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“I do recall that it was a giant ship located in the….Florian channel, if I recall. That was your father’s?” Seth asks. They then come up on a ship. Their small dingy or the marine’s larger boat. Seth’s reply, as it often is. Is simple. “Tis your choice captain. I do not mind rowing a dingy. Nor would I mind taking the ship from the marines. But 5 hands seems like it can be enough to me.” Seth cracks the knuckles of his left hand.
“I was referring to when I was being attacked. You saved me from that being who attacked me. I was asking why, when I was so indifferent to you. You had saved me, before I saved you.” The creature looked to the boy only when it spoke. And it looked around every corner it came across. Sticking its head out. And looking around before it would proceed.
He started walking with his shovel rested on his shoulders. “General labor.” Seth comments. “I was chopping wood today in fact.” He says spinning his shovel on his finger then flicking it up to catch it. “I also fight of course. I would say I am physically honed. I have trained and worked for much of my life! I have never lost a bar fight, however, I cannot say I have fought a skilled opponent more then one time.” Seth looks at his right hand for a long time….
When the marine catches up from his attempt to run Seth laughs loudly and smacks his back playfully. Accidentally sending the man off his feet about 17 feet away and dragging against the ground in front of him. Seth’s eyes are closed as he laughs openly and loudly, and so he does not seem to yet notice. He stops when the woman speaks still smiling.
Jerrel looked at Godal with a speechless face as he did that ever creepy laugh as he pats kits back. How the fuck is this nigga allowed to be a principle. Jerrel sees someone pop up in front of him and he jumps back a bit. “The fuck?!” Jerrel sees it is a new student and calms down. He talks to everyone rapidly. Weird guy. Jerrel thinks as he greets everyone then is gone as quickly as he showed up.
He raises an eyebrow as kit runs away from the group. Then simply shrugs.
“No, need, Captain.” Seth says as hangs the bags on his shovel and walks out the bar. “I will be back. This won’t take long” Seth then runs off for a bit. Then returns in about 4 minutes to his new captain.
When he returns, he remembers something. He has not introduced himself yet. “Captain! I have almost forgotten, I have not yet told you my name! If you want you can call me grave digger, however, my name, is Seth.” Seth grins in a rather friendly way as he looks at the young girl. “And what is your name, or what shall I call you?” Seth smiles warmly at the young lady.
Seth had about 2 more cups after he finished the third. He said “That will be enough.” Seth got up. “If I have too much, then I won’t enjoy as much the next time.” He smiles at the bartender and thanks her, then sees the man now living again. Seth raises an eyebrow. She must be a fruit user. Seth watches with a little pity for the man, however he smiles and then says to him “I cannot say much friend. You are dead. However, I hope you may take Solace in the fact that I will give you a burial.”
Seth goes outside for a moment and starts sweeping up the ashes into separate bags. Some people wonder why he would bother disposing of the remains of just two marines and others can understand this rather odd man in a sense. Seth finds a mop in the corner and sets the two bags of ash down in the corner as he leans up against a wall as he watches the scene go down with a now neutral face. As far as Seth was concerned. This man had figuratively dug his own grave.
“As long as I may bury him. I don’t mind. I’m sure he himself will not oppose either!” The man says laughing referring to the dead corpse. Her ominousness didn’t seem to bother him or creep him out. “Why thank you!” He said to the bartender. “I appreciate your kindness.” He then looks to the girl as she speaks, drinking his beer. He puts the mug down and smiles. “What do I say? Simple. I SAY WE DRINK!” He says now actually yelling his voice booming. He swaps out his mug for a glass as he requests to the bartender. “I qould like your finest rum please.” He said his smile not leaving his face. As she pours him a glass he calms down a bit as he raises it to his lips, closes his eyes and sips. “Ah” He says taking a moment to enjoy the rum tingling down his throat and turns around leaning against the bar as he takes another sip.
Seth was walking through town, coming from work. He grew stronger and stronger each day. He had been honing his body for years. He never let anything stop him. Not the teasing, not him losing his hand, none of it. He hated boredom and most any moment he didn’t spend relaxing, he would spend training. He wanted to become like Roronoa Zoro or Mihawk. Not to emulate them, but to become his own legend. He wanted to make his body strong, fast and to not tire. He has achieved great strength and good speed. And run for give or take 10 miles at his peak at full speed. But it was not enough, if he were to get stronger, nothing can ever be enough.
In the bar, Seth walks in with his shovel resting on his shoulder. Having just came from a hard day’s work. Though it was difficult to tell as Seth had just worked because he didn’t show his fatigue. He walks over to the two and overhears the woman as she says “That isn’t half a bad idea but until I got people willing to sail with me, I will pass.”
There a glint in Seth’s and as he is about to approach he sees a few marines inside, and he turns and looks at them. They approach the woman and he giggles at them creeping them out. Then she giggled ominously and took them outside. Seth ordered a drink and went outside for a second to watch as she played with the marines a bit before she killed them, sipping his beer. Watching with a look of respect. Then she walks back in and then sits down calmly. She showed him she could be a competent captain and his footsteps were one of the only things one could hear in that dead silent room as he sat next to her smirking.
“Trying to start a pirate crew are you?” The man impressed actually as some people thought he was insane and suicidal. His boisterous voice almost overpowering every’s in the room not with it’s volume, but with it’s confidence and hardiness. He sounded almost jolly. He leaned to the side on the bar table and sipped his beer. “Well lady! I would like to join.” He says sounding humble but eager. He grinned showing his teeth in a sort of maniacal way. “If you’ll have me.” He says giving her a toothy smirk. “I’ll even start by cleaning up the bodies for you and digging their graves. Free of charge.” Seth’s belief was that most any person deserved a to be buried at least and have some type of grave. Seth wasn’t exactly sure how he would die or if he would have a grave. But he would more prefer a grave then actually require it. What mattered to him was more dying the man he wanted to become. He holds his arms outstretched as he then says.
“Whattaya say, yay or nay? It’s you call lady.”
*Puts paper on the shovel and signs with the pen. He then flings the paper off with the shovel. He starts walking away and hits the pen with the shovel and pins the paper to the wall with it. He whistles casually as he walks away*
Name: Seth
Age: 24
Has a metal hand. Carries a mechanical shovel with himself. No scythe.
Devil fruit: None
Haki: None
Abilities: Trained for much of his life. Gained incredible physical prowess. Has a heavy metal prosthetic right hand that is a brass color. Has a mechanical shovel he calls the omni-shovel. Can be used for many different purposes and is made of a sturdy material. Can extend over 6 feet in length and has sharp edges. Seth is very skilled with his shovel, in using it as a tool and a weapon.
Crew: None
Crew abilities: None
Marine rank: N/A
History: Doesn’t talk much about it.
Theme: Main
The creature stopped. And looked at the boy. “Anywhere is better then here. I am tired to being condemned by these halls…I do not know what I will do when I reach the outside.” It continues walking. “What is the reason for you benevolence? Clearly, you were not from the here, like I originally deducted….”
“There was never an apparent need for me to have a name, I suspect. I know their names. I do know from what they discussed me to be used for. As weapon, and for reconnaissance. My body contains and acoustic based weapons system based on the military’s L.R.A.D and D.S.R acoustic devices.” It had a surprising amount of knowledge about itself. However, there were many holes in what it knew. It did not know everything. It hopped to the opposing door in seconds. Starting to pry it open. Then it walks in. This floor was the floor they were previously on, on the other side of the debris that obstructed their path.
The creature climbs in and puts the boy down. They closes the door behind itself. Sinking it’s claws into the door. Forcing it closed. It looks around cautiously. As something else seemed to be on this floor before. It stands on two legs looking around a corner in this hallway. Some people from before had been clearly killed, having no limbs and missing heads. The creature from below came from the hospital area below but, up here. It seemed like something completely different. Perhaps it is gone, or if they see it, they can evade it…
The creature walks up to the elevator door and proceeds to slip it’s claw in between the doors and pry it open. “There is no name for what I am. Only a number. 48. I am called model 48. Yes. I was made. This place is not a place I know well. I do not know all of that is done here.” The creature looks down the deep. Dark elevator shaft. “Nor do I know of all that is here.”
The creature jumps across the the gap in the shaft to the opposing wall and sticks to the wall with its palms. It’s tail then seems to stretch and extend as it grabs the boy and pulls him with it into the shaft. And it lifts him with it’s tail.
The creature looks on the boy and then says in an odd way. “What are you, benevolent being?” Then it returns its gaze up as it climbs and listens to his answer.
“Because, you are the only thing I have met that has not attacked.” The creature says as it treads. Approaching an elevator door.
Ethel stood there eyes wide in shock at the rope dart goes through the woman in front of her. Suddenly she doesn’t hear anything from the environment. All she hears is the man’s words and then the woman’s body hitting the floor. But there was nothing she could say about it. Nothing at all. Ethel goes and walks off towards the jungle. She has seen death before and has waddled in waste for extended periods of time, but she had never seen someone get executed like that. Killed with a weapon and with blood and pain. Seeing a life deliberately taken. She went behind the trees and through brush into the bushes. Then vomits in one of the bushes for a few seconds the gruel she had eaten earlier. Ethel lost her appetite for food as she wiped her mouth and wandered off into the jungle away from everyone. She felt a pain in her head, wracked with gnawing thought.
Everyone looks up and looks at the corpse of the woman. It is rather quiet and people murmur as they don’t know much of what happened. A few of the pirate crew watched Ethel as she went off into the jungle alone not quite in the most well of mental states. Ethel moved through the brush, her feet tougher then a normal persons that she could walk barefoot in the jungle with ease, though some of the branches and other things within the brush scratched her as she went deeper in the jungle, keeping everything out of her face with her arms.