmly in. Shockwaves from the collision actually sending some people flying off the ship into the water and knocking others into walls as the ship dip into the water for a moment.
Seth descends with mechanical fist spinning garnering momentum. Descending rapdily down to the spike as he gets near it he yells at the top of his lunges about to punch the mast. “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!” He comes down with all his might and then some as he punches down on the bottom of the mast driving it further into into the ship with immense force, like a hammer into a nail. The ship dips going deep into the water and rising again causing rough waves that strikes the marine ship and almost knocks it over as it goes off to the side. However despite rattling the ship, the damage does not seem too bad. It is now however a larger distance away from the pirate ship at about 1000 feet. And this pirate ship.
*CRACK* Fractures shoot up in Seth’s forarm on his right hand as a bone shoots up from the back of his elbow under his sleeve, through his skin as he is on top of the mast as Seth stares at his arm in shock, then in range, damning his body. He stands atop the end of the mast with his shovel out and then jumps down taking his shovel and chopping down on a man getting up, cutting him cleanly in half as Seth’s other arm is limp. A man with a dice dice fruit user clashes with Seth’s shovel, his arms blades, as a sickle sickle fruit user sends sharp air at Seth. It slashes into Seth cutting deep gashes into his sides as he is knocked back into the rail of the ship.
Seth bleeds but feels no pain as he yells madly at the men. The dice dice fruit powers lunges Seth. His shovel extends to the man’s surprise and he smacks him away with his shovel. Seth forms a shield with the shovel as it shortens and he runs at the Sickle sickle fruit user. Who sends wind at him. Seth blocks with the shovel. The rest of the wind not blocked going around him. He is in the man’s face as he bashes him with the shield sending him flying back as he smashes through the railing and skips across the water like a pebble before he plops inside, helpless as he drowns. Seth bled from his sides but held nothing and did not show pain. He breathed heavily, like an animal. As he powered through pain and forced his body to fight…
Seth rushed onto the deck, him seeing the cannons firing, his shovel in his left hand. The captain caught all the cannon balls fired thankfully, as Seth couldn’t deflect them all. However, already Seth had devised a plan. Silver was already diving at the ship “Leave them to us.” Seth ran forward and jumped 400 feet into the air and landed in their crow’s nest. From there Seth jumped onto the top of their Yardam and cut the sail off at the attachment points. Then grabbed it and jumped across the opposite end that silver was on, blanketing the back half of the ship, making sure not to cover silver.
He jumps back and forth on the ships mast to cut the heavy Yardams off that held the sails. Causing them to fall from the mast on a part of a group of pirates while they are distracted with silver. Doing varying amount of damage.
Seth runs quickly and grips his shovel with two hands as he then cuts through the mast relatively cleanly. Clean enough that it doesn’t fall. He gets back to back with Silver holding his shovel to watch her back and then asks her. “Silver. Can you do something for me? I need you to cover me while I do something. Keep them off me.” Seth had a sort of evil smirk. “Think you can handle them?” Seth said looking over his shoulder at her his shovel in hand.
The creature opens it’s mouth in the sanctum and makes a high pitched humming noise as it maps out the entire sanctum and beyond. Even able to see behind them and above ground. If there was anything made of normal matter near by, 48 was going to detect it. Then it stops. It’s reaction depends all on what it is that is there.
“Your welcome!” Seth finished his plate. He was still hungry and was smiling widely at Silver. “That was delicious! You cook very well!” He exclaims. “May I go to get seconds?” He needed healthy portions considering how much work he did before he even met them. He grinned widely at Silver hoping she would allow him to go get more. He didnt want to trouble her with going to go get another plate when he had two legs and arms that worked fine.